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Everything posted by MinimalMinmus

  1. When you have to restrain yourself from calling Mars "Duna". Based on a true story, btw, it happend to me no farther than yesterday!
  2. If you're still interested, could you do this one? We can thanks a very well placed green monolith for this one.
  3. There's no way you could reach the liquid layers of an ice giant without getting destroyed. At this point, the pressure is measured in thousands of atmospheres.
  4. Cool design, but why are there so many spectro-variometers?
  5. I have missed the fact we'll have 5m parts too. Neat!
  6. While the idea of impactor probes is good, the whole plot of an impactor is to... impact things, and not quite surviving. I'd prefer a "stockification" of Impact! rather than a new, rather situational probe core. By what miracle any probe could survive an impact to Tylo, anyway (we're talking about slamming into a rock at mach 4 or 5 at the very least)
  7. My take at balance: the 2 biggest probe cores (2,5m and HECS2) have a rudimentary AI, and can still be controlled for 1 hour after the loss of signal. However, the map view switches back to "no patched conics" during the time.
  8. It's alright, I wasn't sure anyway. I got pwned the first time I tried hard, KER or no KER. Turns out, the ability to reset is even more important than I think. But y'know what? I'll do it. I'll [EXPLETIVE REDACTED] do it.
  9. Okay, okay, if there's a lot of backlash, I'll withdraw my attempt. I'll probably re-do it legit once I'm done with my current game.
  10. An experienced user would have most of these infos anyway, just a bit later, and besides is it really that important to have patched conics on moderate? I can quite accurately blind throw into a Mun RDV, with or without, and Minmus only takes a few tries. After this, it's only a matter of landing a few times on both, which isn't much harder with enough dV.
  11. I figured out, it doesn't help that much, except maybe for the biomes but then it's mainly a convenience, you just get better readings, and besides it consumes a oh-so-precious part slot, so I'd say it's fairly balanced.
  12. I don't know if you noticed, but Sonnah is insanely nice for aerobrakes. It's possibe to plunge at 8 km/s in it with no protection and still be alright.
  13. I have the idea at the back of my mind of getting a theme from classical music for each planets/bodies. With a lot of Gustav Holst. My take (incomplete): Kerbol: ? Moho: Saint Saens: Danse Macabre Eve: Holst: Mars (yup, Mars, 'cause it feels more natural if we switch them) * Gilly: Liszt: Grey clouds (an impressionist piano piece works well for a small moon) Kerbin: Strauss: On the blue danube waltz (doubles as a shout-out) * Mun: Beethoven: moonlight sonata (1st mvt) * Minmus: Beethoven: moonlight sonata (2nd mvt) Duna: Holst: Venus * Ike: Holst: Mercury Dres: Holst: Saturn Jool: Holst: Jupiter (but of course) * Laythe: Holst: Uranus * Vall: Mussorgsky/Ravel: Pictures at an exhibition, first piece * Tylo: Grieg: In the hall of the mountain king * Bop: Mussorgsky: Night on the bald mountain * Pol: ? Eeloo: Holst: Neptune Bonus: when you get less than 100m from a monolith, Also spracht Zarathustra starts playing
  14. A very cool mod overall! The only thing that bugs me is that Sonnah seems to be lit well past the terminator, and the true "dark side" is quite small, covering 20% or so of the giant at best. This could be a graphical problem on my side however. Also, for the OPM integration, how about this: Sarnus replaces Eeloo, just like in the mod, and Minmus becomes another moon (Mimas analogue?). Urlum, Neidon and Plock are pushed further than Vanor.
  15. [Link removed] Here's my try. I hope using KER still counts (it doesn't really add anything except 2 parts that are basically useless except the HUD). Edit: everyone seems to agree it doesn't so...
  16. And at the Kerbacademy award of the creepiest fruit, we nominate...
  17. Meh, only c/6, I call this merciful.
  18. So then we'll have 1.5.(a+bi), then 1.6.(a+bi+cj+dk), and so on. After 1.8, we'll have exhausted even sedenions, and problems will start.
  19. Well, if you want a challenge, Ernus is nothing short of ridiculous. You thought Moho's dV budget was huge? How about a dense ball of rock 3 times closer to Kerbol?
  20. Jeb, Bill, Bob and Val returned from their odyssey on Duna an Ike, and... HOLY KRAKEN This almost triples my record, and will probably stay that way until I do, say, a quintuple Elcano of all of Jool's muns? I am giving myself good bad ideas... Oh, and full mission report coming soon.
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