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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Make sure you have the latest version (, that fixes the white box. And thanks for the hint about dependencies. FYI, it needs both the ToolbarController and the ClickThroughBlocker. Please retry your test after updating to the latest version, thanks
  2. Not a problem. I've had my eye on it for a long time, but didn't want to step on anyone's toes. Was rather sad there wasn't an official update.
  3. New release, Fixed bad KIS patch in MM-KIS.cfg
  4. New release, 1.2.14 Fixed bad event name in the recycler code which was causng endless nullrefs
  5. New release, Fixed missing textures for toolbar buttons Changed to allow window dragging from anywhere in the window Note: After testing, I do not see any issues with either WorldStabilizer (even without launch clamps) or MandatoryRCS. It worked fine with either/both of them
  6. I'll do some tests this evening. One thing I do know is incompatible is WorldStabilizer, if you don't have launch clamps. I have some ideas on how to fix that, will be working on it during my stream this evening
  7. I'm not a lawyer, but from what I've heard, the government has rather broad powers in the event of a national emergency, up to and including "lockdown". What level of lockdown could be debated, but what's been done is legal
  8. I've started a new thread for this, please move all discussion over there:
  9. Originally written by @Overengineer1, it was adopted by @AndyMt and continued for a while. @AndyMt stopped and gave permission for anyone else to adopt it. Since I really like this and use it, I've done so. Original thread here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/129607-1 Second thread here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/148448-14 Also thanks @sarbian for all the useful MechJeb code of which parts were/are incorparated into this plugin. New Dependencies Click Through Blocker ToolbarController So this is what it does: Launch a craft into a low orbit with a few customizable settings. Performing a Gravity Turn is arguably the most efficient launch procedure. The plugin will take care of the entire ascent for you by maintaining a strict hold to prograde (as much as possible) and varying the throttle to keep the desired ascent curvature. The circularization burn will be up to you, but it's normally less than 50 m/s. The "First Guess" button tries to find the best settings for a particular rocket. After the trajectory reaches the destination height and the vehicle leaves the atmosphere, you can revert back to launch and use the "Improve Guess" button to get a better set of parameters. Do this multiple times and you will get a very efficient launch. There is now a settings page, to change the skin of the mod: The following are what's available, going from the stock skin, to a "normal" skin, to a "compact" skin: And the settings page: Availability Download : https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/GravityTurn/releases or https://spacedock.info/mod/2372/Gravity Turn Source: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/GravityTurn License: GPLv3 Now available in CKAN Changes Merged in FAR compatibility changes by @ildifa Reorganized directories slightly Added Changelog.txt, deploy.bat, GravityTurn.version, deploy.bat, buildRelease.bat, AssemblyVersion.tt Replaced InstallChecker with updated version Added support for ToolbarController Fixed nullref in CopyCompactSkin due to uninitialized skin Changed backslashes to forward slashes for the stored config files (needed for OSX/Linux) FOLLOWING CHANGE INCOMPATIBLE WITH PREVIOUS VERSIONS Moved storage directory from GravityTurn/Plugins/PluginData/GravityTurn/" + sub to "/GameData/GravityTurn/PluginData/" + sub Fixed error when the "Previous Best Settings" was pressed when there weren't any Added settings page (stock settings) to allow selection of compact skin (default) normal or stock skin Donations accepted via Patreon
  10. Ok, I have a beta available here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/GravityTurn/releases Changes: Merged in FAR compatibility changes by @ildifa Adoption by Linuxgurugamer Reorganized directories slightly Added Changelog.txt, deploy.bat, GravityTurn.version, deploy.bat, buildRelease.bat, AssemblyVersion.tt Replaced InstallChecker with updated version Added support for Toolbarcontroller Fixed nullref in CopyCompactSkin due to uninitialized skin Changed backslashes to forward slashes for the stored config files (needed for OSX/Linux) FOLLOWING CHANGE INCOMPATIBLE WITH PREVIOUS VERSIONS Moved storage directory from GravityTurn/Plugins/PluginData/GravityTurn/" + sub to "/GameData/GravityTurn/PluginData/" + sub
  11. Not absolutely necessary. While nice, you could simply change line 31 in ReleaseReloadableMonoBehaviour.cs from #if !DEBUG to #if true
  12. Since no one else has stepped up, I'll look into this. There is a github user. ildifa, who has done a number of PRs against his version. I'm looking at those to see if they worth including into my fork.
  13. Not sure what you mean. I haven't really used surface mounted engines on a tank with this enabled. But what you are saying sounds like it's correct. I'd have to play with it to see, but off hand, the tank obeys the same rules as a decoupler when this is enabled on the tank Well, isn't that what you expect? Try the same thing, only put a decoupler between the tanks instead of enabling this and see what happens.
  14. Another minor update, Updated surface attach nodes
  15. Updated beta, Added 1.875m & 3.75m parts Recalculated all costs and masses Reorganized tech tree placements Merged HollowHub directories Merged Cupola directories Changed all old style "mesh =" to MODEL Created half size of all Viewselage Created double length of structural adapter Added spreadsheet showing calcs for cost and mass
  16. @Multivac thank you for the detailed report. No, those null refs are not good, probably why yiu are having problems. I’ll set up a test environment to reproduce and then see what I can do.
  17. I just checked, it is still in there. I’ll l look at your log file this evening.
  18. Maybe read the posts above? It’s a stock bug, just don’t use the Onion
  19. Must have been changed since I made this thread. I’ll make a new one this weekend, thanks for point that out.
  20. Not a problem. It’s easy to pick a single mod which appears to be the culprit. This is why we always ask for the log file, which you did provide. I’d rather look at one log file unnecessarily rather than do a bunch of back and forth messages to try to determine the problem. Hopefully I was able to point you in the right direction.
  21. What's the url? You can find an archived version here https://web.archive.org/web/20190825120908/http://rddnickel.com/
  22. I just remembered, there is a mod called Camera Tools which can do things like that already
  23. I'm in the process of adopting this mod, all discussion about the new version should be here:
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