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Everything posted by nascarlaser1

  1. I can't seem to find this on CKAN for 1.2. . Edit: I just saw the discussion about CKAN never mind.
  2. I got the tech tree, and there are a bunch of empty nodes. Is this supposed to happen?
  3. Why does everyone get upset for really long update times? Don't you guys think that if @SQUAD could fix this, they would've already? The longer it goes unfixed, the more people will complain, and the more people will see said complains, who will then not buy the game, which h will cause squad to lose money. If squad loses money, it hurts the business, making this just as much of a problem for them as it is the players.
  4. For a year and a half I was using 1.0 instead of 1.2 since I couldn't figure out how to update it lol. This would come in a lot of help for times like that.
  5. COOOL!!! what does it look like when a Kerbal stands next it, size wise?
  6. "Eeloo is covered in pine trees." How exactly do pine tree live without soil and oxygen?? fun pack btw.
  7. Can I install this without uninstalling my entire game? I got it from the KSP website, and I really really do not want to have to uninstall and reinstall it again.
  8. How complicated does this weapon have to be exactly? 1 kickback SRB, 4 fins, a nosecone, and 2-3 launch clamps when angled right, can be a heck of a land to land missile. It could even achieve land to air or land to water if designed properly (never tested though, I've only used to blow the KSC sky high.)
  9. thanks! (my pen/paper skills look like a pre-school kid drew em lol. (no offence to any pre school children.)
  10. What's the difference between what scansat can do, and what the new kerbnet can do?
  11. My first "docking" (if it can be called that) was a few months ago. I was using a claw to dock with a stranded ship. I hit the ship at 20 m/s. I got attached but it glitched and went through the craft .....
  12. oh... this is getting slightly confusing... I will just use the new version of KER now that I know its on CKAN, and that it won't corrupt my pre-saved game.
  13. yay! I was talking about KFA, because I knew that it was on CKAN, as a backup for KER. Now that I know KER is on CKAN, I don't need KFA, Thanks!
  14. but is KER on CKAN? I know KERForAll is on it, and I am horrible at manually installing mods, so if it isn't on CKAN, I'll get the KERForAll.
  15. what's kerbalengineerforall? (also, is this or the regular KER on ckan?
  16. oh..... welp, got bored and restarted it anyway lol. Doesn't matter, was only 10 minutes in when I found this mod.
  17. Does this incorporate into pre-made careers? or do I have to make a new one? (I have no active stock strategies, just a few contracts, and I use the EE (or is it ETT??) tech tree to choose my own path.
  18. ohhhh ok thank you! Time to finish my base (and make it much lighter) now that I don't have to worry about it, YAY!!!
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