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Everything posted by Dominiquini

  1. I see in the log a bunch of erros of this type: Cannot find preset 'High' for pqs 'Plock' For every planet or moon in the pack. This is important? Thanks.
  2. I do that and now is much better! I'm getting around 40 fps in that same location! I only test this new settings on the runaway and over some mountains next by, and not see difference in quality! This lower settings will degrade the quality in another areas? Thanks. Another subject: Sometimes I see some floating objects, appears to be trees: Someone else have this problem? Thanks.
  3. Suggestion: When I selected "Bob Ross Paints", it automatically apply the Stored Pattern! That way I don't need to click 'Open Recoloring GUI' in every part of my vessel! Thanks.
  4. I see the ticket, but this message appears with no KAS parts installed in the vessel. Neither I have any inactive vessel in range, with or without KAS parts! This message appears with my first launch in Carrer and every time I perform the first decoupling event (planned or unplanned) of some vessel I'm controlling. Subsequent decoupling events are OK! Thanks.
  5. If this mod is still be working on, I could post the log files to help fix this problems... I would really like this mod to be updated. I really liked the changes they brought... This mods is working great. Was other mod (Custom Barn Kit) that is causing my issues! Sorry.
  6. I disabled the City Lights from EVE. I don't like see the lights with no city present in the game!
  7. And a Circular Structural Panes, of various sizes... Thanks!
  8. I have installed the CKAN version of 'Texture Unlimited'! I will try this version... I tried with the new DLL, but appears to be the same problem. I was able to recolour almost all parts of the vessel, but not the shroud of the 'Terrier' engine. I also try to change to 'Swivel', that works better, but still is bugged: The Terrier I try using PartVariants, but no options appear to open Recoloring Gui. The Swivel, it only change part of the shroud! The option to change the engine itself appears to do nothing, in both engines! https://imgur.com/a/krdsq5Z Thanks.
  9. Strangely, this bug only happens in a new game, in which I tested it about 3 times (Sandbox with manned vessels). Everything seems to be working fine in a slightly older game where I only have probes in orbit! Thanks. * This mods is working great. Was other mod (Custom Barn Kit) that is causing my issues! Sorry.
  10. I noticed that this mod is missing 2 icons: - button_vessel_droppedpart - button_vessel_deployedgroundpart Thanks.
  11. I installed both of this mods in KSP 1.12.1, and something is not working right. If I go to a vessel using the Tracking Station, I was unable to place any maneuver node on his orbit. But if I use 'Haystack ReContinued' to load the vessel, the maneuver node works ok! The maneuver node also works if I'm launching the vessel and not change scene yet! I'm not know which of this mod is causing this issue! This mods is working great. Was other mod (Custom Barn Kit) that is causing my issues! Sorry.
  12. It's really cool to be able to change the colors this way! Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be working well for engine shrouds!
  13. KSP.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3kkgq6gv95cpdll/KSP(Parallax).log?dl=0 I realize that the autopilot that I was using cause some FPS issues, but not very significant. Tests that I make with and without this mod show almost 15 FPSs impact! I was playing with high quality settings in the game, Scatterer in 'Very High' preset and Astronomers Visual Pack with 8k textures. I removed Waterfall because of FPS issues too! * I'm not seeing anything in the log that could help. Thanks for the help!
  14. Nvidia GTX 1060 6GBs * I started to have problems when flying horizontally in low altitude (~ 1000m) at high speeds (> 1000 m/s). Mostly close to mountains... Thanks.
  15. I uninstalled PlanetShine (it didn't seem to be working anyway), but I didn't notice a difference in my FPS. Unfortunately I think my PC can't handle this mod. It looked pretty beautiful to me from what I could see! Thanks.
  16. @DaBakonAder In the 'Kopernicus' thread, the maintainer commented that for this mod (OPM), we should use "Stock" in this settings! Now, I'm confused! Sorry, I should have commented here before. Thanks.
  17. I noticed that in my game, the cloud layer abruptly ends at 10,000 meters altitude. It looks weird on rocket takeoff or re-entry. Does it work that way or could it be some bug or misconfiguration in my game? I using the last version of 'Astronomer Visual Pack'! This can be a problem in that configuration's mod? I'm using the latest version of this mod as well Scatterer (maximum quality settings)! * KSP 1.12.1 Windows x64 Thanks.
  18. I found a bug: The option to disable staging on the reentry modules KV-1, KV-2 and KV-3 doesn't work right. Although it does disable the in-flight staging function, the icon still appears in the stage list! - I fix the problem disabling the patch 'MechJebNoCommandPod.cfg' bundled with MechJeb2! * KSP: 1.12.1 * MechJeb2: (CKAN) * Windows 10 x64 Thanks.
  19. This mod is causing a big loss of FPS in my game! Launching rockets looks OK, but it gets very noticeable flying planes at high speed close to the ground. Without this mod I can get more than 40 fps, but with Parallax installed it drops to less than 20 fps! Any settings to reduce the impact? * 40 fps with EVE, Scatterer (maximum quality) and AVP installed! Thanks
  20. I noticed that in my game, the cloud layer abruptly ends at 10,000 meters altitude. It looks weird on rocket takeoff or re-entry. Does it work that way or could it be some bug or misconfiguration in my game? I'm using the latest version of this mod as well as EVE and Scatterer (maximum settings)! * I removed the CityLights files from this mod directory! ** KSP 1.12.1 Windows x64 Thanks
  21. Any chance this mod will be revived? The idea of inflatable parts sounds interesting! Thanks.
  22. This mod is not assign ActionGroup to Solar Panels with Kopernicus installed! Thanks.
  23. @R-T-B I can change this settings and will reflect in a current saved game? Or I need to start a new game? Thanks
  24. @DaBakonAder I didn't understand where and what to change! This is the original file: @Kopernicus:FOR[OPM] { Asteroid { name = OPMSarnus author = JadOfMaar interval = 15 probability = 15 minUntrackedLifetime = 99 maxUntrackedLifetime = 99 spawnGroupMinLimit = 4 spawnGroupMaxLimit = 8 Locations { Around { Body { body = Sarnus probability = 25 reached = False semiMajorAxis { minValue = 17225000 maxValue = 22909250 } eccentricity { minValue = 0 maxValue = 0.15 } inclination { minValue = 0 maxValue = 5 } longitudeOfAscendingNode { minValue = 0 maxValue = 360 } argumentOfPeriapsis { minValue = 0 maxValue = 360 } meanAnomalyAtEpoch { minValue = 0 maxValue = 360 } } } } Size { key = 0 0 1 1 key = 1 1 1 1 } } Asteroid { name = OPMUrlum author = JadOfMaar interval = 15 probability = 15 minUntrackedLifetime = 99 maxUntrackedLifetime = 99 spawnGroupMinLimit = 4 spawnGroupMaxLimit = 8 Locations { Around { Body { body = Urlum probability = 25 reached = False semiMajorAxis { minValue = 11727895 maxValue = 11727895 } eccentricity { minValue = 0 maxValue = 0.001 } inclination { minValue = 0 maxValue = 0.001 } longitudeOfAscendingNode { minValue = 40 maxValue = 40 } argumentOfPeriapsis { minValue = 120 maxValue = 300 } meanAnomalyAtEpoch { minValue = 1.5209 maxValue = 1.5209 } } } } Size { key = 0 0 1 1 key = 1 0.7 1 1 } } Asteroid { name = OPMNeidon author = JadOfMaar interval = 15 probability = 15 minUntrackedLifetime = 99 maxUntrackedLifetime = 99 spawnGroupMinLimit = 4 spawnGroupMaxLimit = 8 Locations { Around { Body { body = Neidon probability = 25 reached = False semiMajorAxis { minValue = 10000000 maxValue = 500000000 } eccentricity { minValue = 0.2 maxValue = 0.7 } inclination { minValue = 0 maxValue = 360 } longitudeOfAscendingNode { minValue = 0 maxValue = 360 } argumentOfPeriapsis { minValue = 0 maxValue = 360 } meanAnomalyAtEpoch { minValue = 0 maxValue = 360 } } } } Size { key = 0 0 1 1 key = 1 1 1 1 } } } Thanks.
  25. @DaBakonAder In the Kopernicus thread, they say the stock asteroid spawner only works for stock systems, so the Kopernicus spawner is enabled by default. With this mod installed (which modifies the stock system), does the stock asteroid spawner work? Is the Kopernicus system really broken? Thanks.
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