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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Unfortunately not, it seems that OSX support for the driver was dropped, though the Unity asset says it still supports Mac.
  2. Well, this section is for unmodded installs, so I'll move it to the modded support section as what you are describing just doesn't happen in a stock game. Please post the mod list, the save and your logs to dropbox or similar, likely you are using something that has not yet been updated.
  3. Not bad, I added some pics above to give an idea.
  4. Hi @Smire, you have a lot of these errors. NullReferenceException at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Behaviour:get_enabled () at VPWheelCollider.UpdateVisualWheel () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at VehiclePhysics.VehicleBase.LateUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 It suggests there is something wrong with the install, can you please try verifying the cache for KSP in Steam, thank you.
  5. It was never intended to do this, sorry, the hollow structure is for show.
  6. Hi @mineus64, those are the Windows executables, to use those you will need to install Wine. You will be much better off using the Linux version on Linux, it contains these binaries. KSP.x86 KSP.x86_64
  7. Okay this looks weird, KSP is installed in the wrong place? Platform assembly: F:\Half Life 2\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll (this message is harmless) I'd assume it to be installed in F:\Steam\SteamApps\ (or C:\) All looks fine in the output_log.txt until we get here. IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range. at VideoSettings.<DrawMiniSettings>m__1CE () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at DialogGUILabel.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at DialogGUIBase.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at DialogGUIBase.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at DialogGUIVerticalLayout.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at DialogGUIBase.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at DialogGUIScrollList.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at MultiOptionDialog.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog (.MultiOptionDialog dialog, Boolean persistAcrossScenes, .UISkinDef skin, Boolean isModal, System.String titleExtra) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at MiniSettings.Start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Which suggests it can't handle the display, but the game didn't complain before, as we can see here. desktop: 1440x900 75Hz; virtual: 1440x900 at 0,0 That error just spams the log constantly until you exited to the main menu, explaining the red errors in your pic, and it's the same in the KSP.log I thought it might be related to your connection as there is an error about KSP being unable to call home for the progress tracking, but I just tried disabling my internet and couldn't reproduce the log spam. Similarly, I don't get this issue with your save file, it seems to work normally here. So I can't say for certain what this is, and as you're on a limited connection doing a cache verification in Steam for KSP is likely not an option at this time. Steam cache verification in case you don't know (you probably do) So there's two things I'd try here, first, copy KSP from the Half Life 2 folder to F:\Games\, by copying it you make new files and these won't be locked down by the user account control or data execution prevention, and by putting the copy in F:\Games\ it won't be in a Windows protected folder so won't be blocked from running. Second, rename the settings.cfg to back it up, KSP will make a new settings.cfg essentially resetting KSP to the defaults, including 1280x720 windowed mode. It will still try to start at 1440x900 because that value will be in the Windows registry, but should then switch down, if it doesn't then you would have to find the registry key at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\ and delete the Screenmanager Resolution Height and Screenmanager Resolution Width registry keys. Always back up the registry before changing anything though. Lastly, run KSP via the KSP.exe or KSP_x64.exe With any luck it'll work properly, as I think it's being blocked from accessing some files, but if it still occurs it could be a bad file, Steam is terrible for this in my experience and most bugs that affect a single player in KSP disappear after a cache verification. Hope this helps.
  8. I made a plane. The hero Kotham needs? Or a Kilrathi fighter? Or just fun.
  9. Well this cannot be good, ------------------ System Information ------------------ DxDiag Previously: Crashed in system information (stage 1). Re-running DxDiag with "dontskip" command line parameter or choosing not to bypass information gathering when prompted might result in DxDiag successfully obtaining this information And it makes me wonder if your PC is okay, your gpu driver is a little old as well, the latest one is here. Hamachi can cause loading issues, which shouldn't matter in the VAB but it's worth disabling it just in case. The screen tearing is a bit of a concern, that suggests it's a graphics card or driver issue, there is not a lot to go on unfortunately. If I were you I'd try monitoring the gpu and cpu temperatures, make sure the PC is not overheating when this issue occurs.
  10. Hi @Dudeguy21, please take a look here, we'd like your saves and logs from then this occurred.
  11. Hi @golfermatt, please take a look here, we will need you dxdiag hardware report. Also, please try extracting KSP to C:\Games instead of Downloads.
  12. Old thread is old, please check the dates before posting, thanks.
  13. Hi @_Astra_, can you show us this contract and/or upload the save please.
  14. Hmm this should be working, if you don't mind @milkywave1 can you use dxdiag to make a hardware report, you can run it from the start menu search box by typing dxdiag. Also, what other software are you running? A screenshot of the task manager processes may help, some software conflicts with KSP such as EVGA's PrecisionX 32.
  15. HandleD3DDeviceLost usually occurs when the game was tabbed out while loading, when the screen was put to sleep or when the system has returned from hibernation. Are any of these occurring @milkywave1?
  16. It would still be good to find out what's going wrong here, it might help others in a similar situation.
  17. I suggest you take a look here. Please provide the save and logs, if it's a multiport docking you may have to undock all of the ports before the craft separate.
  18. Please email support@kerbalspaceprogram.com with your ebay receipt, Squads accounts division will be able to contact ebay on your behalf to expedite payment.
  19. Just a thought, but the probes lose their axis controls when they lose commnet connection, so make sure you have a decent antenna, or you'll be limited to just SAS and throttle controls.
  20. That software is known to conflict with Unity3D, please disable it and try KSP again.
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