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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. I often have a issue that some textures are not loading. There are some erros in the Log like this: After restart of KSP the textures loads but other parts have no textures. Sometimes everything is OK. it happen randomly and only Probes Plus is affected. KSP 1.6.1.
  2. Get some errors with KSP 1.6.1: Does anyone know what this causes?
  3. Especially I ask for the expansion of Europa-Launcher.
  4. @Well Do you have plans a slighlty bigger upper stage fot the old Ariane-5-concept?It has a bigger diameter like the first stage. Also can you make a suitable adapter für the Hermes for the Ariane-5-concept?
  5. Are there any problems with the robotic arm from Kerbal Actuators? Situation: There is a station-module docked to a Dockingport. I align the robotic arm with the station-module and then decouple the dockingport. The station-Module is now docked to the robotoc arm and I can move it. But if I might dock this station-part to another docking port the entire station begins to rotate, faster and faster till the g-forces destruct the station. KSP 1.6.1.
  6. That`s only CKAN. It doesn`t say anything about compatibility. You can download and install it manually too.
  7. Is there a need for an update? As far as I know this mod works in 1.6.x and 1.7.x.
  8. That`s because the RO-configs are old. Ask the RO-guys in the RO-thread for newer ones.
  9. Where`s the problem? Because the female part is attached to a station or another ship, you can`t see if it go through the part. There is no collidier so it does no matter.
  10. You mean the female one? Look at the Soviet Station Pack with Salyut-Stations.
  11. In 1.6.x it works well. But I think you need the old KAS (legacy parts).
  12. Do you have ModuleManager? Also: you didn`t say what`s going wrong. All you said is " It’s still not working for me " and " I’m having trouble ". What exactly isn`t working?
  13. Download it and put the included folder "Launchers pack" to GameData, like the folder-structure in the download said.
  14. You can open the GUI by rightclick to the TRF CA2 LEE and "Turn on IKRC". Look at the last page, there is a pic of this rightclickmenue.
  15. The russian parts are not included in this mod. So there are no craft-files. You need Tantares. And for the US-segment: wait until tis mod is finalized. Then there will be craft-files.
  16. It should be an old squad-tank before squads overhaul. So you need to make some new craft-files or use KSP 1.4.x.
  17. Like any other mod in KSP: download it and put it into GameData.
  18. https://github.com/Pak84?tab=repositories Look at the Test-Area.
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