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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Who had a doubt if TARDIS is real? https://www.mailplus.co.uk/edition/news/home-affairs/123903?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=shared_link To keep the one intact, they save other five thousand, to hide the one between the many. The trick is ancient like the ancile. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancile
  2. Ban the B! Ban the A! Ban the N! B! A! N! P.S. Like there are the cheerleaders, there should be the banleaders.
  3. Ваппед because it looks like Banned.
  4. Banned for repeating "deb" instead of using a loop. (Or is 0xDebdeb a hex number?)
  5. Is banned because why shouldn't be?
  6. Banned for letting your signature resting.
  7. The Kraken is purchased and boiled. Kraken Soup Lake
  8. Banned for cancelling the temporal transposition.
  9. While these people have enough room for watered plowland.
  10. Banned for not specifying the join type: left, right, inner, full, or cross one?
  11. If "one" → "onely", "onece", then "two" → "twoly", "twoce"? If one of "mice" → "mouse", then one of "twice" → "twouse"?
  12. Let's hope, it won't be Tartarus.
  13. Jeb won't tell you what he'd seen, as you anyway wouldn't believe.
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