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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. Wooooaaahhhh!!!! CROSSOVERS!!!!! Awesome! Alright, time to get down to work: INTERLUDE: WAITING IS THE SKY* *Gliido 7LR on runway with Kenlie in it* This will be Kenlie's personal log until otherwise indicated: Personal Log Junior Looty Kenlie Kerman Year 6, Day 74 Another day, another kerb stuck in munar orbit to rescue. Routine. Grindy. Boring, or at least it is for everyone else... Because they haven't gone crazy. They don't see what I see when the koffee pills don't work anymore and I can't stop myself from dreaming. Capsules exploding. Kerbs writhing in agony. Terror. Death. Murder. They don't even know that word. I can't explain how I know it. How did I imagine this? Actually trying to kill someone? Wanting to do it? Being proud of doing it? What's wrong with me? *Gliido 7LR now in LKO* *DEDICATED TO 'ZIGGY' -- 1947-2016 New page: It wasn't so bad when I had Sarge and the others to talk to. But I know that once I get into space alone again, I won't be able to stop it happening. I'll see it. I'll see him. He's afraid. More than me, even. And he's on his way somewhere, I know that much, even though I pinch myself and pop another koffee pill every time I think I'm seeing what he sees. He doesn't know what he'll find when he gets there. But I do. The worst part isn't that I have to watch when he kills. It's not even that I have to feel what he feels when he does it. Not joy-relief. Relief because he made someone else more terrified that he is...no, though that's pretty awful. The worst part? The worst part is... ...I think he can see me, too. New page: *Kenlie is now approaching the mun* So I'll intercept this boring, routine, stranded capsule. I'll try to talk to whoever's in it without mixing up my words and sounding like a doofus. I'll try not to imagine the missile lock buzzing in my ear-that all I need to do is squeeze the trigger-- --and that maybe after this one dies, I'll stop being afraid. *24.4km away from capsule* New page: *This is the end of Kenlie's journal* Kenlie: Hail! I mean, uh, hi there! This is Koot- Joot- *ahem* Junior Lootie Kenlie Kerman. I'm here to rescue you! Kappa-Jeb: You're a dude? Aww, I was hoping it'd be one of those future science chicks! YOU ASKED FOR IT! WE DID IT! KERBFLEET-KAPPA CROSSOVER STARTS NOW! Kappa-Jeb's italics seem like bold italics, so that's what I used. Thanks, this time, to bath Kuzzter and Parkaboy!
  2. Scatterer is fun, no offset limits is fun if you like building, b9 procedural wings and procedural landing gear lets you build fun planes. Kerbal krash systems makes rockets crumple LIKE TIN CANS!! BWAHAHA!!
  3. For the best experience, but I the mean time, a challenge would be pretty fun. Ooh! And what if the LCVP has to have a opening door!
  4. But I think I'll make my own jeep: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/114312-amrsd-willys-mb-amp-bm-8-8-82mm-rocket-launcher-variant-quotjeepquot/ So the LCVP should start at a place off the KSC shore, using hyperedit to put it there. Then drive the jeep over the broken runway to the plane? It could be flown out to the island airfield. We'd have to make some rules for the craft, ie. what kind of jets they can use. It sounds like fun!
  5. @KasperVld Clicking it brings you to an error page: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/27797-forum-rules/ I hope this is useful, I haven't seen a thread about it.
  6. Okay, so the "nope not yet" sign doesn't fully cover the title bar, so either it's not named yet or it's name is only about 5 letters long. [/TINFOILHAT]
  7. I love it! Great job with tweakscale! And you recreated that little flange on the bottom of the Soyuz SM!
  8. I don't think I've seen that one, the pics don't ring a bell.
  9. Hmm, I have seen Howl's moving castle and my neighbor Totoro, it's been a while though, I might be forgetting stuff from them.
  10. [NOTAMOD] Necros are only a problem if the post has no new content, such as "Bump" "Agreed," etc. Adding info, asking a question or answering a still relevant question is fine. [/NOTAMOD]
  11. Nice! I don't recognize the source fictions, but I love the looks of them! Especially the Bumblecrow.
  12. Thanks, @CommanderSpock! I'll update everything. When you downloaded a craft from KerbalX? Paste them into notepad or similar, save it as a .craft, and then drop it into <KSP main folder>/saves/<your save name>/SPH or VAB.
  13. I can definitely add you before me, and I'll PM FCISuperGuy and see if it's possible for him to do it on the 22nd. I'm sorry you broke your knee, get well soon!
  14. I followed that link, but I can't figure out how to download your improved version. Could you please help me? Thanks!
  15. Alright, let's resume SCF! @CommanderSpock, your turn on Friday! I have updated the google calendar.
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