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Everything posted by RB101

  1. Anyone know why my rovers are appearing 100 of meters above the surface when ever I check back on them?
  2. Can a scientist be used to clean/repair to rover science module (to reset the decay) as opposed to having to spend science points?
  3. Can some explain to me how the Seismometers work? I know that you have to set one up, and then crash a separate craft into the planet it's on, But what other factors play a part? Do more detectors increase the science received? Does distance between the sensors effect results? What is the max number of sensors needed?
  4. Does anyone know why the solar panels in the cone bays disappear when you launch a vessel?
  5. I've got a bug where the airship parts that have reconfigurable storage revert to their default setting when switching vessels, I've been trying to set them to batteries, but the go back to liquid fuel or empty configuration when i switch back to the vessel Anyone else experienced something like this?
  6. Can someone help me Identify which mod in my mods list conflicts with Simple construction please? I can't build anything...
  7. Does anyone know how to set the playmode for MOLE independently from other WildBlueIndustries mods? (i'm currently stuck with pristine playmode, which I only wanted for the Heisenburg airship parts which were playing up due to the reconfigurable storage...) Thanks in advance!
  8. Thanks! Any idea which part has the experiment? I've also just noticed that the github code mentions "lab time" , so i'm assuming it has something to do with the mobile lab?
  9. @Angel-125 Hi, I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post about this (please point the correct thread out to me if not, sorry in advance!) I've got a contract that is asking me to do a "Temperature Study on Kerbin" There are no location markers in the tracking station, and using a thermometer does nothing towards completing the experiment... I did a short search on google, and stumbled upon this github repository related to "wildblue industries" Link: https://github.com/Angel-125/WildBlueTools/blob/master/GameData/WildBlueIndustries/000WildBlueTools/Experiments/BasicExperiments.cfg The github repository contained this code, which I was hoping would help me understand what I needed to do... but has only left me more confused... CODE: Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  10. As soon a I read MMO, I went nah. KSP Co-op/Multiplayer up to 4 players would be hard enough for the devs to implement.
  11. I really hope that this feature can be customised when setting the difficulty of a save, For example: where you can set whether recourse deposits can be depleted, and be able to independently change this for individual recourses. This would give players much needed flexibility in the type of experience they have
  12. Ok, thanks for the information, I'll raise this issue again as of when it updates (assuming the issue is still present)
  13. Here's a WeTransfer link for my player.log file, be warned it's long! (over 10Mb... so pasting the text wasn't feasible...) LINK: https://we.tl/t-qwKqLcVCqW (WARNING LINK WILL EXPIRE AT SOME POINT) I tried looking through it myself, but I couldn't understand most of it... let alone find anything useful... sorry...
  14. Modlist: Debug log shows nothing out of the ordinary TESTING: I've tested further, and the issue appears to happen when the hooligan airship envelopes have a positive or negative buoyancy, the greater the positive/negative buoyancy the worse the issue becomes, I'm just wondering if it would be possible to add a patch to airpark that auto sets hooligan airship buoyancy to zero?
  15. I'm getting weird behaviour when trying to use airpark on a vehicle that has a hooligan airships envelope on it, Firstly the vessels doesn't stop moving, Secondly, when i press airpark again the vessel is pushed by a phantom force that increases it's speed significantly (I can reach 3000m/s at sea level sometimes)
  16. I keep setting airship modules to battery in the VAB/SPH , but they change back to inventory when i launch the vehicle? Has anyone else experienced this bug? I haven't found a fix as of yet, EDIT: I have a found that I can reconfigure the storage to a battery after launch by setting the container to "Equipment" and having an engineer on the craft. HOWEVER. switching to another vessel that is out of physics range resets the airship part to default inventory again....
  17. Is this mod now compatible with the latest version of KSP? I had to stop using it a while ago due to incompatibility
  18. You've placed them on the shuttles cargo bay haven't you? (I've done this too) Open the cargo bay and they should work
  19. the "Firestorm - Air Augmented Rocket" says it's more efficient in atmosphere, but has the same ISP and fuel consumption for both air-breathing an closed-cycle modes? How is it more efficient in atmosphere, if at all? Thanks in advance for any replies
  20. Managed to fix it myself , just had switch to the space centre and back. I also just did some testing and it appears to be to do with when you decouple a rover from a landing craft (specifically when the detached rover wasn't the original root part), resulting in the bon-voyage control menu not opening. The same also seems to happen (though not always) when constructing a rover with KIS/KAS (which is also fixable by going to the space centre, and then back to the rover) My Mods include: - KIS - KAS - Nearfuture (Everything from near future) - Mk2 Expansion - Mk3 Expansion - Universal Storage 1 - Scansat - Research & Development Hope this helps
  21. Currently my unmanned rovers cannot make use of a bon-voyage autopilot, clicking the "Bon Voyage Control Panel" button doesn't open the control panel. I have a full connection to the KSC and my unmanned rover is fully charged, with enough solar power to charge whilst moving. Anybody got any ideas as to whats up with it, or is this a known bug?
  22. What mod are the landing legs, for the ship on the far right, from?
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