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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. I believe the consensus is that things are properly balanced for 2.5x, while 3.2x still mostly works but is much less forgiving. I believe there are instances of things working in 2.5x but underperforming in 3.2x, while other things overperform in 2.5x and perform correctly in 3.2x. That's mostly because not everything perfectly scales to KSP, so some things are overscaled (Vanguard, for instance) while some are underscaled (The Saturns are the biggest example, though they seem to work fine in 3.2x anyways....?) Yeah, I have no interest in doing Shuttle-related stuff especially when there are some great shuttle mods out there already. First off - welcome to the forums! Secondly, I'm going to preface all this by saying the current plan for at least the next update or two is to continue revamping the stuff currently in the mod. I don't intend to start massive side projects like adding completely new part families for the time being, exceptions being maybe stuff that is already partially done that I want to finish and push out, which for example would be things like the Gemini Lander parts which are partially done. I actually wrote a fairly long post on the future of the mod several weeks ago. Now, to answer your first suggestion - I'm actually a bit confused by this. Is it a real design, or something you came up with? I don't think I'd want to go through reentry in a LEM cockpit I don't have any plans on making an X-20 (and I must laugh at Lunar X-20 considering how the real thing was barely even capable of multiple orbits and was less capable than Mercury in many ways), if only because I don't want to deal with things like aerodynamic surfaces, etc. There was a super nice BDB-alike X-20 being made but the creator seems to have left the KSP community. Saturn C-3 is super cool (though I have no idea what diameter I'd make it... I suppose it would be 5m if the Saturn V was remade at a proper 6.25m...) but not on my mind right now. The Gemini lander can actually exists in the mod (though it is my own take on the design, based on the stock Mk1 lander can) but currently lacks all the rest of the components it would need. So, 'some day'. I was a bit confused, since we DO have wetlab setups for the orbital workshops... but then I realized that I don't think those have made it into a release yet. But they're coming! I actually really don't want to add Nova - I don't want to add another part diameter that would be basically unique to BDB. Instead I want to focus more on plausible (so, not insane) upgrades to the Saturn V family, culminating in Comet Saturn or something like that. Things like uprated engine variants (some of which are already in the mod like the toroidal J-2s) and tank extensions, etc. Those are both more interesting to me and hopefully more flexible part families. Sorry, as I mentioned above when I quoted another user, but Shuttle stuff just doesn't interest me. Last I checked (which was, admittedly, like 2 years ago at this point) that wasn't possible in Vanilla KSP. With that said, everything in BDB is tagged decently well so typing in the name of a real rocket or stage (S1C, for instance) should bring up all the relevant parts.
  2. I was working on updating the craft files earlier this year but I need to recheck them before I upload them. They were all uploaded here so most *should* work at the moment. Another thing I need to make sure is taken care of to polish this release.
  3. So like I know what I said... but I was super bored last night and needed a break. I said something about it before, but the mini radial decoupler needed to be moved to a new texture sheet because it's currently part of the old Scout texture sheet which, obviously, I'm deprecating. That's a good chance to do something we've decided is going to be part of BDB moving forward: 'Generic' parts like decouplers, sepratrons, anything that doesn't necessarily need to be part of a specific rocket family because it's used elsewhere, is going to be kept on separate texture sheets, to make pruning easier. While I redid the UV map for it, I also UV unwrapped the medium radial decoupler. I decided to throw some textures together for it, they're mostly done - I want to see if there are any more good greeble opportunities. This decoupler should look good for 0.9375m, 1.25m and 1.5m parts.
  4. KAS/KIS got rewritten recently. The mod still works in the old versions (I don't know what version number specifically, sorry). I haven't had time to try and figure out what is wrong with this mod to make it work. I am trying to get an update out for my main project at the moment.
  5. Hey y'all! So.... things have been quiet here (aside from like that hour I took to finished the 5xx fairing base). Why? Well, on top of the existing IRL stuff I was already going through, I've also started getting ready for a move at the end of next week! And that means, most of the time the last week or two that I would normally devote to KSP work, has gone into stuff like packing, getting affairs in order, constantly cleaning the apartment so that I can walk through it because packing makes a ton of mess... yeah. But, what that means, is I feel pretty confident saying that we no longer will be able to make my goal of having this release together in time for the Christmas holidays and everyone's breaks. Believe me, I'm sad too. I honestly don't know when it will be out at this point, since it will depend on how things shake out once the move is done and how long it takes to get the new apartment set up, etc. The flip side, I think, is that means I've been spending a lot less time on KSP lately, meaning I'm going to be fairly refreshed and bringing a bit more energy back than I had. So, looking forward to being able to work on things a lot more, get this release out, and then start working on more stuff!
  6. Oh, to address this - I had to upscale the fairing diameter to 3.5m. At 3.125m the size ratio was off because the core is overscaled (2.5m is too big for an Atlas V, basically) and it was REALLY obvious that the fairing was too skinny. The Atlas V 5xx's profile is pretty distinctive and I didn't feel comfortable releasing it like that.
  7. Also, Jso has continued to update the wiki, most recently the Skylab page. These images he's been making are so cool!
  8. What's wrong with B9 (Part Switch?)?
  9. Meant to respond to these this morning... Yeah it's nice to give people insight into my ongoing mental breakdowns I checked this, I can confirm that the part is using the correct "Vixen" name in both the in-game name and description. The real engine IS called the "Vexin" and is written as such in the part's internal cfg name, and yes should show up as Vexin if the RealNames patch is used. Awesome as always! I am glad I held off on replying, since you seem to have made some edits and added some more comments! First, splitting the download - that is addressed in the FAQ in the OP of the thread so look there for a few more words on the subject. Basically, it's a lot of work to split things up, and maintain separate packs, for somewhat questionable gain. It is (at least to me - do people not agree with this?) trivial to just delete the folders in Bluedog_DB/Parts/ that you don't want. In general I'm really mostly in this for making the parts and stuff like balancing and documentation are pretty miserable for me to work on. I don't know much about KSPedia entries, other than they are a real pain to set up and edit. A wiki page for the Skylab parts is definitely one that I'd like to see made, though again I really don't enjoy working on documentation like that (they're really, really time consuming if they are going to look decent, and can be really easily be made outdated) and so it's really on @Jso's schedule for if/when that gets done. The only Skylab expansions currently in the mod (unless you count the Venus Flyby Module) are the parts to make the Spacelab from Eyes Turned Skywards - the differences should be pretty obvious from this image. I texted Jso this morning and we both could have sworn the Apollo had lifting reentry characteristics already. I'm not sure what happened, but he made a commit to add it today (including what looks to be a B9 switcher for shifting the center of mass, like the FASA Apollo does in RO) but said it isn't working right and needs some trouble shooting. I don't have any plans (or really, interest) at the moment in doing the Skylab reboost module, since it's a fairly complicated part that doesn't have a lot of other application, and it's really only useful for that one mission. Same goes for the Power Module that the Shuttle was supposed to deliver. It's not that I don't think they're cool, there's just other stuff related to Skylab that I find way cooler and would rather spend time on than the Shuttle-Skylab stuff. Also, I'm not entirely sure what I did with CxAerospace (I believe we have APAS-style docking ports that use a rescaled version of his but that's it) but that would be almost two years ago at this point. Lastly, I'm glad that you like the mod even if it's not always the easiest to use. EDIT: Also, to note - just because I don't enjoy working on documentation and the like, doesn't mean I don't want it to be available! So if anyone wants to help I'm sure it would be appreciated by both myself and the community.
  10. Either way I'd have to make sure there's a node flush with the 3.125m mating surface (normally the fairing would just sprout from there).
  11. Hmm, I should maybe make a toggle to add a interstage node... in case you wanted to put an LDC upper stage on it? lol.
  12. Quick update post - the Atlas V 5XX fairing / outer interstage and the inner interstage are done being textured! The rocket looks a little doofy, I'm pretty sure it's because the core was rounded up to 2.5m (that's ~4m IRL scale, while the real one is 3.81m). Next step will be getting them in game. The Peacekeeper parts were supposed to be done, but I got carried away fixing up the textures and some other issues...
  13. My jaw is on the floor because THAT IS AWESOME!!!
  14. That looks awesome!! I had some vague plans for when/if I redo the Saturn stuff, the Saturn 1 Block 1 style engine mount would be a 4-5 engine mount like the LDC mount for E-1s, and a plain cylindrical Saturn 1B style one for the H-1s. Yes - I have made the vast majority of the parts though even some of those have been made by other users - the RD-180 model was donated to me by @PickledTripod for instance - and @Jso does a ton of work for balancing, bug fixing, and the limited coding the mod requires from our custom plugin (which is used for things like the animated decouplers and extending engine bells), however the mod really would not be ANYTHING like it is without a TON of user contributions over the years. Also, if anyone is worried by the fact that the Github download is something like 600 megabytes right now, don't worry, it will probably be less than 200 mb once I delete all the duplicate files and compress the textures to DDS. Yes they do, I fixed that and updated their descriptions. Uh oh, I still need to fix that... thanks for the reminder! AWESOME. AWESOME.
  15. Sounds like it needs Tantares LV for the Energia/Zenit parts for the booster.
  16. I only corrected the thrust/ISP on the R-7 and Proton engines, so the rest might still be a bit suspect. R-7's stage 0 and stage 1 slightly changed thrust and majorly nerfed ISP but the upper stage got a substantial buff to thrust and ISP. Proton first stage got a thrust buff and minor ISP nerf. The second stage got a thrust nerf and ISP buff, the third stage got an ISP nerf and thrust buff. This is in line with the balance solution we have for BDB, which uses the IRL ISP values and 1/4 the IRL thrust on sea level engines and 1/2 the IRL thrust on vacuum engines (because in KSP you don't have a 12 minute ascent to build up velocity from your upper stages like you do in IRL or RO)
  17. Hmmph, I'll have to fix that then. Could have sworn I did. Anyways, I stumbled across a thread on a forum called Sturgeon's House run by forum user @Gremillion where there was a thread of people posting KSP screenshots, mostly using BDB. I spent a while typing out a reply there just now (probably approaching two hours...) since once I started writing I kind of couldn't stop. Starting to realize how much I can write when I'm trying to get my thoughts together... anyways, I felt it would be good to share a good chunk of the post here, since it concerns the future of the mod, as well as a fairly decent list of the upcoming content in the new release. Please bear with any references to previous comments in the post that I forgot to leave in, the full post is linked above. Out of curiosity I put it into word and (including quotes, of course) it was 3 1/2 thousand words...
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