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Everything posted by minepagan

  1. Looks good....only I think it looks too....tall.....for the legs. other than that.....LOVE IT.
  2. Cruisers are also especially annoying to carrier captains........
  3. I was referencing the Cleveland's secondaries. And the fact that it is known in WoWs as "that thing you keep planes at least 7km away from". - - - Updated - - - Although, yes, I was thinking about calling it the 'Atlanta'. Possibly make it a sister ship(tank)......?
  4. My original land battleship: An armored box with a Bismark turret, 4 dual Flack 37 turrets, and 2 127mm dual-purpose guns. About 1/2 the size of the Mission Control building. My 'contingency plan': Same chassis, only covered in 5 twin 127mm dual-purpose turrets.
  5. Landkreuser MK3 'Cleveland' A.K.A. 'The Porcupine' - - - Updated - - - World of Warships players will understand the name. - - - Updated - - - A.K.A. 'Das Uberflackpanzerkampfagen'
  6. Is there any way to make the game not reduce the resolutions of certain objects, when you lower the overall texture quality?
  7. What uses the 'Tungsten Shells' and 'AT Rockets' ammo boxes?
  8. Then could you have them fire 1 shot, at a more rapid rate, from the center? - - - Updated - - - (current rate/# of barrels)
  9. Is it possible to run a server and play KSP (on that server) at the same time, on the same computer?
  10. I don't have a screen recorder, but..... Here's a later battle-cruiser design I made: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=527619870
  11. Hey, baha...... I made a ship, and moved it to the water with this....when I tell it to drop, the TWS radar falls off......and clippes through the ship to.....center of kerbin? I can still use it, but...... (BTW, it is the TWS radar from NAS, the big dish on top of the bridge)
  12. So....looking back, I have not seen any request like this, and it does not seem like it won't work.... Any chance of hangar deck parts for the CVE pack? And, more specifically, a flight deck piece with an elevator?
  13. Well, not all experiments end well in real life..... - - - Updated - - - YES! MAKE THAT A 1.875m MONOPROP ENGINE! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! ​sorry.
  14. Challenge accepted: http://imgur.com/a/oJ3Dn - - - Updated - - - Currently making a smaller version, so you *might* have a chance. :-)
  15. Check these out: https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/1022/%27MK1-2%20%20Pod%27%20IVA%20Replacement%20by%20ASET https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/1232/KSA%20IVA%20Upgrade https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/1120/MK3%20Pod%20IVA%20Replacement%20by%20Apex https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/1020/ALCOR%20IVA%20Patch
  16. (I think) it turned into the JDAM guidance. Sorta. In general.
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