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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. If there is anybody who is good with HTML and would like to help, please contact me.
  2. Eould it be necessary to dtart a new career if there aren't any spacecraft in orbit or any missions underway?
  3. I'm approaching the finish line :-) Need to finish up the Quick Export, and polish up the help screen text. Not ready yet, but here is a teaser: Added collapse of display when one of the followiing fields are sorted: VesselID, VesselName, MainBody Added Questionmark icon in upper left of window, it opens the intro/help window when clicked Added Quick Export Added delete button ( to delete all selected rows)
  4. Ok, there were two problems, one mine and one yours. The names of the files MUST MATCH THE NAME OF THE PATCH. I've updated the documentation to reflect that. The other problem had to do with multiple exclusive patches, fixed in the new release: New release, 0.0.6: Fixed problem when there were multiple exclusions in a single mod Updated documentation regarding filename of patch Try this again, please, let me know if it's ok.
  5. I think I know what's wrong, but it would help if you could zip up everything which you did for Patchmanager, rather than my having to recreate it all. Thanks
  6. The exclusions refer to other patches, not mods. So it appears that you have them set up correctly. I'll take a look this evening and get back to you
  7. I was actually thinking about the F-18, F-16, and F-16, and the F-22. The F-35 doesn't have that performance, it trades it off for stealth, maneuverability, etc
  8. Something is wrong, the log is filled with NullReference exceptions. Did you do this with a new game, or an existing one? also, assuming this is an existing game, did you ever have Tweakscale installed? You are missing another mod: Module ModuleTweakableReactionWheel threw during OnStart: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'ToadicusTools, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. File name: 'ToadicusTools, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' at Part.ModulesOnStart () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Find and install Toadicus Tools, that should solve your problem
  9. New release, 0.5.24: Added default starting altitude setting, one for planets with atmosphere, one for planets without atmosphere
  10. You are missing an option: installedWithMod = true This is needed to tell PatchManager that this patch is active when the mod is installed. Remove it from the PluginData, leave the patch in the ActiveMMPatches directory, and put this line into the patch description. I just updated the OP with this. This was a late addition, sorry I didn't get the OP updated.
  11. I've opened a github issue, will look at this tonite. Can you send me the PatchManager files (or add them to the issue on Github here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/PatchManager/issues/2) so I can test it? Re. the OP, I'll get that updated as well Thanks
  12. Is this the most current set of instructions for creating new KSPedia pages?
  13. I'm not sure what you are looking at. I just looked: the Event Capture Settings button brings up the image of the Event Capture settings The Event Pause settings button brings up the image of the Event Pause settings The Event Screenshot Settings brings up the image of the Event Screenshot The three images look similar, please double-check. Regarding an earlier suggestion, I've added a help button (in the form of a questionmark) to the main window, which will bring up the intro/help window again. I haven't looked into KSPedia yet, it is for the future. This window was originally a simple window to tell people to GO TO THE SETTINGS. It's now expanded into a much fuller set of help screens
  14. That is very interesting. I'll keep track of this, sounds interesting
  15. Of course not. Like I said, it would be for Giggles only if I use this ship
  16. Not yet. Although I will add away, it's in the plans. Also, keep in mind that it's still not finished and I have to add a lot more information to those windows. I'm glad you like it. Actually there is. Get back to the main menu and go into a different game. That window is shown every time you enter a different game from the one you were in before so by going to the main menu and going into a different game you will see the window again.
  17. I think I will do it just for giggles. Although it will probably land me at the bottom of the Heap in terms of score. Actually, given that it's more than 300 parts, I'll be starting off in the negatives.
  18. Aw, shucks. You just knocked out a vessel I have in inventory which I was going to use. Massively over built,would have been more than enough to do the mission and then some.
  19. Are other parts mods allowed, as long as they are stock alike?
  20. Thank you, just installed. For curiosity, what are the Progeny/Genome parts which you said you were developing?
  21. Other than bein slow, are there any specific errors? Ill see if I can reduce the log spam, but I have to know what im looking for
  22. I assume that you are referring to records set by fighter jets. Because the highest altitude reached by an impeding jet was the SR-71 and the a12
  23. Lots. K2 is a gemini like pos, SXT has several, etc
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