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Everything posted by Anth

  1. Resubmit it would be my recommendation. Usually I pull a bug report out of the archive when someone else submits a new bug report which covers the same issue. You are welcome to resubmit the bug report via copying the information straight from your archived bug report (minus the computer specs that the form helps with) and add the new information. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  2. Thanks for the information. Sounds cool. I will take a look at it when I have a chance. I thought there was only one mod that could do transfer windows and it was out of date.
  3. That flight plan mod can do transfer windows? I might take a look at that.
  4. That the little craft you have will dock on one side but not the other is weird.
  5. Reported Version: v0.1.3.2 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel i9 9900K | GPU: Nvidia 3070ti | RAM: 32GB Note: My assumption is that this is something to do with the Poodle and the Labradoodle being different to engines with one bell, but I don't know that for certain if that is accurate or not with the limited part testing I did. Didn't happen for the following parts I tested: Swivel Skipper (Save File at the bottom for testing) Screenshot with Vsync Off: Screenshot with Vsync On: Steps to Replicate: Turn off vsync Load the one of the following: MunDisplacementTestSave.json DunaDisplacementTestSave.json TyloDisplacementTestSave.json (poodle) LabradoodleDunaOrbitTestSave.json (Labradoodle) Turn on vsync F5 F9 until it happens. Save File with Skipper with the displacement not happening: MunOrbitSkipper.json Additional Information: I only tested the Swivel, Skipper, Poodle and Labradoodle for this bug report Mun Testing shows different displacement of the poodle compared to Duna/Tylo Duna and Tylo have similar displacement
  6. KSP2 Version: Operating System: Windows 10 CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB Mods Used: None Two Parts to this bug report: Part 1: Light Rovers with TR-2L Wheels Float Above the Surface and Rotate on Their COM in an Unnatural Way. Part 2: Draining of Fuel Showing Transition from Wheels Contacting the Surface to Floating Above the Surface. Additional Information: The approximate weight that a rover needs to be is 1.93t or over for the wheels to look like they are working naturally. Here is a picture of the craft file from Part 2:
  7. That is not related to this bug report. This bug report is a GPU related issue. Not a motherboard related issue. Also its UI flickering that is happening, not stuttering of the game.
  8. Simpler than I thought then. Next, I guess is getting the bug report higher up using upvotes to get the developers attention. I know it will be fixed eventually, but that will be how to get it fixed sooner. It's not present all of the time? That is interesting. I bought a RX 6600 recently. Maybe if I have some solid game play with it (it's on my older computer) I can figure out what the difference is. Thanks for the information.
  9. @schlosrat I replaced your link with the uploaded video. At a guess that won't work properly until they add the 'next orbit' feature at some point like KSP1 has. On a different issue, I was wondering if you have been experiencing UI flickering with your RX 6800XT?
  10. Reported Version: v0.1.3.2 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel i9 9900K | GPU: Nvidia 3070ti | RAM: 32GB Issue: vsync on causes crafts to sink/drop into the planet intermittently on loading. Single Craft Test: Multiple Craft Test: What testing I have done: Mun, Minmus, Duna and Ike all did it. Didn't happen on Kerbin at KSC or beach/grass away from KSC. Additional Information: Doesn't appear to have anything to do with wheels/legs.
  11. Well the first one is staging which the log file stated. I fixed that. Now the game cant quicksave.
  12. @The Aziz Corrected Save File: AdjustedSaveFileForTheAziz.json 2 bugs: Save broken by the landed craft. Removed it by editing the file and deleting it which caused the save file to load again then.... Orbit Lines. Added Orbit lines by editing the file and changed it to Orbit/Orbiting from Surface/Landed. Now maybe I can figure out what in the landed crafts code after it exploded caused it to upset KSP2 so much.
  13. I have tested your bugged save file and there is definitely a problem. Anyway you could supply the save file before it happened? I want to compare the actual files to see what the difference is. Then I should be able to narrow down exactly what is going on.
  14. @Pat20999 Merged your bug report into this one. I am assuming this is what you are talking about.
  15. This one is still happening with vsync off as well
  16. @SuperBlobman Merged your bug report with this one. Not sure about the craft instability aspect. You are saying that it actually affects the craft once its launched?
  17. I recommend turning off vsync. See if that stops it.
  18. @Skystorm @Sylvi Fisthaug I recommend turning off vsync:
  19. @BechMeister@Phin I recommend turning off vsync. See if that stops it.
  20. Reported Version: v0.1.3.2 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel i9 9900K | GPU: Nvidia 3070ti | RAM: 32GB In Space: Using 2 Rovers: Additional Information: Takes longer to occur with my older i7 4770K + Radeon rx 6600.
  21. @Audaylon Awesome. Thanks. I hope you don't mind. I moved a few things around, and made the video visible. I have made the bug report known to the developers. The craft file is reproducing the issue perfectly.
  22. Reported Version: v0.1.3.2 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel i9 9900K | GPU: Nvidia 3070ti | RAM: 32GB 5 Nodes like KSP1: With only 2 nodes: Purpose of the EM-500 Hot Plate (Mk3 Engine Mount in KSP1) according to the KSP1 wiki: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Mk3_Engine_Mount "It is built to resemble the rear end of the real-life Space Shuttle and features three 1.25m attachment nodes (intended for mounting the matching KS-25 engines) around one central 2.5m node." KSP1 Screenshot of the Mk3 Engine Mount being used for a Space Shuttle replica: Thoughts: Without the 3 missing nodes, attaching the engines for Space Shuttle replicas will be more difficult. Credit: Thanks to @NovaRaptorTV who brought this to my attention.
  23. Weird. I wonder if the game thought it was landed the entire time.
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