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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Granted. Drink 5 liters of beer. Wait for six hours in the room. Go Run Crawl to where you know yourself. Finally do it. Feel ethusiastic and happy. I wish the meters were not only cubic but also spherical.
  2. The real gets extended. My doouble precision tank hill
  3. Every wood still not chucked by the groundhog. Nobody kills each other. *** Why does the Earth not share the air with the Moon?
  4. Halt die Klappe, Private, und iss was du gegeben hast! .. Oops, sorry, sir, the autotranslator has been switched by reflex. Waiter! Why is this plate full of motionless white worms in tomato sauce?
  5. Post via COM requires RS-232. RS-232 Post Hill
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memorial_Museum_of_Cosmonautics https://zabivan-livejournal-com.translate.goog/52032.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru
  7. Banned for the critics of diacritics and/or for criticism of diacriticism.
  8. Banned for accusing me in someone another's deeds.
  9. The player character sits in the virtual call office and must do 300 voice calls and respond to incoming calls. All calls are redirected to/from the real reality. All finanical transactions and customers are real. *** The player character sits in the virtual office and has to clean every cubicle and every corner with a virtual cloth by mouse. What stays unwashed by mouse, should be rewashed by hands till the workday end. *** No need to restrict the NPC touching, its enough to disable their colliders.
  10. When a human sees that a cat is not looking like a dog, he calls it "species". He gets ensured when there are no catdog kittens and puppies. The cats think that the dogs are wrong cats. The dogs think that the cats are wrong dogs.
  11. They call this smelly liquid "beer" because after somebody drinks it, his burp sounds like a roaring bear, and the bees fall down dead from the smell.
  12. Yes, this soup is called socker. Bartender! Why there is the umbrealla in this glass? Is your roof leaking?
  13. We should distinguish the "life-free zone" and "chemically clear zone". The sterilization provides just the former.
  14. The evolution has created the species, now the evolver is making them equal. Why should the process stay random?
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