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Everything posted by Ozymandias_the_Goat

  1. There are so many planet packs that I cannot even begin to list them all. I would recommend starting with the Outer Planet Mod, as it works with many other planet packs. However, you should look at the developer’s forum post to see which mods their planet packs are compatible with. Also, welcome to the forums.
  2. I assume that this is in the context of vernors on the first stage of a rocket, and then rcs thrusters on the upper stage. Then yes, use an action group. Alternatively, if an rcs thruster is stowed in a faring, it does not fire, so consider that option too.
  3. For a more advanced, panoramic experience, you could also try the KSP Interstellar mod (which is unrelated to the film of the same name). https://spacedock.info/mod/172/KSP Interstellar Extended (Spacedock download) But yeah, if you are interested in a less overwhelming mod, Near Future is the way to go. Also consider these two, also written by @Nertea
  4. Indeed, if you are interested in theoretical discussion, this thread: might be a good place to start. Also, welcome to the forums.
  5. This thread has certainly had a long...hiatus, but... I’m very glad that Franklin gets an exobiology instrument named after her. Certainly a better name than the troglodytic “Rover McRoverFace” which somebody apparently actually did submit it the naming contest
  6. 99.7% percent chance that you’re wrong. @adsii1970
  7. More appropriate would be a mechanism to slam the “don’t get your hopes up” brakes on the hype train, which has apparantely taken off all but in name on this thread.
  8. Not to mention the omnipresent Russian dashboard cameras, many of which we have to thank for detailed observations of the Chelyabinsk event from all angles.
  9. Keep in mind that centrifugal forces are not a real force, they are merely a fictitious force that appears to justify the motion of an object in a circle, but in reality does not.
  10. The thread’s not dead yet so...we can officially keep hoping!
  11. Depends, I usually use action groups for large groups of deplyable objects (solar panels, radiators), usually programming them into the 1 or 2 action groups. I simply deploy them all at once, and then rarely use it again. Of course, I also use the default “gear” and “lights” action groups, but usually push the actual GUI button instead of the respective keyboard key. But to answer your question, no, I don’t really have a protocol for “standard” action groups.
  12. Gives kpop a run for its money I guess. Certainly there are no plans for it in the works (yet) but I don’t see why it could not be done.
  13. Obviously, we all believe we are smart because we do not realize that the computer simulation that the universe actual is entails a series of infinitely nested cereal bowls. What are your thoughts on Freud’s seventeenth symphony in the key of h-sharp major?
  14. Insert your favorite coinage denomination to play again. I summon @5thHorseman
  15. There is of course hyperedit; want to test a spacecraft, hyperedit it to the target (The stock chest menu does a similar thing, but hyperedit is better). Otherwise, not knowing how spavecraft will perform is s part of the challenge of the game, I suppose. Also, you can try the alien space programs mod, to move around the ksc to other planets, for a more extreme solution.
  16. These facts tend to balance each other out, though. If you have a more voluminous container carrying a less massive substance, it makes perfect sense that the substance is less dense. And as for these facts being “drawbacks” not really, because the NERV is still one of the best engines in the game, if not the best. These facts tend to balance each other out, though. If you have a more voluminous container carrying a less massive substance, it makes perfect sense that the substance is less dense. And as for these facts being “drawbacks” not really, because the NERV is still one of the best engines in the game, if not the best. These facts tend to balance each other out, though. If you have a more voluminous container carrying a less massive substance, it makes perfect sense that the substance is less dense. And as for these facts being “drawbacks” not really, because the NERV is still one of the best engines in the game, if not the best.
  17. I would still find this to be very annoying. I suppose is only proves @razark‘s point that all the “solutions” for making ksp multiplayer are highly subject to personal preference, and what works for one player would terribly irritate another.
  18. ...oh. Issuing a correction: 2503
  19. Essentially, the stock game has added many features that have long been supplied by mods, but the stock features are still an “entry package” compared to the quality of gameplay provided by extensive mods.
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