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Bottle Rocketeer 500

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Everything posted by Bottle Rocketeer 500

  1. @shoe7ess I have found what is, in my opinion, a better craft on KerbalX: https://kerbalx.com/KSpaceAcademy/KSA-Saturn-V
  2. @Kebab Kerman Yes, that is a good idea, probably as a replacement for bird strikes, for which you would actually need to put in birds, which would be particularly tolling to the potatoes some people play on.
  3. @Kebab Kerman Thank you for the info, I have a suggestion: maybe also add in bird strikes as a thing to worry about.
  4. @Kebab Kerman If you can give me a sketch (one in Microsoft paint would work) of the damaged model, I can try to make one for you. For the particle effects, you could use those from the mod Destruction Effects, licensed CC0. For the plugin, you could try finding someone who is willing to write a plugin for this.
  5. @shoe7ess I am working on an Apollo 13 mission right now, and it now includes launching on day 13, will add the center F1 engine shutting off on ascent, now I also have the return-to-Kerbin time after all the failures set to 1 day, probably for extra challenge, but it is possible that it isn't actually that challenging.
  6. @SpannerMonkey(smce) Good point, I completely agree, but isn't Curse (at least for KSP) SQUAD maintained, or am I just mistaken, as I have seen it mentioned before on these forums.
  7. @Eskandare Looking forward to it, the taxiways seem very useful, recently, I was driving an airport shuttle bus kind of thing in stock, but had to drive on the runway, which is unrealistic. Maybe, you can make like a bus stop at the ksc, maybe near the Astronaut Complex.
  8. @HeliosPh0enix Probably, this is intended. The props throttle down with speed, IIRC, so, when you turn, you slow down, and the prop powers up. When you level out, on the other hand, you quickly will speed up, and exceed the prop's intended speed of flight, so it throttles down. @blackheart612 If you have the time, maybe try rebuilding the Emu Liner from scratch and testing it out.
  9. @blackheart612 Now, you have made aircraft and the corresponding service vehicles. Now, go make an airport.
  10. @blackheart612 Correct, the Dodo craft, which has the same cockpit, does not veer off to the side, I just tested it. So, what could it be? EDIT: Tried replacing the command pod in the Emu Liner with a "fresh" one, did not fix the problem.
  11. @AntINFINAIt You need to UV unwrap it to make it work in KSP
  12. @blackheart612 Congratulations on the update! I have realized that it was not the passenger door part which caused the veering off to the side. I am thinking that instead, it is the Size 2 cockpit that is causing the issue. I will test it out and report whether I was correct or not.
  13. @damonvv Hello, everyone. An update: I will be revamping the current design due to the release of 1.4 and its service bay module, as used on the MH Apollo SM part. Here is a blueprint of what I have in mind:
  14. @Snark If you decide otherwise at any point, just PM me. I will now resume work on my CST-100 mod, as 1.4 has some very useful features, such as the service bay module.
  15. @Jarin One I finish my current CST-100 mod, I might actually make a stock overhaul project including some tanks. Still, there is the possibility that @Snark would accept my offer to make Gemini and Mercury parts.
  16. @Jarin If you mean configuring models in Unity, then yes. If you mean writing config files, the also yes (that is if balancing them isn't part of it, though I can find the fuel capacity of a tank.) The reason why I wanted to make new models was just because IMO, ones with tank domes might fit in a little bit better with the MH parts. I will start with the FLT-800 tank and post a render here, just so you can decide if you want me to make new models or not. Still, I think you would have to bring the existing parts through Unity anyway. Also, @Snark, maybe change the stock Mk1 command pod to @Porkjet's overhauled version, as that might fit in better with the MH Gemini parts. Then, if you would like, I could maybe model a few extra Gemini parts, mainly for the nose (monoprop tank and docking port/parachute). Also, maybe some Mercury parts.
  17. @Snark @Jarin If you would like, I can quickly whip up a few 1.25 tank replacement models in blender with tank domes thingies. I can probably do it all (modeling and UV unwrapping) for 3 tanks and have it ready for texturing somewhere around tomorrow. Would you like me to do so?
  18. One question: How would one go about reaching an equatorial orbit while launching from the Woomerang launch site in the Jebnik mission? I have tried doing inclination changes, but the rocket doesn't have enough Dv.
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