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Everything posted by klgraham1013

  1. Anthony Gallegos talking about it on the Rebel FM podcast.
  2. Yes, but the common folk don't know that. Sometimes you have to adjust your language no matter how much you wish people would stop saying theory when they mean hypothesis. Not that I have any hang ups about it or anything.
  3. From my experience, most games don't have it included, and those that do don't charge extra. The issue really stems from Squad choosing side quests as the main gameplay loop of their career mode. Hand crafted missions are only now being considered. Thus, why they're DLC.
  4. KSP is CPU dependent. The graphics aren't what's causing the lag.
  5. Is there a post that is collecting the issues still remaining, such as the one above? As KSP1.4 is imminent, I'd like to make sure my KSP1.3.1 mod collection is up to date, just in case.
  6. Conflict with Through the Eyes of a Kerbal. Floating eyes and teeth! Scary!
  7. Ah! You shot the messenger! I'll hobble over to the TRR page and let them know.
  8. The floating Kerbal eyes thing is some conflict with this and Texture Replacer Replaced. You can also see the teeth. I'll post a pic is a second.
  9. In that case, your orbits are slightly different. The orbit or your craft is slightly larger than the other craft. Make your orbit smaller so you're moving faster than the other craft and try to find your closest approach.
  10. KSP modding is fun and simple! Get our there and enjoy!
  11. How about all those first person shooters? ...character action games? ...cover shooters? The game industry seems built on evolving established genres. I'm not saying Flyout will succeed, but saying only original products survive completely disregards the nature of things. Certainly, there are some genres like MOBAs which can only support so many games, but the genre of KSP only really has one game at this point. I don't consider orbiter to be in the same genre.
  12. Really? This seems to be common practice for making money in the game industry. Again. This seems to be generally how the game industry actually works.
  13. Maybe I should clarify. I know you've done some. I'd just love to see a large triangle delta wing, a large square piece, etc. I guess there's the "Big S" Delta wing, but even that feels more prefab than lego. I'd just love some Mk3 lego wings that all fit together like the original wings do. Yes or no, thanks for the consideration and all the work you've done!
  14. Suspicious, or just a developer finding interest in a new genre and deciding to take a crack at it. I see nothing unreasonable about this project. ...but maybe that's because I lived through the Doom-Clone-Apocalypse.
  15. I'm sure you can think of plenty of ways a game in the same genre could compete against KSP.
  16. I hate making suggestion to modders, but here goes. Ever since we got the model kit wings in place of actual mk3 lego wings, I've been praying for such things to exist. The Mk3 Expansion has some, but I'd love to get your take on them. See. Now I feel bad. I should really make donations to my favorite modders.
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