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Everything posted by Jovzin

  1. Hi I did not read the whole thread but I have 2 questions 1/ DId you fix that one camera that was not working ? 2/ So during re-entry no more brick flying and "I will try spin that is a good trick " ? I know the shuttle had those 2 problems from my testing in the previous KSP versions. Thank you
  2. So guys. Do you have some working non RSS/RO but stock Kebal configs for teh Shuttle ? It is such a brick when trying to re-entry and land with it. I tried to land and re-entry at least 50 times, ditching the fuel, pitch to 30 degrees and when I hit 50 - 40KM alltitude mark the Shuttle si simply going to mode called :" I will try spinning, that is agood trick..." I read a few pages back to make front more heavy. So I edited the crew crabin and fom 5 Tons made it to be 30 Tons but well no still the same issues. I am not sure but I think it is not bcs of front not being to heavy but maybe drag cubes ? SOmehow I think the aero and drag settins are bad. I remmeber the very first version of DECQ's shuttle or evn Mike-NZ's shuttle very much much more agile and better to fly durring re-entry and landing. So I hope guys sonebody was trying to edit the cfg files and found the right spot to be able to land with this brick ? Thanks a lot.
  3. Wau this looks great. Currently using SVE but I think I will try AVP pack again. Btw does it work with 1.2.2 ksp? At least on first post it says from KSP 1.2.0+ so I hope yes. Thank you EDIT: Hmm I have a problem. I downloaded from your github the AVP but there are no textures only config files. Where should I download those AVP-TEXUTRES ? I do not see this on github.
  4. Ok guys can you help me how to land this brick on Stock KSP ? No RSS, no FAR. Do I need to modify some cfg files to make it more controlable during those last 50-60Km of decent or just install FAR at the end ? Thank you.
  5. Hello @Gameslinx I want ot ask you for soem info on the Rings settings in your mod. Rings { Ring { angle = 45 innerRadius = 2000 outerRadius = 20000 texture = Kopernicus/Textures/Gaia_ring.png color = 1,1,1,1 lockRotation = true unlit = true useNewShader = false //turn this on if you want ring shadows, but it's buggy penumbraMultipler = 5.0 } } So what does unlit means and what does penumbraMulltipler means ? I thkn I now what means useNewShader is for the shadow on the rings from planet. Btw how did you manage to get so nice green rings for one planet from your pack ? I see that very first circle of rings have such nice green color. Thank you for the info.
  6. @DECQ Playing with you Shuttle on normal Kerbin, no RSS mod. I want to ask you. OMS engines I set the thrust limiter to 25 ( and still no help ) bcs when I am trying to match some manouver node the last 5m/s are crazy. That blue crossbar is moving like mad. Do you know some tip to avoid this ? I did as written here on the first page 5 times SHIFT +A and 5 times SHIFT+D for left and right OMS engine. Do you have some more tips how to prevent that blue crossbar to move like crazy last few m/s of burn ? EDIT: I remmeber this was always the problem with the shuttle. Even with the very first release from CSS , than Mike-NZ's shuttle now yours is doing it too Crap...
  7. @DECQ So I got back to KSP and tried your shuttle DECQ. The 2nd camera on the Engine mount is not working. I tried to fix it in the cfg file but nothing. How did you name the cameraContainer for 2nd camera ? EDIT : Forget it it is working now
  8. Crap you are right. I remember it started when I change to force DX11 bcs of Reshade. Thank you for your help. Btw why it is not good to have KSP running in DX11 mode ? I thought that it has a better graphics and memory savings or ?
  9. @Galileo OK fixed Jool rings I missed the ModularFlightIntegrator But now I have some different strange bug on Laythe and Eve and on grass around KSP center. IT looks like some kind of stripes going through those planets. I think it was not there before I put that Modular Flight Integrator to the Game Data folder. Will try and post results. So I am using KSP 64bit 1.2.2 with SVE 1.1.4 and scatterer 0.0256 with Reshade framework 1.1.0f but it is doing this even without Reshade. Pics or it didn't happen
  10. @blackrack Just a small question. Are you using Unity ocean shaders for your scatterer ? Bcs I think Naval Action another Unity based game has the same nice oceans like your mod
  11. A question if I may. Jool rings mod should be just placed in GameData right ? And should I see Jool rings in Tracking Station or not ? Thx
  12. Happy new year 2017 to you DECQ too. Hope you will be OK with me asking a lot of questions next year
  13. Nice Decq. Have you checked those programs I mentioned? Substance painter or Quixel suite? Quixel is nice that it has a lot of common with Photoshop so easier to work with it bcs you already know Photoshop. I started using Quixel suite only 2 months ago and quite love it. Looking forward to tge release. Btw be prepared you and Dragoon that I will have a lot of questions mainly for unity configs and settings to be able to convert model to the game. As somehow this was slways problem for me... Setting up the model in unity...
  14. Great that is good. I am happy for this wheel mod too. Finally I can finish my scifi shuttle with those light stripes. Wheels were the main stopper for me. I think I will contact Dragoon for some hints on thos wheel mod and config file hints. Crap DECQ where are you making those textures? Substance painter or Quixel suite? Your textures are always so nice and detailed.
  15. @DECQ Decq what about wheels ? I think you or Dragoon can finx them with this mod : Looking forward to see the shuttle flyable again
  16. Thank you @Shadowmage for this mod / plugin. I can finally finish my mod. Thanks a lot
  17. @Angel-125 @Shadowmage @zitronen guys you are great. Can I bother you with my questions for custom wheels settings in unity ? Btw @Shadowmage looking forward for this new wheel plugin from you. Hope you will do some tutorial video for it and mainly for setting the wheels in Unity. Thank you guys. I can finally continue working on my model. As those not working custom wheels were the part that was holding me back for such a long time...
  18. Thank you guys @svendii and @flywlyx I will try to look at those wheels again. In case of some issues I will either PM you or will create a topic here Thank you again
  19. OK and what we can find there in KSP Foundries ? I am sorry but I need some tutorial or something for those stupid wheels creation. Mainly how to set them up in Unity. This is the biggest problem for me for at least 1,5 year. Thank you in advance.
  20. Hmm was planning to ask the asme thing if they release a new partools for 1.2. Maybe later next week ?
  21. Great guys. Looking forward to play KSP again.
  22. Thank you nli2work. And yes I have not touched KSP or modding for a few months too. So that is why I was asking about this wheels. Thanks again will try to do something.
  23. Hello guys. So anybody here from you have managed to have working custom wheels on their spaceplanes , shuttles ? Lofi ? Nli2work ? And could you give me some hints ? Or tutorial on youtube or on twitch or something pls? I have read a lot of things like a lot of modders are giving up on new wheels models bcs they can not make them work. Thank you very much in advance.
  24. Awesome guts. GL with mod. Tac-ls is my must have mod and I am happy to see it continue...
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