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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. Favorite plan is Dres. Favorite moon is Minmus. However, to be fair, I have never been to Eeloo, only been to Jool twice on flybys, and have only been to three moon (legitimately anyway, I have F12ed my way to Laythe a few times to see if a plane would fly there) I seem to be getting more enjoyment out of LKO projects nowadays than anything interplanetary.
  2. Started with 1.3. I did download one of the freeware versions once, don't remember which version, but I didn't like it. I think there has to be some nostalgia there to enjoy the older ones, which I didn't have, having never played them before.
  3. I'm using the Calm Nebula one, love it.
  4. My biggest problem is that it forced its way into my computer over and over despite me saying no over, and over, and over again. Microsoft didn't care at all about what their customers wanted. They decided it was "better" and you should just take it because it's free, even if you didn't want it and/or your hardware couldn't run it. When it finally worked and actually installed itself on my laptop, it took three hours to boot, move all of my stuff when I told it not to, and it lagged so bad it took an hour to hit the revert button. Then it was too stupid to know what happened, because as soon as it reverted back to Windows 7, it started begging me to upgrade again. It's built around a touchscreen when it shouldn't be. The metro menu is insanely annoying and you can't make it go away. It's simply built around giving you as little freedom as possible. It follows the mentality that "the whole world must know what I'm doing, when I do it" a little too close for comfort. I like freedom. I like my computer to be how I want, not how some money-grubbing customer-squashing corporation wants it. They moved too much. Made it difficult to find things. Cortana is useless. Every computer I have ever used that had it, including brand new ones, was an absolute dog. *The above statements are purely my personal opinion based on my experience with Windows 10. I fully acknowledge that your experience likely differs, to the point of possibly actually liking the software. It just tends to send me into a foaming, raging rant. I am rather happy after my switch to Linux. Although I do miss MSpaint.
  5. Which one are you using? I'm using UBlock Origin with no custom filters, as well as a PiHole DNS server, and it shows up for me. I used to use AdBlock Plus, until it turned into an advertisement machine and started randomly opening tabs with ads.
  6. I would ditch them all. Start a completely stock Sandbox save, and just play around. No money, science, or contracts to worry about. When you miss a mod, add it back in and play a little while longer until you miss another one. This will prune out the ones you don't really care about having, and should give you a pretty good clue about which one's the problem when something goes wrong.
  7. Slacker I've been here like 8 1/2 months.
  8. I for one would love a stock "solar system builder" that lets you create your own solar system from a pool of planets and moons. It is a good idea. It would be fantastic for a point-and-click system to do this. They're just trying to tell you to not get your hopes up, because, from a business standpoint, it would likely lose money.
  9. It's part of 1.4, not MH. If you're playing career, your kerbals need to be a certain level before they can use them.
  10. Oh I know. It's actually my favorite planet. Remote, perfect gravity, interesting terrain, lots of asteroids. I know it's pain to get to, but still I had a lot of fun doing that challenge. I need to go back... and name all the things.... apparently.
  11. I've never seen one, and I think I've seen it mentioned that there never will be. Right up there with an official storyline for career. An official canon could inhibit player-based storylines, which are thriving quite nicely. I see a lot of arguing, angry edits, and precisely nothing getting done. I mean, we can't even make up our minds IRL https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denali–Mount_McKinley_naming_dispute When I was in school we had FOUR oceans. https://sciencetrends.com/many-oceans-world/
  12. Did you update all your mods with the game update? It's probably Scatterer. Remove it and see if the problem is still there. If the problem goes away post your issue over in Scatterer's thread. If it's still there, keep removing your mods one by one until the problem disappears, then post your issue in whichever mod's thread was last removed. But I'm pretty sure your graphical problem is caused by your graphical mod. Also, log file, log file, log file. You will definitely need your log files when you post your issue in the mod's thread.
  13. I can't think of anyone that makes enough threads to clutter up a subforum. What happens when someone you have hidden makes a thread?
  14. It's one of LGG's mods. It will be updated, he has a long list to do. Just give him some time.
  15. I. Hate. Windows. One of my co-workers just got a new laptop for his daughter, but the thing, of course, came with Windows 10 on it. Even though neither of them are computer people, they both agree that that infection needs to be removed before she ever uses it. It appears that people were able to put Windows 7 on it, so I'm making the attempt. Being that this is a new 11inch laptop, it has no optical drive. Refuses to boot from a Windows 7 USB installer. It's possible I'm doing something wrong, as I've never done a Windows USB installer before, and it's so freaking picky that creating one from Linux is also being a headache. Luckily, I have a USB DVD drive! And a Windows 7 Pro DVD! Which I spent like 5 hours searching for! Hook it up, Windows installation starts.... barely. "Hey, dude, I know I booted from a DVD drive, and I know I can't find a non-USB DVD drive, but we can't do anything without a DVD device driver for a device that doesn't exist. Sorry." - paraphrased from the installer. So now I'm back to the USB installer thing. Know what just works with no problem? Linux. Plugged my installer driver into it and it booted straight into the live environment, wifi and touchscreen working perfectly. But he's insistant on Linux being a last resort, even though she's using my guest laptop (with Mint on it) until this one is up and running just fine. Even if I get Windows 7 installed on this thing, I know driver hunting is going to be a nightmare, as Dell only provides Windows 10 drivers on their website. She basically needs this thing as a resume creator and a web browser. Linux would be just fine. But nooooooooo. If my mom can use Linux, so can you.
  16. It works that way with re-sizing using the method I mentioned. It only changes the display size, not the size of the image. Clicking on it still brings up the full image / slideshow. I believe what you're trying to do is exactly what I do. Click on any of those pictures, and it brings up the full image with the slideshow arrows.
  17. I made a hover car! (rover has a small amount of RCS to pop it back up to the lander for science recovery. Unintentionally, it's the perfect distance and weight where it'll try to pull it up to dock, but doesn't quite have the power, so the rover just hovers).
  18. Are you doing the table to essentially make them thumbnails? You can hold ctrl and right click on the image to set its size, and you can also use the squares at the corners of the image when you paste the link to adjust the size. I do the ctrl + right click method because it's a lot quick to set multiple images to the same size.
  19. If it's a root problem, here's a quick and dirty rundown of the re-root tool.
  20. If the problem you're having is that it's insisting on attaching radially and ignoring the node in the cargo bay, hold alt (if you're on Windows) to disable radial attachment.
  21. He knows that his tuition pays your salary whether he does the work or not... right?.... RIGHT? You don't get a refund if you fail a class...
  22. I have a couple ethernet over power adapters, and I dunno about yours, but mine get HOT. I also had to replace a bunch of capacitors in half of them. Crack the problem one open and see if any of the cap vents are bulging.
  23. The boosters are actually attached to the center tank of the ship, not the decoupler. That's why they're not ejecting.
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