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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. Got any logs? Should probably start up a new thread and see if anyone else is running into this problem. This is the first I've seen it mentioned, but if it's legit coming from CubeUpload, we should probably know.
  2. I stretched KSP across all three monitors and snapped a picture. If I can manage to get them all lined up perfectly, I may start playing like this. (Ideally I'll get three monitors that are the same size...)
  3. You didn't click the link, did you?
  4. What mods work in 1.3 but not 1.3.1? AFAIK, Steam has removed the option for the "beta" 1.3.
  5. Yes, it's an April Fool's joke from ModuleManager.
  6. I disagree, I think it's easier to do as soon as you're done with the transfer burn. Course corrections are always cheaper the sooner you do them. I will usually set my Mun encounter to be low enough that everything will impact. Point retrograde, dump the transfer stage, then a few puffs of RCS to get the CM/LM back on course for a normal non-lethal encounter. Transfer stage should impact the surface with enough time to do your experiment and switch back to the CM for the orbital burn. I have screenshots from last time I did it (not the impact science, though) somewhere... they may be on my laptop.
  7. Pretty much what the forum is for. Never feel bad about asking for help. While I don't play career much myself, and have never had a satellite contract, I second checking the direction. I've seen quite a few help threads on why the contract wouldn't complete, and it was because they had the sat running the wrong direction.
  8. They did have a blog post a little while back about an issue with a large number of people using it to upload insanely illegal content. May have something to do with why it got blacklisted by MalwareBytes.
  9. I am seeing this in the Inspector: Loading mixed (insecure) display content “https://u.cubeupload.com/Geonovast/BrokenSig.png” on a secure page[Learn More] Which takes you to this page when you click on [Learn More] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Security/Mixed_content?utm_source=mozilla&utm_medium=firefox-console-errors&utm_campaign=default I have a feeling that your antivirus is just complaining about the image not being sent over a secured connection.
  10. Certainly. Although keep in mind that I did this in Sandbox, so you may not be able to load it in your career save. Also I removed the MJ module, so if you want MJ to fly it, you'll need to stick that back on. I didn't realize it was for a contract https://kerbalx.com/Geonovast/Spaceinstitute-2
  11. Is it April 1st for you? It's from Module Manager, it also did it awhile back during, IIRC, National Cat Day in.. Japan? I think?
  12. @Gargamel I think I fixed it. Is it still triggering your anti-malware?
  13. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Key_bindings If you don't like the stock ones, you can change pretty much all of them in the Main Menu / Settings
  14. Well all that's in my sig right is that glitched portion that sometimes flashes and then disappears. If it was CubeUpload itself doing it, like half of my posts would be triggering it, since all of my pictures here are hosted there. I know I'm also not the only person here that uses them. See! It's still there! Just kerborked!
  15. Not really. The tutorials aren't very helpful, though. Personally, I play almost exclusively in sandbox, occasionally in science, almost never in career. Just don't enjoy career at all. Sandbox isn't something you need to unlock, it's there from the start.
  16. Ok, my main concern is the drastic diameter changes you have. The game hates these, and it creates a ton of drag. I had issues with it flipping once it got too high, most likely because of the gap between the cupola module and that large decoupler. These are really killing you. You want to use the parts the transition from one diameter to another. For the 1.875m stuff, I think all of those pieces are fuel tanks. Another minor issue is the parachutes. Unless you're using some kind of mod to recover them, like FMRS, they're completely useless and are just dead weight. The game will not calculate their landing if they're out of physics range (which they will be well out of by the time they get to the ground), and the game is just going to delete them when they "hit" the ground. This one (other than the diameter change) is that your boosters are twisted a bit. with the offset nosecone the way it is, it could push your rocket to roll. I also recommend putting everything above the service bay in a fairing. You've got a significant amount of radially mounted parts that are just adding to your drag. And, toss the RCS stuff. If you re-design to eliminate all that drag, you won't need the RCS to keep the rocket straight during launch. It also appears this is meant to be a space station, and RCS on space stations is usually overkill. The reaction wheel is plenty, put the RCS on the stuff that will be docking with the station. You've got a lot of ports on there (drag), and you're hauling up 3.4Tons of stuff you don't need (MP tank) I re-designed with the above in mind, and got to a 100k x 100k orbit with more than 2300 m/s left. Be more than happy to share pics and the craft file, but I recommend taking a crack at it yourself first.
  17. Go do something else. They don't show up when you wait. You'll just get an email that it's been rescheduled for Monday..
  18. But still better than most of ours, I'm sure. I don't think I had a non-fatal landing until attempt 4 or 5...
  19. Before you know it, this will all be second nature, and you'll be able to dock in your sleep.
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