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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. Use Rigid Attachement (stock) or KJR (Kerbal Joint Reinforcement). That should kill the wobble. Also: As far as I know the KM Gimbal Mod is very old and outdatet. Not sure if it works in newer KSP-versions.
  2. Little one: TechRequired = scienceTech Big one: TechRequired = advScienceTech
  3. This is the wrong section in the forum to ask but here you go: It allows you to change the SAS via Actiongroups.
  4. You can delete all the other folders inside Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Bluedog_DB\Partsbluedog\ instead of the Saturn-folder.
  5. Yes, this is possible. Delete the folders Phase2 and Phase3. All you need for a shuttle (booster, engine, main tank) is in folder Phase1.
  6. Oh, habe ich gar nicht gesehen dass das Foto aus Speyer stammt. Didn`t know that this are from Speyer. I wanted to go there after I was in Sinsheim Technikmuseum some years ago.
  7. USI-Exploration-Pack has some inflatable bags. The Exploration-Pack includes 3 little mod-packs. You need only the SrvPack. https://github.com/BobPalmer/ExplorationPack/releases
  8. Attention: It is possible that the included dependencies are outdated if you use newer ksp-versions. So you need to download them separately.
  9. That can not be true because the PMA has no control-module. It is only a structureal part. Used this part a few times and had no problems.
  10. Since one of the last releases KSP has an option for configure the vessel naming (right-click-menue). So you can use this and there should no problem with docking.
  11. If is not OK for you, you can chnage it yourself in the config: vesselType = Station to vesselType = whatever you want.
  12. The mod don`t need an update to 1.11 because it works. If there is an error like "wrong KSP-version" then go into the craft-file and change line 2 into this: version = 1.11.1. If there really is an error like missing part then the craft-files use old deprecated parts. You can not use them anymore. They work only with older Tantares-versions. Here is a build-guide by Friznit: https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-Tantares-Wiki/wiki/Mir
  13. Parts that are stock-planet compatible are working in 2.5-Systems too because the stock ones are overpowered.
  14. You mean this? https://www.nasa.gov/pdf/361842main_15 - Augustine Sidemount Final.pdf
  15. @rogerwang86This pack is awesome. Is it possible to make a longer adapter for the ICPS (5m to 3.125m)? The one from redirect is a little bit too short. A RL10B2 clips into the tank under the adapter.
  16. Found an issue with the part-upgrades (if it isn`t known yet) . They use icons from some parts like bluedog.Ranger.Bus. The problem is: if you remove this parts (because you don`t need them) the upgrades won`t show up in the techtree because there are no icons.
  17. That`s not right. PlumeParty adds engine particles for engines too so it can interfer with other parts/engines very well. For examples look here: https://github.com/JadeOfMaar/PlumeParty
  18. I have this problem too with engine-plates from Near Future but didn`t thought that it is kerbalism. Are you sure? I mean, which part of kerbalism can do this?
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