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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. IRL (from ru.wiki) a production of 1 tonne of raw aluminium requires 2 t of alumina, 65 kg of cryolite, 35 kg of aluminium fluoride, 600 kg of graphite electrodes and 61 GJ of energy. 600 kg of graphite is also not very usual thing on Moon, but 61 GJ / t = 11000 m/s if convert it to kinetic energy. Do you still want it?
  2. Then we should select a proper place where ice, ammonia and stones are close to each other. Say, Joolpiter moons. And build on the Moon a ship to build a facility on, say, Ganymede, Then no problem with H,O,N,C,Al at all. Ideally, of course, near Titan. (Just when I planned something similar, I just defined for myself that the aim of space program is colonization of Laythe to build there a complex facility).
  3. And as you need several times less industrial facilities, it's probably cheaper to import (several hundred tons?) of hydrazine or hydrogen for your nukes. Once the ship is assembled, you can attach the booster as its low thrust propulsion module.
  4. Once it's already build and equipped, I should prefer reusable nuke booster to lift its large parts.
  5. I doubt a little that building a ship in L1 is easier than on Moon. Of course, zero-G instead of low-G, but no stable place, problems with waste, waste heat, storage and so on. On Moon you can place reactors behind a mountain. at least.
  6. Then why you need L1? Just build your ship on the Moon. And put nuke engines on it. As in this case you need several times less Alumina, you can use the unused reactors as engines,
  7. So, per 1000 tonnes of ore to be delivered as alumina, you should dig, electrolyse and then lose say 3000 tonnes more? Why not just send unsplitted alumina by nukes and refine it on the Earth plant?
  8. To process those materials in industrial amounts (otherwise why to orbit them) you need much energy, i.e. nukes/thermonukes. As you have many nukes/thermonukes for mining, it's actual to use them for launch, too. And Aluminium is not a good fuel for a nuclear engine. So, from my pov, while you need Al, you can't; when you can - you don't need. (As with flintstones for stone axes. Cavemen wanted it, but it was hard to get. Now we can mine it millions tons, but we don't need). P.S. Also: aluminium in rockets produces alumina, it condensates at falls down. So, any alumina rocket will drop a thousand tonnes of thin alumina dust from sky. 1000 rockets - million tonnes. Don't forget to take enough shovels to dig up KSC. P.P.S. (Of course, about Falcon I meant "600 tonnes of fuel")
  9. Solar arrays in turn require alumina and silica (the most high-melting minerals) and aluminium for power lines. So, the Moon will turn into Alumoon when we finish. Reactors are of course great, but the nuclear fuel is also not found near the road. And if you own thousands of portable thermonuke reactors, why at all you need that aluminium rockets?
  10. Cryolite mix decreases the Alumina melting point down to the value when you can melt Alumina rather than bath. Don't forget, that the melting bath is also mostly made of alumina...
  11. Until you start to burn the aluminium instead of kerosene. For example: Falcon contains ~600 or so tonnes of kerosene and only ~30 t of aluminium. Imagine, you need 200-300 t of aluminium per Falcon launch. (the same)
  12. Afaik, the only industrial method of Alumina→Aluminium is an electrolysis of Alumina+cryolite mixture. No chemical ways give the same efficiency. And that electrolysis requires enormous amounts of electricity. Btw, as cryolite is industrially created from fluorite, that's one more reason to mine Fluorite resource.
  13. Of course you would produce large amounts of Oxygen, it's unavoidable at least because you will split the rocks (i.e. oxides) to metals. But also it's unavoidable to use local rocket engines (and in greater amounts than mighty ones). You usually need taxi more often than a space shuttle. And if you don't want to build autobahns through the regolith hills, you will use a rocket taxi. That means, you will need large amounts of hydrazine & peroxide anyway. Aluminium has three disadvantages: it requires much electric energy to get it from the ore; pure aluminium rocket would be large and can't be used for local purposes; all cases of the aluminium usage in real life required either hydrazine to dissolve or rubber and nitrates, so nitrogen in any case. Hydrazine is just the easiest way to store nitrogen. So, large cysterns of imported hydrazine are a substantial part of the lunar colony. Of course, near Jool you can import it from the local places. You can calculate molecular speeds near 2000-4000 K and compare them to the circular speed of Moon satellite.
  14. Only in the impact theory. But anyway it was being molten throughout, no crysophere traces had chances to survive. When temperature is available to melt rocks, gases usually don't fall, they tend to fly away. Again, a significant evidence against that impact theory. I mean that the primary substance of the Solar System is dirty snow consisting of frozen water, ammonia, hydrocarbons and mineral dust. So, of course we can (and do) call the surface/body of Pluto, Europa, etc, lythosphere. By technically as it still consists of that frozen cryogenic mix, we can also call it cryosphere. Nitrogen appears when the primary ammonia boils and turns into atmosphere.
  15. Nitrogen is not exhausted from lythosphere, it's a boiled up cryosphere. So, no reasons to search its deposits in a crust or mantle. Venus, certainly had large amounts of Nitro — as the Earth does. But it has dissipated due to the heat, like water (a volcanic steam) also has, being splitted by UV into Oxy and Hydro. Nitro and Oxy have almost the same molecular mass, so they both are gone. On the Moon you can't get domestic Nitro, you must avoid its usage as long as possible, or import it from the Earth. From another side — imagine, you are a lunar redneck with a moon rocket tractor. Would you really want to tremble any time fueling it in your hangar with flammable toxic hyperholics? And then cleaning the fuel spots? Unlikely. What would you want instead? Peroxide. It's a fuel for main engine, for RCS, you can drink it (→water), you can breathe it (→oxygen), it's enough stable and not so toxic. What do you need to import for it? H. From the third side — any handy rocket fuel mostly consists of Oxy. There is a lot of Oxy on the Moon. What is oxidizer for hyperholics? NTO. What does it consist of? N and O. What do you need to import? N. So, you would import large amount of hydrazine. Partially convert it into NTO (source of N). Partially — into HTP (source of H). Then you can fly high on hydrazine+NTO, fly to your neighbors' farm on HTP. Also you can use this hydrazine as a working body for nukes. And if you implement in KSPI-E that aneutronic 15N-based fusion, you can get 15N-hydrazine for your fusion. Of course, any time you can use the same hydrazine to make fertilizer. So, all hail hydrazine, s**rew that 3He.
  16. Waiting for the first spaceman named Jebediah.
  17. According to my favourite book on this theme, the free oxygen wasn't required, too. When the volcanic gases (mostly H2O + CO2) got cold and formed an Archaean ocean, this ocean contained high concentrations of H2CO3 (up to pH = 3..5). This acidic solution dissolved rocks, including Mn minerals. In Proterozoic era the terrestrial climate got very cold, the solved chemicals precipitated out, and that caused the agglomerations of Au, U, Cu, polymetallic, Co, FeSO4 and FeCO3, MnO ores. An example given by the book is Witwatersrand ore complex in South Africa,
  18. They would just make "orion" synonym of "spaceship": orion Apollo, orion Soyuz, cargo orion Cygnus, ISS with two docked orions. And astro/cosmo nauts → orionauts.
  19. They could test the Orion's asteroid reorbiting mission with Hubble.
  20. Slavery markers = 1. Impossibility to change job. 2. Danger of physical punishment. 3. Wage is significantly below the market price.
  21. Genetic engineering will split the sport into human sport and professional.
  22. Let me add more fog. Usual next door sportshumans, without superabilities or advanced implants. Gunners, motor- and unmotor- bicycle riders, horse riders, car racers, boaters and others. Is it fair to let them use their personal inventory, rather than cast lots — who will use which equipment. After all, this is a competition of humans, not equipment companies (when is). And with chess-players also this is not that simple...
  23. Why does Henrik (the guy in the chair) bit a pen? A marker is much better to draw on screen. Coffee pad sucks. It should slide out from the table detecting his hand with a hot cup. He looks at the world map and rules every ship. While he talks with drones, somewhere two more ships without his help collide near another continent. Well, bad luck, huh, Why this "Eyes Calibration" procedure takes place when he already "flies" over the ship. He sits in this chair for hours, couldn't they prepare this at the beginning of his shift? Either server resets the settings every five minutes, or the operator has a problem with eyeballs synchronization. Why the "antenna malfunction" has to be discovered from drone? The roboship doesn't send any self-testing report? Why this notebook? A supercyberthrone needs a portable device to work properly And again, the coffee pad sucks: when he will take his hand from the note, his elbow will push the cup down from the edge. Why girl (aka Laura The Officer of the Watch) has no chair? All those men have. And coffee. Where should she put her coffee? Numbered list on her pad (31 numbered items) looks... vintage. Also why the numbers are 3-digits? This touchscreen could hardly place a hundred of items. So, the first digit will always stay zero. Why the ship crew on her pad has only names? If they have no last names, they could use nicks and birth places. Say: John of Canterbury, son of James The Blacksmith, The Engine Specialist. Otherwise, how should they distinguish two Ivans The Engine Specialists, if were. Btw, why all the crew (on roboship, btw) consists of Engine Specialists? Or this is an euphemism for "Greaser"? Headphones with wires?... Every Man In Black should have a wireless in-ear garniture. Why they need to detach the engine parts? The engine is not in a replaceable module? Virtual screwdriver and screw-bolts are included? And the most important question. Is this chair ejectable?
  24. MiG-29, Su-27, Su-35 have T/W > 1
  25. They should dock the Hubble to ISS, allowing them to share their common fate. So, instead of two tragedies, there would be an opera, "Twilight of the Gods".
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