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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. Yup, sorry! The Lunar Orbiters in real life were launched upside down. Gives you reason to use the Agena avionics core for launch, I suppose? Also, since I forgot to share anything after Sunday's stream, here's the new Centaur truss interstage! I think my artist's block is gone and we can move forward on this stuf.
  2. B9 Part Switch has been giving us a lot of new capabilities that let us make much more flexible parts. It's a very exciting time for me!
  3. Whatever part you want to! (I am not sure I understand the question - it has a B9 Part Switch to enable the Atlas V boat tail, and then attaches to the aft tank of the Atlas V)
  4. Myself and @Beale are both on hiatus from working on it. I honestly do not know what the long term status of the mod will be as our art styles are just a bit too different to have a consistent look in one mod. Maybe I'll just have to learn how to make things like him.
  5. Some awesome test footage, thanks a ton to @damonvv and @AlphaMensae for some unreleased stuff for me to use in these shots! Going to be streaming more tonight, look out for another dev stream starting around 5 PM Eastern!
  6. Going to be a busy day tomorrow, looking to stream starting at around 9 AM Eastern. Working on the Minotaur GCA and short 1.5m interstage - the last two parts for the Peacekeeper-derived series! (Click the below for full size)
  7. Well that's what I'm saying now, I think these engines that already have sea level variants don't need the buff.
  8. The 25% IRL for sea level / 50% IRL for vacuum thrusts makes more sense for engines that arent comparable. The early AJ-10s having, say, 12 thrust instead of 6 is just a nice buff so people dont have to deal with giant burn times. When they have sea level versions it gets weird. Now that I think about it the engines that already have sea level variants don't need a thrust buff just better ISP.
  9. Apologies for the inactivity - I forgot to say I'd be out of town and (basically) off the grid the last 5 days... Glad to know someone uses it, out of curiosity do you play with a stock scale system or one of the more 'balanced' ones? I imagine 0.9375m rockets are a lot more useful in the former. Very nice! Hopefully it won't have to be changed too much once Titan is remade with correct proportions. As @Jso said I'm shooting for Christmas. It should be a pretty big update though, so there's that. Those are looking so awesome dude! Thank you so much @blowfish for adding that feature and @jso (why won't it let me tag? ah well...) for implementing it. 1) No, the development on those features are a bit stalled I believe. That reminds me how much I wanted to redo the Titan solids since I think I actually made them worse in this current dev cycle. Would be a good way to break in that feature once it is finished. 2) That is what the above quote from Jso was referring to - B9 is now smart enough to move parts around in a stack when node positions move.
  10. So... Another part that I'm pretty sure is way more exciting for me than it is for all of you. But... Right now there isn't/wasn't a lot of lego possibility for the Scout. At least, only the first stage would ever be 0.9375m since we didn't have a good 0.9375m second stage. I found an old study that looked into how to upgrade the Scout family. Based on that, I cobbled together a new engine using bits from the Scout's texture sheet. It needs a bit more work (though a beta is on the Github now!) but here it is - a 2/3 length Algol with RCS for second stage use. In the study it also talked about converting both first and second stages to gimballing nozzles but I don't have texture space to do that, so RCS like the current inline Castor will have to suffice - yes, part of why I created this part is I knew I could do it without additional texture space usage. Hopefully it gives you a little more choice for making your ultra light launch vehicle families.
  11. I just go into the channel box in Photoshop and create an explicit alpha channel (which also saves me having to think in terms of transparency, I can just work with it as a separate grayscale map). Can GIMP not do the same?
  12. Another Maya user here, I also use @taniwha's .mu plugin for Blender for any importing I need. As for exporting, I just export to FBX and bring them into Unity. I unwrap the models then bring them into Unity before I start texturing, so I can see what it will look like in engine. The Maya viewport doesn't feel nearly as close to what it will look like in game IMO.
  13. Considering they implemented it so badly they only work in the VAB/SPH, I don't know if its worth it
  14. The basic idea is that it reenters with chin-side 'up', and does a lifting reentry. The reentry attitude control is all in the chin, which is the 'cool' side of the pod during reentry.
  15. There shouldn't be anything preventing them from being loaded, parts are usually fairly bulletproof. Even if they have bugs they typically still load. Are you sure the old mod is installed correctly?
  16. Hmm, I don't think we've ever run into that. @Jso do you know anything about how the contracts work? If I remember it's that ModuleTestSubject in a lot of part configs. Perhaps another step would be to include a MM patch that removes that module from **OBSOLETE** parts? I know that Squad deprecated the old parts like the Mk1-2 in stock, maybe check how they did it to make sure we're not missing something.
  17. Alright, cool! We already have all the engines set up on a per-engine config bases in our RealPlume patches so that shouldn't be an issue.
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