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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. is present in a lot of foods produced by fermentation.
  2. I melt a cup with icecream on top of the notebook or the router. (The desktop is too cool to use it for that,)
  3. Banned for being not a Starship pilot.
  4. Got it. Viking swords were noname Chinese clones of Roman exhibits.
  5. I mean any kind of spending the lungs, which are required in covid epoch. It's much easier to ban the tobacco production and selling than to vaccinate everybody. And tobacco doesn't play any positive role for the organism. So, why not start with it.
  6. A solar panel on top and electricity inside.
  7. Because their model isn't equipped with throat. Do the kobbits live in the Kerbin hills?
  8. A shovel. They call it shovel. First use it as a woodcutter axe to cut some bushes as firewood. Then throw it as a throwing axe into a prey, and then as a battle axe to finish and butcher it. Then use it as a pan to fry the meat (or the eggs), and then as a plate to eat it. After all, use the shovel as shovel to dig out a toilet pit, hide the wastes there, and bury it back. Then, feeling fed and comfy, you can also use the same shovel as a drum to make music. If you prefer to have a soup, you need a roll of trash bags and canned food. Say, beans. Don't forget to always have a roll of trash bags in your necessary even if you don't like soup. Use the shovel as shovel and dig a plate-sized pit. Use a trash bag or two to pave it inside. It is a lightweight single-use soup plate. Open the can. Of course, you don't need a can opener, it's an excessive weight and is just not true, it's for weak. You have the trash bags, use one to open the can by hands. Put it inside to prevent the sudden food loss, and use your knuckles, or even the same shovel to press its wall from three sides to make it be a triangle. Then start repeatedly pressing the can and different sides from top and bottom to make it break at any side. Shake out a half of the can into a trash bag to eat it with what you are going to fry on the shovel. Add some water to the rest of the can, add part of your prey, and boil a soup inside the can using it as a pot. As you can see, better try to break the can close to some of its heads, to have the pot enough deep. Let the boiled soup cool to prevent a trash bag from melting and pour your soup into your in-ground soup plate. Lay down and eat it with a spoon (without handle, which you have cut off to make it twice lighter and shorter) which you can always carry in a back pocket. Use another trash bag torn apart as bedding. Obviously, you can also use this spoon as a fishing lure to fish some fish and cook a fish soup. Or fry the fish on the shovel. But then you also need a set of hooks and a roll of fishing line, to make a temporary fishing rod out of the cut spoon, the hooks, the line, and a bush branch which you can cut off with the shovel. You anyway should have the line and hooks in the necessary to surround your bed if you are going to sleep. Attach the same can with a small stone inside as a guarding bell for sleeping or fishing. While you soup is cooling, prepare your shovel roast, adding the previously separated part of the canned food and the rest of your prey. After you have emptied the can into the in-ground plate, boil some water inside and wash it. Then fill the clean can with water and boil it for tea. After eating the soup (from the in-ground plate) and the roast (from the shovel), drink your tea (from the food can, adding some tea from your necessary). Now put the can into fire to burn out everything organic from it, and flatten it. Make a ball from your used trash bags and throw it into the fire. Use the shovel to make a toilet pit (or to widen the in-ground plate pit for that), use it, hide there the flattened burnt trash can and non-burnt remains of the bags, and bury the pit with the shovel. Plant some plant on top. Even if it doesn't survive, will still look funny. Try to mask it with leaves or so, because THEY can follow your traces. Wash the shovel and the semi-spoon, put them into inventory. If you don't have water around, you can use the same trash bags to condense it from air. Attach the same stone at bottom and put some small branches inside. But it takes time, so use it only if you are crossing the desert same way every day. Now, after getting enforced with this knowledge, have a nice day. *** So, reusables: the shovel and the spoon (without the cut-off handle), also recommended the fishing line and hook(s). expendables: a roll of trash bags, a food can. That's what they are trying to hide from you by advertising all those "camp stoves" and other furniture. P.S. Of course you can sharpen the spoon handle instead of cutting it off, then you can use it to hunt, say, bears. But as you already have a shovel, you don't need it. So, cut off. Obviously you should always keep the edges of the shovel razor-sharp. It's just a question of good manners.
  9. Thou shalt at least once try the tether-based artificial gravity using KAS.
  10. Banned for the double n in banned.
  11. The steppe nomads were putting thin sheets of meat under the saddle.
  12. https://www.laspace.ru/company/products/launch-vehicles/fairings/ Max fairing diameter for Soyuz = 3715 mm, while the ball is 3.3 m.
  13. A pregnant bomber. *** Another one.
  14. The cognition is not an end in itself. Complexity is the key. But the any stable system evolution evolves in the direction of complexity, A complex system can react nore quickly, flexibly, cost-effectively on the of condition changes, on the unpredictable events, on the achieved limits of growth. When humans are out of meat, they start farming. When the plowland gets dry, they start herding. When the herd stick into forests, they start farming, again. When they stick into water, they start fishing. When they get cold, they cut woods. When the wood is over, they start mining coal. When their skin is too thin, they put on another one's fur. And they are the only species able to produce and use metal tools, which allow to do in minutes what another species can do in days. The human society is uncomparable to the ants and bees, which are totally based on mass suicide and quick reproduction, so are limited with simple expendable units never able to raise the social complexity to anything like a human society and adaptability. The humans live in places where no bees and ants can survive for a year. *** The simplicity is not the way to wake a stable system. It's a way to make a stable part. Simple things aren't a thing on their own, they are a thing only when used by a more complex system as a tool. We can look at a train as an example. Let's take several cars on primitive wheels without amortization, and weld them to each other with ends. It should be a perfect train, as it's as simple as possible, so there is nothing to break. Let's put a railroad from A to B. We know that the shortest and most effective way is a straight line. So, let's put the rails straightly. Now we have the most ideal railroad in the world. It's simple, reliable, cost-effective, and can't be better. *** But wait... There are hills, so we should either dig them, or take those corners and make it winding. And to make is winding is usually much cheaper than fig away every hill, which are also used themelves for building on top. The rails get winding. The complexity raises. But wait... Our perfect train is strait, while the rails are curly on the corners. The train will fly away on the first of them. We have to split the train into cars and connect them with hinges to add the new degree of freedom. Now the train is more complicated, but it can follow the curly road. But wait... The A and B cities are placed different altitudes. Our perfect horizontal railroad should bend in vertical directions. At not once, as there are hills and valleys. So, the hinges should be able to bend vertically. We should put the hinges on other hinges. We add the vertical hinges to add the new degree of freedom. The train complexity raises again. But wait... The local horizontal and vertical angle are different in every plave and quickly change when the train passes. The joints will jam. So, we have to add gaps inside the joints, to add two new degrees of freedom. The train complexity raises again. But wait... With gaps the joints get kicked every time when the train turns, starts, or stops. They will be broken. We should amortize them by adding springs. We add springs, and the train complexity raises again. But wait... As the train is now flexible, the cars are jumping on every turn or descent, and beat the rails with the wheels. We should put the wheels on springs, too. We add the wheel springs, and the train complexity raises again. But wait... The train is now perfectly flexible and stick to the rails, but the cars can easily move forwards and backwards and kick eash other on acceleration and deceleration, We should add strong buffers. But wait... The buffers receive the energy and protect the cars, but the shock wave runs along the cars, shaking the passengers and weakening the car itself. We should put the buffers on springs. We add the buffer springs, and the train complexity raises again. Ok, now the train is ideal, even while it's very complicated. But wait... All those springs and hinges suffer from friction and get broken. We should add channels for lubrication, the lubricant oil, and the oiler walking along the train with an oil can. And the oil barrels on the station. And the oil industry to produce the oil. And grow food to feed the oiler. And finally the system complexity allows the system to be as effective and reliable as possible. *** The same with the systems of living species. More complicated systems have more degrees of freedom, and can react more effectively on any destabilizing factor. They are more stable. The multicellular species are colonies of symbiotic eucaryotic "bacteries" living inside each other and sticking into large heaps with specialized zones. Some coloy zone dissolves food and shares ite between others. Some zones move the colony (walk, fly, swim). Some zones receive the information (eyes, ears). Some zones combine the information and output management commands which allow the colony properly and effectively react, The cognition is the highest form of the cell colony management. It turns chaotic complexity into managed complexity, so uses the countless degrees of freedom in the most effective way. This means that a sapient species is the top and the ultimate aim of any biological evolution, as since a sapient species appears, it accelerates the evolution of the whole biosphere by orders of magnitude, and approaches to the limit, when the living species get purposedly rearranged on molecular level, making new species to replace the self-grown ones. This also means that since the sapient species appears, the biological and the geological evolution of the planet get mixed indistinguishably, and the biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and the upper layer of the lythosphere become a united managed system, evolving together into an intereplanetary (and then into interstellar) post-biological civilization. So, yes, the umans are the top of the Earth evolution, and any evolution not coming to a sapient species is failed.
  15. Humans can build floating islands (they call them ships and rafts), survive a flood, spread around every place on the surface, and they are hunting the underwater species (so-called fish). 4 mln years ago they were eating bananas sitting on branches. No other species could. And they didn't have changed anatomically very much. Just shaved and walking by two.
  16. Banned for using the excessive double "v" in many vvords.
  17. It's winter coming. You beverages will freeze anyway. So, the fridge will arrive in time, when the rivers melt.
  18. These ones? I bet, they are. And who could imagine just a million years ago that a freaky monkey will be the highest predator making bags out of alligators and hats out of bears? The same about rhino horns, elephant tusks, leopard skins, and other. Once a sapient species appears, others are doomed. Only if we care about their saving. So, no hiding place. @JoeSchmuckatelli, do you accept an exoreptile steak instead what you'd ordered above? Because it's the only feature, preventing the species from being eaten by us, but making us first talk to it. The thing is that a sapient species doesn't care about non-sapient one desires and intentions, and this affects the top-10 of success.
  19. Planet Dune (2021) Asylum can into Dune, too. Graboid sandworms, Space Forces orbital base, several housewives and a pair of geologists is all what you need on Dune. And something to cover the head&shoulders, too, but they were not aware. No spice mining. Probably they have their own. Asylum, you see. Requesting a dune from Troma, too.
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