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Everything posted by theJesuit

  1. Updated. New nuke reactors in place. Enjoy.
  2. Updated to 2.3. Added a new engine - "EMERGE" Efficient Magneto Electric Rocket General Engine Basically a souped up ion engine for crewed craft.
  3. QUARTIX TechTree released. TETRIX and SIMPLEX updated. Changelogs initially on SpaceDock. CKAN coming soon I'm sure for QUARTIX
  4. Hi! Thanks for updating and adding in such an awesome, sweet addition You'll need a hotfix though. The OASIS isn't turning up? I'm looking at this issue now. It may be that the OASIS habitation part says this: PART:NEEDS[SIMPLEXColonies] but it "needs" to say this? PART:NEEDS[AngleCanMods/SIMPLEXColonies] EDIT - Nope, there may also be the model is looking in the wrong place too. Not sure why its not coming up. Still looking for the problem
  5. Congratulations on release. Great work!
  6. Update coming this weekend with some small corrections for mods, a redistribution of the heat radiators for both TETRIX and SIMPLEX TechTrees... and some additonal mods such as Benjee10 Sock. This will also come with updates to Kerbalism Simplex and Simplex Resources and Simplex Propulsion. I'm also going to release a hybrid new TechTree... QUARTIX. This now tree has four main branches, and 4 tiers before 1st R&D upgrade, 3 tiers before 2nd R&D upgrade, and a final two tiers. Number of nodes through each of the tiers 1 to 9 are 6, 12, 16, 12 & 16, 12, 16 & 12, 6. Science costs will be 5, 15, 30, 60 & 120, 240, 480 & 960, 1920. Testing with Kerbalism Simplex and 50% science points is fairly doable. QUARTIX is designed to support a stockish game playthrough with no NearFuture support apart from NearFuture Construction. It has a focus on initial sound rockets, but you can also have an early focus on prop planes too before using science to go down a rocket path. There will be some recommended part mods that ARE supported... BreakingGround for the propellor engines, HullCamVDS and/or ScanSat and the SimplexSuite including Kerbalism Simplex. EL with KDVA will also be recommended but not neccessary. SIMPLEXResources is getting 2 nuclear reactors. SIMPLEXPropulsion is getting a new high powered ion enginethat uses lots of EC and xenon. KerbalismSIMPLEX is adding a coolant resource which will mean ISRU, nuclear power and engines will need the radiator panels.
  7. Do you have any particular tech trees installed?
  8. I can also recommend AngleCan Progression. The only contracts are world firsts which you have to ration to get funds to upgrade KSC and hire kerbals. So it gives a mix between science amd career. Launching still doesn't cost you anything however, but early on you can't load up your ship of swivels as you will need to go places first to get the funds to upgrade the ksc.
  9. Not sure why scanning didnt work but the experiment was removed to simplify the science. I'll have a play and add it back in if neccessary. Thanks! Depends on the tech tree. What is your preference. With the simplex and tetrix Techtree you don't need unkerballedStart as they both start probes only and give a no crew pathway.
  10. So... more kerbal in that it works? I go straight to the game direct without steam as on my old laptop (prior to 7 years ago) when I first got the game I had to maximise the RAM available. So EVERYTHING got switched off. Less of an issue since then, but old habits die hard.
  11. This is the maths that is in my head. 1.17 IRL light years is still a VERY LONG WAY. Voyager 1 is something like a light day 1/365 lightyears, a light day, so with this maths, that is the distance light travels in 4 kerbin days or 4/426 kerbin lightyears for the same distance. I think this counts.
  12. My headcanon is that they their surname and given name is back to front. This means that Jebediah is actually is family name, inherited by countless offspring who all have the same given name of kerman. I guess the males inherit a father's name, the women, their mother's. Everyone having the same given name seems vwry kerbal really.
  13. I'd agree with the Armstrong memorial and the and duna face actually, but I quite like the monoliths personally. Vall henge and Bop kraken are fun as well,
  14. @Gordon Dry I think I'll disable my options if KerbalismSystemHeat is installed as this mod is desighed to integrate with a further mod.
  15. I had forgotten about this one. I was thinking of soemthing a little more match and play such as: use largeFoldingRadiator for largeNukeReactor. But this mod SHOULD work. I'll take a look thanks!
  16. I'm looking to update in the near future with a new 'feature'. SIMPLEX Propulsion is getting a new MagnetoPlasma Ion Engine that runs on Xenon. SIMPLEX Resources is getting two nuclear reactors. Kerbalism though doesn't do heat. In fact it has never done heat and removes stock heat modules. My suggestion is to make the thermal radiator parts generate a free Coolant resource like an RTG does. The ISRU, drills, nuke engines and reactors would require Coolant to operate. A simple addition, not changing any other function. This wouldn't stop stock functions for heat disipation like close to a star. Just that bases or craft using these high energy parts would need you to utilise radiators. Any thoughts?
  17. My pick is that this will be the first dlc. Storytelling adventure, so first person kerbal establishing an extrasolar planet science in order to get home.
  18. Not sure aboht the rescale, but the city lights can be deleted from inside the folders.
  19. So... been working in this (work procrastination). Probably change name to quartix or something. Still a name in progress. Still very much a light mod advanced techtree. ReStockPlus. Stockalike Mining Expansion. Kerbalism Simplex. Moldivite Machines. DLCs supported. For propellor parts specifically. Also the Simplex Suite of mods. ExtraPlanetary Launchpads, Keridian Dynamics, Near Future Construction being the only additional mods supported. Considering Deepfreeze as well. Tier 1 - 6 nodes at 5 science each. The game only allows for whole points. 0.625 tanks. Tier 2 - 12 nodes at 15 science. 1.25 tanks Tier 3 - 16 nodes at 30 science. Short 1.875 tanks Tier 4 - 12 nodes at 60 science. Long 1.875 tanks R&D upgrade needed Tier 5 - 16 nodes at 120 science. Short 2.5 tanks and mk2! Tier 6 - 12 nodes at 240 science. Long 2.5 tanks Tier 7 - 16 nodes at 480 science. Short 3.75 tanks and mk3! R&D upgrade needed Tier 8 - 12 nodes at 960 science. Long 3.75 tanks Tier 9 - 6 nodes at 1920 science. All 5m parts Special nodes for imaging and propellor parts. Nuclear engines get bumped to being more expensive to tier 8. NuclearRocketry is now a tier 9. A new superHeavyRocketry node is in tier 8. With kerbalism the gravity ring is now tier 8.
  20. Breaking Ground - but really for the propeller engines. Pistons/hinges etc. meh Making History only for the parts - which is effectively supplied by ReStockPlus which you would want ReStock anyway to make it all Moar NICE!.
  21. Hadn't seriously considered the god associations of the planets. I like it. I would have considered Eeloo the goddess of far travel, Dres the mischievous demigod of nonexistance (the reason for parts and vessels disappearing when on rails and in flight close to planet surfaces. ) But I'm now looking forward to seeing your lore!
  22. Sounds good! Do you have a non OPM version? If you did then Minmus should go to Eeloo to simulate Charon. Also use Kopernicus to increase science from Minmus too. I'd give the Mun a 6 degree tilt, as really you should have a launch centre that can launch the (and there is a dlc one or stock one launch site that is a 6 degrees?) the point of the inclination should be a need for transfer windows or the right inclination. And the rest of the IRL solar system is inclined massively so 6 degrees is a good compromise. And it is also Minmus stock inclination. I'd also move the Mun out to need 3 days or 18 hours to reach. That would be more 'realistic' too.
  23. Maybe. But it was also a work laptop for 3 years, and now is the family PC too for online learning, work and business. AND i bought it in 2014 so I've had fairly good milage.
  24. Probably not the isru stuff, but yes to the science. I think the System folder has a ScienceRework folder. Swap the whole ScienceRework with the same from KerbalismConfig. Everything else apart from ISRU should be the same, planet configs for radiation belts etc.
  25. Quite. Simplex are simpler. Generally each tier of a texh tree will have a probe based science unlocked. Some of these wil require a part that you are likely to have on a craft anyway (like a solar panel or a antenna) the crewed experiments are also one per tier or thereabouts.
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