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Everything posted by MinimalMinmus

  1. If you choose OPM, do not forget OPM-VO, it makes the bodies of the mod with an atmosphere gorgeous.
  2. 9400 on my Mun elcano, but my ongoing mission (Duna+Ike double Elcano) will probably give even more, because Duna has an atmosphere (which means more science situations)
  3. This is especially silly for debris I deorbit. "Catastrophic failure"? It's a debris, who cares? The message should de something in the line of "Debris destroyed".
  4. I think he parodied a famous post about Minecraft about all the times it was "ruined FOREVER" (which was alreay parodic, too, among the reasons were "Minecraft's developement starts" and "Minecraft gets released")
  5. It's a good start! Congrats!
  6. Plot twist: actually the CIA/Illuminati/NSA/NASA/whatever have stopped understanding what's going on a long time ago.
  7. That's pretty omnious, when you think about it... They call the governement a conspiracy... But as of the true conspiracists... IT WAS THEM ALL ALONG, AUSTIN
  8. When you think about it, isn't a conspiray theory the modern iteration of religion? You have: -Rituals (that can be as silly as "Letting some vinegar evaporate to destroy chemtrails" [NOT MAKING THIS UP]) -Beliefs in the existence of a greater power (The Conspiracy, although it is evil) -Said great power has quite a few supernatural tools under his belt, that is creating disasters (HAARP), mind control, planet busting (LHC), magical poison (chemtrails),... -The following of a messiah (Alex John, David Ike Icke, and so on) -Said messiah often uses it to grab quite a bit of cash, too... -Other religions are bad (No matter what happens, then invariably Jewsdidit/ThePopedidit because they apparently work for the Illuminati)
  9. Indeed, I'm pretty sure the hardcore flat-earthers wouldn't even be convinced if they were sent to space.
  10. In my laundry list of things I'd do if I had infinite money, there is "Sending Alex Jones&co on the Moon to show it wasn't faked", as well as "Sending everyone believing the Earth is flat in orbit"
  11. I think he says "6 miles", which is about 10 km if I'm correct. Of course, this wouldn't quite help, as the curvature of Earth isn't really visible from that high. However he may notice the horizon is not that far. As I said, the chance of a successful mission is basically zero (and in fact, the chance of survival is not that high either). Then comes the chance of him realizing the Earth is actually a spheroid, which is somehow under zero.
  12. I'd say Bob 1st, then Jeb and Val tie at 2nd, and Bill goes 3rd. This is mainly because, honestly, engineers are quite useless until you start mining things, which comes at mid-game at the very best. On the other hand, racking a few more science points is always useful.
  13. [Link removed due to a potential infection] TL;DR: A guy named Mike Hughes is going to liftoff tomorrow in a maleshift rocket (read: some kind of SRB-powered capsule) in order to show the Earth is flat by taking pictures at a height of a few kilometers. The "kerbal" part comes from the fact he already tried in 2014, and the rocket, well, given the attack angle starts at 45°... didn't go very far at all. And apparently because he... staged poorly? How could I say it otherwise? the parachute got ripped off and he had to walk with a crutch for 15 days. From what I see of the rocket, the chance of a RUD is immensely more probable than actually reaching 5 km, but that's quite kerbal nevertheless.
  14. Hale isn't quite the bottom of Sarnus' gravity well (which isn't that deep anyway). Similarily, Amalthea is nevertheless at 180 Mm from Jupiter. This isn't much compared to the Earth-moon distance, but we are still 2,5 planetary radii away from LJO. After all, you only need a "Kerbalthea-Laythe" transfer to get to nearly any intercept, thanks to Laythe's gravity assists.
  15. CKAN, a tool which makes downloading mods a no-brainer, allowing me to play with awesome mods such as OPM or TAC-LS.
  16. Yeah, The charm of the Moho is just like Mario's minus world: a terrain that isn't even supposed to exist in the first place.
  17. As I said, I could help for the mission's flavor text, and the science defs. This as a whole is a pretty good idea, and you have my approval.
  18. I can't stand debris, each times I create some I destroy them.
  19. Getting to Duna or Ike in stock is actually fairly easy. You simply take your Mün lander and add a few boosters to grab 1 km/s more dV, and poof, Duna! For a more challenging mission, you could try to also visit Ike in the same mission (which will almost surely require you to re-dock with a mothership to refuel), or deliberately increase the size (and therefore mass) of the mothership by doing some self-imposed challenges, such as saying "Nobody would like staying for 3 years in a capsule", or planning to get all 4 of the Kerbonauts on Duna/Ike.
  20. Well, I decided to make some kind of questline while staying mostly compatible with a sandbox game. Think Minecraft or Terraria: both of these game are wide-open sandboxes, yet they have "endings": In Minecraft, you kill the Enderdragon for the first time, and in Terraria, the Moon Lord. But each time, the adventure continues. In Minecraft, you can now explore The End, and in Terraria, defeat him again until you can craft the endgame hyper badass armors. I tried to make something similarly open. Oh, and my new project for this is to create mission briefings for the quests.
  21. Round 3! In fine! Laythe: Without refuelling, Land from orbit, then get back to LLO using only RAPIER engines Tylo: Get within 50 m of the surface, at a speed of at least 1500m/s Vall: Get 10 objects (the type doesn't matter) within 100m of Vallhenge Bop: Impact the dead Kraken at over 500m/s (N.B. If successful, the dead Kraken disappears) Pol: Put an asteroid in an equatorial LJO. No need to rename it "Kerbalthea".
  22. A moon so small would have a very, very, very weak gravity right? That wouldn't be very interesting...
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