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Everything posted by MightyDarkStar

  1. Eyyy, @tetryds, the first thing I noticed was the cursor is designed after the computed deflection reticule from the Mark. II Gyro Gunsight (or the K-14 as it was known in the states).
  2. Funny thing is, this seems like a really fun mod and something that could help pass the time if you ever stop off by a lake, river or beach on a long haul flight ! Can't wait to install. I also hope to see some more silly things and features from this!
  3. Best of luck for the next match she flies in @TangerineSedge, the Arcadia is an intimidating beast. I think you've built her well! I'm proud and frankly surprised at how fantastically the Warspite performed, and not to brag or anything, but I think she's a fairly pretty aeroplane as well . Best of luck to the aeroplanes coming up in the next round, I'm eager to see some more competition!
  4. All production Seafire FR. 46s and FR. 47s were delivered with the contra-rotating props. Spitfire F. 21s were commonly retrofitted with the mechanism as well.
  5. 4/10: Looks genuinely poorly designed...
  6. Jeez, I knew my plane was large but for a single-engined fighter mine seems to have the largest wingspan... @tetryds how did she perform? Also, there are some extremely out-of the box and creative designs here, I mean @ferram4 your asymmetric monster looks beautifully deadly.
  7. Excellent, most excellent indeed . As suggested before, I think the Seafire F. XV would be the best choice - both aesthetically and functionally. If we ever do get that aircraft, I think this would be a great camouflage to follow (preferably without the serial number and the K): That is in fact the only airworthy example of the XV remaining. I would also think that the F6F is the best choice for the USN.
  8. I understand that the US Navy had problems with the thing because its pilots hadn't experienced and aircraft with such a low wing, and crashes were damn common. In fact, the Hellcat would be a better suggestion. What does that leave the French with, though? I think they used Seafire F. IIIs, but the UK would probably already have a Seafire F. XV as their naval fighter...
  9. Gib. Might I suggest some naval aircraft from other nations as well? RAF/Fleet Air Arm: Seafire F. XV US Navy: F4U-4 Corsair German Navy: Bf 109T-2 French Navy: F8F-1 Bearcat
  10. Just to say, these aircraft won't be posted in chronological order. The posting will be entirely random. Dark Star Aeroworks: Type 410 "Rontaak" Experimental Tactical-Reconnaissance Jet The Rontaak has since become a legend since its first hop off of the ground in 1932. Easily recognisable by its dramatic paint-scheme applied to all aircraft in its continuing service, this aircraft has enjoyed an enriched twenty five years of service - the first delivery of three aircraft to No. 1 Squadron taking place in 1935 AK. Armed with three cameras and two 20mm autocannon, the aircraft was used to great effect in the closing days of the (SKW) Second Kerbin War in destroying the last remnants of the Niblian Republic's air force on the ground. Since the armistice was signed in late 1936 AK, the aircraft has seen little service at home - mostly being deployed abroad to keep an eye on some of the more...troublesome nations of this world. Pictured above is Jebediah Kerman and the prototype, Serial KV102, prior to roll-out for the maiden flight. A great plan view of the aircraft taken just minutes before roll-out. The aircraft has changed very little from the initial design; only the engine, armament and camera model have changed. It can be downloaded with a full mod-list here: ༼ つ ◕_◕༽つ
  11. Here is the Rontaak, a huge low-thrust/high efficiency jet fighter made with: Procedural Parts, Adjustable Gear, B9-PWings, BDArmory, and Stock. Download Link
  12. Does anyone know where I can find the prop engine that is simply the three-bladed propeller and prop hub? I'm look at you, @NathanKell .
  13. I suppose that since the submissions are closed I can fully reveal mine...well, a variant of it. This is the Type 353 'Tanfiir' low-level strike aircraft. That is the Warspite F. 19 ^... It is fitted with a non-detachable 120 gallon fuel tank on the starboard wing, whilst the port wing can support a missile, bomb or other payload at up to two tons in weight. There are only four differences between this variant and the Type 350 'Warspite' submission: Removal of the guns, with an external hard-point in their place. Wings shortened, clipped and redesigned to a thicker chord. Larger spinner with broader chord elevators. Wing-struts shortened and fitted higher. The thing can do 442 mph in level flight, the submission you'll see can do 468. If any of you guys want to try out this craft I have a handy download link right here: :-D
  14. @NathanKell If you're not terribly busy, it would be interesting to see some more aircraft. Especially since your designs are impeccably realistic and seem to have very lifelike flight characteristics. Do you make custom textures for parts?
  15. How about a fixed ring-sight you can fit at the front of your pod to assist aiming if the BDA reticule disappears when you come out of map view? I know this is a very new problem that will likely be fixed with the next BDA update, but I think it would be cool for aesthetic purposes whilst in IVA. Hell, if VintageXP could figure it out he could make a working gyro or reflector-sight prop that could be fitted into the internals of a cockpit. It doesn't really feel right using the ring antenna for this purpose.
  16. Type 400 'Velociraptor' High-Altitude Reconnaissance Aircraft This thing can get up to 18.6k before the engine really begins to lose thrust. The low speed characteristics are something I'm really thankful to FAR for.
  17. Okay, Warspite tested in the new BDArmoury 10.3.3 AI. Took less than 2 minutes 20 seconds to completely execute the dummy. I need to update the craft file with the new AI settings however.
  18. I'm in love with these! Suggestion: WWII bubble canopy cockpits? This is something we don't really have yet, or at least at the latest game build.
  19. It might be big, but it's capable of 468 mph (772 kp/h) and is comparable to the Spitfire in agility. Not to mention that for its size it is very light for a KSP ship.
  20. Okay, good news! All problems with the AI pilot have been rectified with the tweaking of the elevator deflection angle, and the thing can now completely execute the dummy with a good shot. The thing is actually more manoeuvrable than the dummy, which is built like a sport aircraft rather than a fighter plane. So, introducing the aircraft.
  21. It's really irritating that the AI has nowhere near managed to attain this top speed it can manage, even in a dive! The AI pilot seems excruciatingly stupid for my aircraft, however I've done some tweaking and it can easily out-turn the dummy, but can never get its sights on it. It doesn't take advantage of this planes' extraordinary rate of roll. That doesn't really make sense, as this aircraft is effortlessly manoeuvrable and when I myself pilot the plane I can mow down the dummy with little effort.
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