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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Because replacement takes time and money.
  2. Why care when they anyway don't take off the spacesuits or visit toilets? P.S. "little green men persons of genders"
  3. Well, in KSP we also don't wait for the next day to launch several times. Why should they?..
  4. https://www.interfax.ru/russia/869021 They say, it's Sphere and Gonets's.
  5. https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/10/21/1062001/spacex-starlink-signals-reverse-engineered-gps/
  6. If it was that simple... They probably have captured enough pet humans to populate every inhabitable planet in the Milky Way.
  7. There is a common misconception that the Ivy Mike "Sausage" thermonuke was 82 t heavy. Actually it was just 74 t. 82 t it was in "short tons"
  8. Models, models... Predictions. https://www.nature.com/articles/349096a0.pdf
  9. 12 800 years ago "we" survived not just Global Ice Melting but also a mass bombardment. https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1086/695703 *** Idk, what's the connection between Canada and Belize, but 800 000 years ago both of them had attracted a trouble, too. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0016703716300059
  10. Where do they keep this thing? They say, it's a blast pit. Is this tower to hide it?
  11. House of the Dragon https://cs14.pikabu.ru/video/2022/10/20/166626796126827301_576x1024.av1.mp4
  12. Banned for thinking the work can be done rather than delayed.
  13. 82mm automatic 2B9 Cornflower. Yes, if reverse the fan to suck the flies.
  14. In English the "Z" letter can represent not only /z/ and /s/ sounds, but also /khr/ and /m:/.
  15. Self-banned trying to imagine the previousr poster watch and calendar.
  16. Am banned, so I now have my own banner.
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