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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. I actually had a similar thought to this and you can radially attach (symmetry wise anyway), I did that with the experimential craft in the screenshot. Btw, those FTT star lifter trusses absolutely do not like having the tanks on the inside, or maybe those tanks just don't like being crammed together that much. My suggestion/idea: Add a node to the back (or both sides) so that they can be placed as shown in the screenshot:
  2. From kerbalstuff changelog: "Added a new S.A.B.R.E. engine to enhance your Karibou experience" Awesome, going to check that out. edit: Wasn't there also a structural pylon thing that you were working on as a mount for the engine? Because I don't see that.
  3. Yes, I found that out........ Interesting that it actually destroys/creates the part.
  4. I wanted to chain multiple though. I guess I should have done a cargo bay, not KIS container.
  5. I know it's stock, just thought maybe you'd know an answer to it. I really wanted to be able to use KIS to bring multiple scraps/wrecks/hulks/crafts back.
  6. Is there a way to get the 'recover asset' contracts to not autofail when I put the part into a KIS container?
  7. Is there a way to get the 'recover asset' contracts to not autofail when I put the part into a KIS container?
  8. Has anybody had problems with the HERP pod (exploration pack) and crew recovery contract? When I try to have the kerbal exit, it just says 'can;t exit, no exit hatch', but when I force it to EVA through the crew hatch that does exist, the kerbal portrait turns into the 'BAILED OUT!' text and the kerbal is spinning around somewhere and seems to have been hit by the kraken. Edit: Don't know how to get rid of the highlighting. edit: Nvm, it works fine after a KSP reboot, something glitched out the first time I guess.
  9. Hey Roverdude, just letting you know that the NF engines that used to use Liquid Hydrogen now use Lithium, so, could you add that as a fuel for your tanks insteadof LH?
  10. Hey, has anybody noticed that as far as KIS goes, the stock crewed pods have negative volume?
  11. Okay, I checked it out on the stripped down branchoff KSP and findings are: On launch from VAB: Strategies unavailable due to current level 0 (Jeb is actually level 2) back to KSC: Doesn't say why the strategies are available again. relaunch from KSC: doesn't trigger. back to KSC and back to ship: Doesn't trigger for either. back to KSC and back to ship after hyperediting to Mun orbit: Same reason given. Same branchoff KSP, same save and same jeb, I put an RC-0015 probecore on top: on launch: No change. KSC and back after hyperediting to Mun orbit: no change interim: After hyperediting back to kerbin and back to KSC, it said that the Moho and Eve programs are available, I don't recall them ever going unavailable. This time using the flat okto core and Bob (level 2, though I do have the scientist focus III on): On launch: Moho and Eve programs go unavailable, same reason given as before, it thinks something is level 0. edit: Going to see if theres any difference with no active strategies. Edit2: I think you're going to need to put in a debug saying why they become available because after deactivating the two current strategies, it said the planetary missions (manned and probe) became available when they were already available. edit3: Still reproducing the same way and same reason given.
  12. I'll give it a look, also check my further edits to the previous post, it seems like having another manned craft confuses things. Currently, I already have two probes active, one in orbit of the sun and the other in Kerbin orbit waiting for Eve transfer. Going to land the manned+probe one I just put in orbit first though. Also, I am using the MM config that applies MJ to all command pods, but I'll use the MK1 pod, which doesn't have an integrated probe core. Actually, I think I'll try it without the MJ MM config, to make it truly crewed only. Edit: Hm, going to check it out on my stripped down branchoff KSP to eliminate as many factors as possible. Hm, this is in the branchoff KSP and the only mods are Strategia+dependencies (plus the contract packs), GCmonitor, hyperedit, and exception detector. The notificiation came up a few seconds after launching from VAB. Nothing happens while in orbit of Kerbin, but when I'm in orbit of the Mun and I go back to KSC and then back to the craft, I get the same notification. Edit: When I'm landed on the Mun, the planetary ones flp on and off. Would be nice to be able to know just WHAT parameter is flipping. Damn, wow, look at this contract, that is hella lucrative. This is with contract slot machine II and scientist focus III. Some balancing may be in order, I dunno. I declined a bunch of those contracts and looked at them and this one seems to be something of an outlier.
  13. I'm not saying that's the cause, just the reason why I was getting both manned and probe missions in the notification. I don't think I've been getting the notifications with just a probe core, but I'll double check. Nope, when it's just a probe core in flight, I don't get those. Hm, wierd, with the exact same type of vessel in orbit of Kerbin and with a pilot onboard, I don't get those messages, while the one with a scientist and landed on Minmus does. edit: Now the one on minmus is only making the manned programs flip, along with the impactor and flybys (which weren't triggering to off, somehow)
  14. Oh yeah, I'm just noting that the craft that all of those were triggering with has both a kerballed pod (with crew) and a probe core on top of it.
  15. The planetary programs and probe missions along with the flybys and impact mission strategies keep flipping to unavailable when I go to a ship in flight mode (still in the Kerbin SoI) and then flipping back to available when I go to KSC, so, the notification pops up every time. I have absolutely no idea why they are doing that.
  16. Pure stock games might be okay, but all bets are off on modded saves.
  17. Is the emergency shelter intended to be used in the 'crew rescue' missions? Because I just had one. The kerbal was able to get out okay though.
  18. @Whitecat106 I'm having a problem with the Korabi-Sputnik 3 mission. It says that I have to crash the vessel into Kerbin, and I've done that twice already, but yet the mission isn't being completed. I had Contract Window open and I saw that the instant the 'vessel destroyed' part got completed, the part saying that I need a crewable command pod went red. These two seem mutually exclusive because if the pod is still there, the vessel isn't destroyed and if the vessel is destroyed, there is no pod. I'll try to do it while unfocused from the craft and see if that works, I'll also disable stagerecovery temporarily to keep it from potentially messing it up. Edit: Nope, I guess the craft has to be focused on. Since the two states are mutually exclusive, I'm going to alt+12 complete it. Also, the missions are extremely overpowered with the rep given. If done completely by itself and you're doing ONLY those missions, it's probably fine, but when mixed with other stuff and things like Strategia, it's very OP.
  19. Roverdudes UKS does have a spinning inflatable habitat, haven't checked whether it fits under a 5m heatshield, but I don't think it does. edit: Actually, yeah, it's bigger than 5m inflated, deflated though it's 3.5m I think.
  20. Doesn't Stelrine mean 'our Kerbin' rather than 'their Kerbin'? After all, the Plan Kappa one is the one that's doomed, not the Kerbfleet Kerbin.
  21. Is anybody else having performance problems (lagspikes, FPS drops) with DTL? I've gotten fed up with the lagspiking that is going on and I'm currently trying to find out for sure if it's DTL or what. edit: *grumble grumble* I can't really reproduce it right now, other than the lagspiking in mission control..... however, it seems to be worse as the RAM leaks pile up.
  22. Hm, I've also been getting lagspikes and FPS drops for a brief moment as well, and I'm also using DTL. However, I've tried looking without DTL and it was happening without, so, I'm not so sure it's DTL. Anyways, I've gotten annoyed by it to the point where I'm currently trying to figure out what it is. I have a pretty short list of suspects though since it started fairly recently. I've also been getting lagspikes in the mission control screen, so..... edit: @cutlercollin99 Is that your full modlist?
  23. Can you teach me your google-fu? I'd like to be able to search specifically within a forum section in here, but while I know I can use the site: tag thing, I can't get it to be more specific.
  24. *bump* Anybody know? It would be REALLY helpful to know how to search specifically within a subforum using google because, well, I'd like to be able to......
  25. I can confirm that the universial storage versions of DMagic Orbital Science instruments are fixed.
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