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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. Sounds like it. You'll probably have to find the setting in Galaxy itself, KSP won't see it. I also run the GoG version, but I don't use Galaxy, and F12 has nothing to do with screenshots.
  2. Possibly, but not everything in the mod is now in stock. AFAIK, the stock chutes don't have ejection seats. I don't use Galaxy, I suppose it makes sense they'll update through that first. It's not like 1.3.1 suddenly stopped working or being enjoyable.
  3. Also hit up Dock Rotate here. Very new, but awesome, mod that KSP has needed for a long time. It will help you line up stuff more precisely than the built in Konstruction! rotation before you weld.
  4. You could probably get a fairing around most of it. Just put the fairing base at the top flipped upside down. Personally, with stuff like this, I would use Konstruction! and weld it together in orbit.
  5. Die Hard. Or True Lies? It's been forever since I've seen it, but I know you're a fan. A dude falls in love, "dies", comes back, kidnaps his true love, dies for real, comes back, and then marries her.
  6. This has to be my only major gripe about the game. Either refuse to load the save, or give the option to continue, acknowledging that crafts will be deleted. I don't understand why on Kerbin they defaulted to "Just delete everything and immediately save, I'm sure everyone would be fine with that."
  7. I've had enough Marvel CU movies. I mean, I love them, they're almost all rather awesome, but let's wrap it up, huh?
  8. "This video contains content from Studio71_2_1, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds." But given the preview image and the source comic they come from, I'm guess it probably violates some forum rules.
  9. Just get 1.4.1. The .1 is a patch, but the 1.4.1 download will be a full install. No reason to get 1.4 first unless you just don't want to wait for 1.4.1. I'm not going to bother with 1.4. I'm waiting anyway, so I'll just wait for 1.4.1. If you're really that impatient, there is a mod for that. Assuming it gets update, I'm gonna use the mod instead/with the stock chutes, since it has ejection seats, and you don't have to EVA the kerbals individually.
  10. I don't remember how long I had to wait for 1.3.1, I wanna say it was about a week. Don't bother asking them about it, you'll just get something like this: Definitely a generic response, since I specifically asked about KSP 1.4 and MH.
  11. Not mad at all. Never even been close to mad about any issue with a mod. Whether it's updates, glitches, new features. I'm happy to test, troubleshoot, and will request features. But neither me, or anyone else, is entitled to squat. Every single mod maker out there could quit development this very moment. While that might suck, it's nothing to be mad over. You paid for the game, not for the mods. Not a single modder gets paid for this and isn't obligated to do what they do. If having a certain mod is absolutely necessary... write one yourself. Personally I like the little update lull. Granted, 1.4 is only my second update, and I still don't have it since GoG's always a bit behind. Once 1.4 is available to me, I'll play stock for a little while until all the mods are I use the most are up to date (probably either updated, or tested and confirmed for 1.4.1.)
  12. I was just scrolling through a bunch of old screenshots, a good number of which had yellow clocks. As soon as I noticed, my first thought was "Why is my picture viewer lagging?". I need a vacation.
  13. Every day I'm astonished by how much of a wasteful society we are. I don't mean the big stuff. I mean the little things that nobody thinks twice about. This morning I was at a gas station getting caffeine for the day. I get to the register, and the cashier goes to bag it up. She opens the bag, mutters "Oh no, this one is way too big," proceeds to throw that bag away, and gets me a smaller one. I'm no expert, but I think the larger bag would have worked just fine. I was also at another station quite a ways back, working on their ATM. I was there right during the transition between breakfast and lunch, and watched them throw a good 5-6 unsold breakfast sandwiches right in the trash so they could put up the burgers and whatnot. It's appalling to see, and gets much worse when you realize that every gas station likely does that every day.
  14. Cannot get this unstuck from my head. Already listened to it a good 4 times today.
  15. Given all the problems they've had with the forums over the last few days, I'm sure the problem you were seeing was just a symptom of Javascript exploding on them from the host migration.
  16. Use this and ditch the experiments before re-entry. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Experiment_Storage_Unit Also, for any advice involving craft design, screenshots are pretty much necessary.
  17. I won't be able to try 1.4 until it hits GoG, but I really hope it's not the Nvidia driver. I'm also running 384.111. 387.34 prevented all my games from launching, and the lovely crap that is 390.25 would shut off my computer randomly. I'll check back once GoG catches up with the rest of civilization.
  18. I can't do squat because I'm "moving over the surface." Also I can't un-see Surtur in this.
  19. Everything's been looking good for the last few hours to me. Profile banner is back too, that had disappeared somehow.
  20. I doubt it. It seems to be rollercoastering. I get locked out for hours at a time, then suddenly I can post. Then back to nothing again. But they are aware of the problems, and are working on it.
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