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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer
[1.10.0] S.A.V.E - automatic backup system - 1.10.0-3173
linuxgurugamer replied to Nereid's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Ok, bug report: The backup works fine, as long as you don't rename the install directory. However, the restore does not work at all. I was testing a rocket, so did a save first, did my thing, and when I was done I did a restore. It sat there for a bit, then said it was done, but it hadn't done anything. I had to go into the save directory itself and restore the persistent.sfs file by hand This is version 0.9.17-387, installed by CKAN Windows 7, KSP 32 bit. -
[1.3] Kerbal Joint Reinforcement v3.3.3 7/24/17
linuxgurugamer replied to ferram4's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
I just encountered this problem. I first tried uninstalling KJP, and my station flew apart :-( So I restored from a backup, installed this dev DLL, and it all works. So, I thank you for the effort. Also, my kerbals also thank you (especially Jeb!)- 2,647 replies
- kerbal joint reinforcement
- kjr
(and 1 more)
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[1.1.2] Station Science (v2.0: New models by SpeedyB)
linuxgurugamer replied to ethernet's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
My Mun station: -
[1.1.2] Station Science (v2.0: New models by SpeedyB)
linuxgurugamer replied to ethernet's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Rewards are nice, and very useful. But, I want my stations to have a purpose other than a single use (and a refueling depot) -
[1.1.2] Station Science (v2.0: New models by SpeedyB)
linuxgurugamer replied to ethernet's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
I really like this mod, but have one issue (minor) with it. The station science experiments (such as those involving Kuarks, zoology lab, etc), are very disappointing. It costs a lot to get a science lab, zoology lab, kuark generator into orbit. Then we get to do a few experiments, after which they seem to be mostly useless. I currently have several stations with Kuark generators which at this point are just sitting there. I was thinking along the lines of long-term experiments, also multiple condition experiments. For example, a long term kuark experiment, which would return a continuous amount of money for a specified period of time, at the end of which would be a final payment. Also, how about an experiment which has to be done in two locations, for example, gather kuarks around the Mun, then more kuarks around Kerbin. Don't get me wrong, I really like this mod, and think you have done a fantastic job. Thanks -
I really like this mod, but have one issue (minor) with it. The station science experiments (such as those involving Kuarks, zoology lab, etc), are very disappointing. It costs a lot to get a science lab, zoology lab, kuark generator into orbit. Then we get to do a few experiments, after which they seem to be mostly useless. I currently have several stations with Kuark generators which at this point are just sitting there. I was thinking along the lines of long-term experiments, also multiple condition experiments. For example, a long term kuark experiment, which would return a continuous amount of money for a specified period of time, at the end of which would be a final payment. Also, how about an experiment which has to be done in two locations, for example, gather kuarks around the Mun, then more kuarks around Kerbin. Don't get me wrong, I really like this mod, and think you have done a fantastic job. Thanks
Thanks to Moustachauve for explaining better than I could, and thanks to you for understanding.
- 203 replies
[0.90]Asmi's ECLSS Mod - REVIVED! (Version 1.0.19)
linuxgurugamer replied to Shasol's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Is this going to be updated for 0.90? Asking because I've created a thread to discuss all life support mods: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/108160-Life-Support-Discussion-and-Comparison?p=1687099#post1687099 and this one is listed as not supported for 0.90 Thanks -
Maybe it's my browser, but when I go to the page, it shows the entire ribbon dimmed, with only the ones I've set up in full color. When I click another and set it up, it makes that one in full color as well. But, the ribbon I see at the bottom my my post show only the ribbons I've set up.
- 203 replies
- 1
I've been looking at the various Life Support mods. There is no one place to discuss this, each has it's own thread. So far, I've found nine different mods (thanks to those who pointed me to Snacks and Ioncross): Snacks! Kerbal simplified life support Interstellar Flight Inc. Kerbal Life Support Mod ECLSS (not supported in 0.90) TAC Life support Ioncross Crew Support v1.18 (Starwaster's branch) USI Life Support Kerbalism (new mod) Closed Loop Life Support (CLLS) Progressive Colonization System and very related: Deep Freeze continued (hibernation) Please post if there are others. Overall, from reading, I've come up with the following descriptions (specifics copied from their specific threads), from simplistic to complex: Snacks! Continued v1.6.2 - Friendly, Simplified Life Support Snacks is a Kerbal simplification of life support. I've always like the idea of playing with life support, but it always ended up to be tedious and all the extra parts are just too much sometimes. So I created Snacks to fill the casual life support gap. The main goals of this mod are one resource(snacks) and no new parts. Kerbals and the agency are penalized when snacks run out. Kerbals will not die from lack of snacks, they simply get very grumpy, perform poorly and your reputation will go down. Main Functionality: Snacks are added as a resource to every module that can carry crew 50 snacks per capacity. Snack capacity of non-command modules is 200 snacks for each capacity. Some modules may have more or less depending on built in snack compartments, or lack of space! The idea is that non-command modules are the main means to transport snacks. Kerbals randomly consume snacks on average every 6 hours, 1/2 snack each time. This averages to 1/2 snack per Kerbin day or 2 snacks per Earth day. You cannot predict with certainty how many will be required for a given mission. There are a few extra twists here as well. Some Kerbals, especially courageous ones may sneak an extra snack at snack time, others may forget to eat if their stupidity is to high. Kerbals on EVA take 1 snack with them. This should be enough for about 2 Kerbin days. Plan accordingly. If you deprive a Kerbal of snacks, the next time he attempts to eat snacks, your reputation will go down. Each subsequent time the Kerbal is deprived your reputation decreases. Reputation decrease is based on your current reputation. If you are a reputable space agency, your reputaion will drop faster than a less reputable agency. Interstellar Flight Inc. Kerbal Life Support Mod Kerbal going on Eva takes Life Support from pod/vessel. Boarding a pod returns unused Life support to pod/vessel. Running out of Life Support or Electric can kill crew, if outside kerbin atmosphere. Life Support and Electric is used even if not active vessel. All pods have LS Resource and plugin installed using ModuleManager. Electric Charge on EVA - Used by Lifesupport system and if HeadLamp is on. 2 Custom parts a radial and a inline tank for Lifesupport resource storage. Universal Storage has created a wedge to hold Lifesupport giving yo 3 options for extra LS storage. Currently there are several Status LS system can be in: Pod Standby - No demand for LS and no resources consumed. Life Support tag for days / hours of LS remaining is hidden. Active - Demand for LS and resources consumed. Life Support tag for days / hours of LS remaining will read how long LS will last for whole vessel. Visor - Kerbal on EVA breathing outside air decreased Resource consumption. Life Support tag for days / hours of LS remaining will read how much LS remains once active again (fixing). Intake Air - Pod using air intakes to provide O2 to crew - decreased Resource consumption. Life Support tag for days / hours of LS remaining will read how much LS remains once active again. CAUTION - Less than 2 days pod or 1 hour EVA of LS remaining. Life Support tag for days / hours of LS remaining will read how long LS will last for whole vessel. Warning! - LS or Electric Charge at 0. Kerbals will start dying if immediate action not taken. Life Support tag for days / hours of LS remaining will read 0. Each unit of Life-Support should provide 1 Kerbin Day (6 hours) of Life support for 1 Kerbal. Mod uses the time as set in settings menu so it will track 6 or 24 hour days depending on setting in main menu. Days remaining on RT click menu are accurate based on this setting. Only change in mod is that if not using kerbin time each Kerbal requires 4 units of LS per day. ================== The following is updated to 1.0.2, has not been updated since 2014 because of license issues with the models: ECLSS 1.0.19 Features: - From now on each crewmember consumes oxygen and produce carbon dioxide, once they are outside breathable atmosphere (14km for Kerbin). - Crew can not live without oxygen outside of breatheable atmosphere, and as such, they will die a horrible death if you won't supply them with sufficient supply of oxygen. - Just in case worse comes to worst, crew can use O2 candles as emergency source of oxygen. But they won't last long, and they are HEAVY, so don't rely on them. Each capsule contains few of them. - Contain oxygen regenerator, which could be used to reprocess some of CO2 back into oxygen. Consumes a considerable amount of electricity, so be prepared to supply it. - From now on, when kerbal goes onto EVA, he takes RCS and oxygen from vessel's tanks. Upon return, any excess resources are returned to vessel tanks. Be careful - if there is no RCS onboard, kerbal might not be able to return to the vessel!!! - If you'll forget about that, system will notify you once oxygen level lowers below caution or warning thresholds. These thresholds could be modified on per-vessel basis, by default they are 25% and 5% of onboard capacity. - GUI added to just about any screen, which displays current O2/CO2 levels. In the Map and Tracking Station views, you can view that information for any vessel without having to switch to it. There is also summary screen which list all your vessels and essential ECLSS-related information about them. - Package includes configuration file for ModuleManager that adds life support-related resources. - Package also includes tanks for both oxygen and CO2, and regenerator, courtesy of awesome BobCat. - and the KILLER FEATURE: ALL OF THAT is happening AT ALL TIMES, FOR ALL VESSELS, INCLUDING INACTIVE, even when you are at the Space Center, or Tracking Station. ================== Ioncross Crew Support v1.18 (Starwaster's branch) The Ioncross Crew Support Plugin is a simple customizable life support mod for Kerbal. It comes setup with kerbals requiring oxygen, producing carbon dioxide, and their ships require electric charge. If they run out of oxygen or their ship fills up with carbon dioxide the kerbals will be killed. If their ship runs out of electric charge the command pods will stop working. The resources and effects they have when they run out or fill up can be edited in the configuration file. This mod adds crew support systems to Kerbal Space Program. By default it is setup for oxygen, carbon dioxide, and electric charge, but this can be easily changed in the configuration file to support any number of resources. The mod consists of several parts: Crew Support Module: Parts with the crew support module will consume resources based on the setting in the configuration file, the number of kerbals onboard and their crew capacity. They also have built in generators intended to collect waste produce before they fill up the ship. Resource Storage: Simple tanks to store oxygen for your Kerbal’s to breath. Currently there are three oxygen tanks using the default RCS tank models found under utility. Carbon Dioxide Removal/Recycling: The crew support module has a built in scrubber to remove CO2, but there are also recycling generators that will covert CO2 back into oxygen. These greatly increase the longevity of an oxygen supply. Two recyclers are included in the utility category using the RCS tanks. Intake Systems: Atmospheric intake modules will draw in oxygen or CO2 from the atmosphere. In oxygen atmospheres intakes will draw in oxygen directly; in non-oxygen atmospheres they’ll draw in CO2 instead. One intake using the circular intake model is included with the other life support parts. ================== USI Life Support Mechanics wise, it's pretty simple. Kerbals require supplies. Kerbals also require EC. these are both on the same timer, so I just check supplies for the status window. When Kerbals are done consuming supplies, leftovers, scraps, and 'anything else' is either tossed overboard, or (if storage is available) tossed into a 'mulcher'. The resulting organic slurry is called 'mulch' and can be used to feed greenhouses, etc. at the player's discretion (or in the case of MKS, converted into Organics at varying levels of efficiency). 15 days out, the visuals go yellow (sorry, no auto-warp-slowdown-thingie, use KAC). When supplies run out, things go into the red. If you leave them unsupplied for 15 days... well, they just say 'screw it', get grouchy, and quit. They are still in the pod. they still take up a seat. But they can't fly, can't EVA, and essentially do the Kerbal equivelant of spinning around in their office chairs, refusing to work, until resupplied. This is a design consideration in that all of us, at least once, has just flat out done goofed, and lost a whole colony of Kerbals via glich or other sadness. Yes, death/despawn will be an option. Not the default one tho. Mechanics wise, they are transformed into tourists, as they are essentially on a self-imposed vacation Once resupplied, they are happy as clams and will return to work. While on EVA, they will not quit. But if they are brought back aboard a ship and have been starved (and can't find a hot meal waiting) they will promptly go in strike, and begin their self imposed vacation immediately. Orange suited Kerbals (Jeb, Bill, Bob, and Val) are immune to the ill effects of life support. They will still consume supplies if given, but do not leave the job, because they are just that awesome. This always gives a player (especially a new one) an 'out' to test out a manned mission before actually committing your other kerbals, etc. to a horrible fate of snack deprivation. Yes, it's a bit more 'Kerbal' than TAC-LS, but also a lot more predictable and with harder consequences than 'Snacks'. It does, however, feel 'right' (at least to me) from a design standpoint. Parts wise: Three inline storage compartments. No extra recyclers needed. No resourced added to pods (the 15 day window covers all of the Kerbin SOI so no point). No random contracts. New features for USI-LS Vets are no longer excluded from effects by default. Habitation is now a thing, and needs to be taken into consideration. Homesickness also - it's a variation on Habitation. There are more parts now. (16 in just USI-LS, though most are just variants of storage tanks.) ================== TAC Life support Core Features Kerbals require resources to survive, whether in a vessel or on EVA: Food, Water, Oxygen, Electricity (for air quality and climate control) Resources are needed all the time, even when flying another vessel, or sitting at the Space Center or Tracking Station. Kerbals can die if they go without resources for too long. The defaults are: 360 hours without Food (60 Kerbin days/15 Earth days), 36 hours without Water, 2 hours without Oxygen, and 2 hours without Electricity. Kerbals produce waste resources: Carbon Dioxide, Waste, and Waste Water. Currently Carbon Dioxide can be recycled into Oxygen, and Waste Water can be recycled into clean Water. Also can filter Oxygen out of IntakeAir, or split Water into Oxygen and Waste (hydrogen). A greenhouse part that allows growing Food is planned, but is not included yet. Filling up with waste resources (Carbon Dioxide, Waste, Waste Water) has no effect. Any excess is dumped overboard, and you lose the opportunity to convert them back into good resources. Includes a Life Support Monitoring window for watching resource levels and a countdown to when they might run out, even for far away vessels. See note 1. Includes a Build Aid window for use in the editors (VAB and SPH) to help build vessels with enough resources. Allows you to enable or disable the mod on a saved-game basis. No more uninstalling/reinstalling when switching between saved games. Most command pods come stocked with 12 hours (2 Kerbin days/0.5 Earth days) worth of resources. When a Kerbal goes on EVA, the Kerbal takes 6 hours of each resource along in the EVA suit, taking from the pod the Kerbal was in. Kerbals will not start requiring resources until the first time that you focus the vessel, or get close enough that it loads -- within the 2.4 km load distance. This includes Kerbals that you get a contract to rescue. Oxygen is not required on Kerbin below a reasonable altitude, which is defined as atmospheric pressure greater than 0.5 atm (Mt. Everest Base Camp, roughly 3.4 km on Kerbin) or 0.2+ atm if you have Electric Charge (close to the maximum altitude most airliners fly, roughly 8 km on Kerbin). Above that, the air is too thin. Oxygen is needed on Laythe because the EVA reports seem to indicate that the air is not the right mixture or contains other substances that are not breathable. Use an air intake and the TACLS Air Filter there to extract Oxygen and keep your tanks full. Consumption rates, masses, and volumes are based on real world values. You can see all of my math if you want. ================== Kerbalism is a new mod which does LS and a lot more: Kerbalism is a gameplay mod for Kerbal Space Program that add new mechanics representing some of the problems that a real space program must overcome. Each one interact in some way with the others. A coherent background simulation of the mechanics and resources is central to the experience. Space is hard. How hard you are about to discover. ================== Closed Loop Life Support (CLLS) A simple life support mod which aims at simulating a small, self-contained system for keeping Kerbals alive during long voyages through space. It adds a new resource "LifeSupport" which is consumed by Kerbals at a rate of one unit per day. If your crew runs out of life support they will die. To prevent this dire fate, this mod adds new life support containers to increase the maximum mission time as well as life support generators, which will allow you to create self sufficient ships and stations, provided you have enough electricity. Features Kerbals will require life support to stay alive (1 unit per 6 hour day). All parts with crew capacity will hold a small amount of life support (3 units per crew-slot). Kerbals on EVA will take 1 unit of life support from the ship and put it back once they return, giving you a maximum EVA duration of 1 day. Kerbals which have run out of life support will die. Life support can be extended with life support storage containers. For longer missions life support generators can be used to generate life support. This allows the creation of fully self-sufficient interplanetary ships and bases. The production-rate and thus the energy consumption of life support generators can be tweaked to avoid wasting resources. The life support usage and production is tracked for all ships, even in the background and during time warp. ================== Progressive Colonization System This mod provides a simple life support system and a production model that doesn't require mad slide-rule skills to understand. But core to the whole idea is the "tiered" model for production. When you first go to space, you can get by on stored snacks. When you want to stay out there a while, you'll want to look into producing food in space, and that's going to take a while. New "Tiers" of production are unlocked by actually producing and consuming stuff produced in space. This mod is designed to encourage you to build a variety of ships. To research agroponics, you'll need orbital space stations. To research off-world agriculture, you'll need to land a farm and no, all that stuff you learned about agroponics isn't going to do you a bit of good on the surface. To get an idea of how "Tiers" work, just look at the life support consumable, "Snacks". If you fill a container with snacks on Kerban, it's "Kerban Snacks". A kerban will eat one "Kerban Snacks" every day. Let's say you have a "Tier 0" Agroponics module on this ship. Given a little fertilizer, it can produce "Tier 0" "Agroponics Snacks". Tier 0 snacks are far from haute cuisine, but nevertheless Jeb is willing to take one for the team. But he's got limits; Jeb will be willing to consume only up to 20% of his daily snack quota on Tier-0 quality snacks. "Tier 1 Agroponic Snacks" are tastier, and Jeb would be willing to take that as 40% of his diet. But to be able to get out of the tier 0 kit, Jeb's going to have to choke down quite a few of those tier 1 snacks and Bill's going to have to spend some time trying to make them better. Tier-1 is unlocked by kerbals consuming Tier-0 snacks and lab research on ships equipped with Tier-0 kit. Once Tier-1 is unlocked, nothing changes on board Jeb's vessel - it still has the "Tier 0" equipment. A new vessel has to be designed that includes the new tier of agroponics modules. ================== Universal Storage is applicable to several of these mods: Universal Storage is set of parts to help you build service modules for your craft. Two core parts for 1.25 and 2.5 meter stacks provide a number of attachment points where you can fit various wedges. These wedges can store resources, provide KAS containers and even be used to create Apollo style science bays. In addition a number of reactors and processors are included to help you make the most of your resources. Each of these parts are balanced based on real world examples used in the Apollo space program or on the International Space Station. The mod is released in a number of packs so you can customize your experience. The core pack contains the basic mounting parts as well as stand alone parts that will work without any other mods installed. On top of this you can install additional packs to tailor the mod for ELCSS, TAC life support and others. ================== Deep Freeze Continued This mod provides the ability to freeze and thaw kerbals for those long space journeys. Introduces glykerol resource used for freezing kerbals. To freeze a kerbal you must have 5 glykerol units (configurable via part.cfg or settings menu) and 3000 electrical charge (configurable via part.cfg or settings menu) per kerbal. To thaw a kerbal you must have 3000 electrical charge (configurable via part.cfg or settings menu) per kerbal. This is the on-going release version of the original dev version of DeepFreeze by scottpalladin. Due to other commitments Scott has indicated to me that he has little time and unlikely to continue any mod work on KSP into the future and has given me permission to continue the work. As per the terms of the original license full credit to scottpalladin PaladinLabs for the original concept, ideas and dev mod. The license continues under the same license conditions. This version will be known as DeepFreeze Continued... Uses: When kerbals are frozen they do not consume life support resources (known issue when thawing Kerbals with TACLS). If you don't use life support mods, this mod doesn't really do much, except provide a few cool parts and fairly useless feature. Features: Compatible with USI Life Support and Snacks!. Partial compatibility with TACLS (see full description for info)
Ah, OK. I see now. I was thinking more of a preview of what the sig would look like (with only the ribbons which are active), but what's there is fine. Thanks
- 203 replies
[1.10.1+] Contract Configurator [v1.30.5] [2020-10-05]
linuxgurugamer replied to nightingale's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Ok. Well, I am currently building a base on Minmus, so I'll just leave it uninstalled for a while. @DMagic, any idea when the released version will work with this? and @Nightingale & DMagic, does it make sense to have the SCANSat contract pack available in CKAN if the correct version of SCANsat isn't in CKAN? Thanks for looking at this.- 5,225 replies
[1.10.1+] Contract Configurator [v1.30.5] [2020-10-05]
linuxgurugamer replied to nightingale's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Sure. Here are links to 2 logs and a video. Note that I deleted the log file BEFORE each run: First log is without the contracts installed. Everything works: http://www./download/ab7hjj22ycnqq26/KSP.good.log This log is after installing contract configurator and the satscan contact pack. Please note that the problem only occurs when the satscan pack is installed. If it isn't and contract Configurator is installed, everything is ok: http://www./download/9tyijfv8zn0b96v/KSP.bad.log This is a video I took showing the extremely slow load on the splash screens: http://www./watch/mn67d495nhkj88z/VID_20150122_075620_384.mp4 Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks for looking at it- 5,225 replies
[1.10.1+] Contract Configurator [v1.30.5] [2020-10-05]
linuxgurugamer replied to nightingale's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
I tried installing this, but ran into the following problem: Right after KSP finishes loaded, on the initial screen, the FPS drops down to 1-2 FPS. I traced it to this pack only. I installed the RemoteTech pack, didn't have the problem Win 7, 16 gig memory. KSP 32 bit The second screen, where I load a save game, is equally slow. But strangely enough, once I get into the game, it seems to work fine. I tried uninstalling it and reinstalling, same problem. Uninstalling it fixed the game. any ideas? Thanks in advance Edit: This is with the SCANsat Contract Pack only. Installed via CKAN- 5,225 replies
Great mod, I'm going to be checking it out soon. Is there a hibernation module for it? So that, on that 2 year voyage, the kerbals can sleep most of the way, using a lot less resources?
- 292 replies
- life support
- plugin
(and 1 more)
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OK, so I admit that I'm not aware of any mods which aren't being installed properly. On the other hand, I wonder if it is the mod developer not configuring it properly. CKAN is based on the cpan system, which is widely used in Linux. They also are very careful to NOT touch any files which it didn't install. I have 66 mods installed via CKAN, and have another half dozen or so which I installed by hand. The CKAN ones are much easier to install and update. I also use both Mac (OSX) and Windows, CKAN works on both as well as Linux. I don't want to get into a flame war or anything else like that. I understand where you are coming from, and hope that CKAN can fix the problems that you mentioned
Ok, thanks. Suggestion: A preview mode, to see what the end result would look like without saving to the database. You have all those different effects, but it's a bit of a pain to save and refresh, etc. That also permanently changes the ribbon, which may not be desired.
- 203 replies
Hi, Found the site, love the idea. A question or two: it seems that you can only have a ribbon on (Kerbin, for example), for only one type of ship. But what if you have more than one ship? For example, I have an Aircraft, a Multi-Part ship and a Station, but it seems that I can only have a single ribbon for Kerbin. Same thing for the Mun and Minmus. Etc. Regardless, thanks for doing this
- 203 replies