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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. Not much you can do without installing a mod. KER will tell you everything you need.
  2. Well, sorry I'm not too much help, but I can confirm that your subassembly is broken. How? No clue. Nothing in the file is jumping out at me. But: I imported your file into my game, and got the same results. Showed up as an assembly, I could click on it, move it around in the SPH, it looked exactly as you'd said, even tried to position itself on a tank... but I couldn't place it, drop it, anything. Esc key did nothing. Had to close the game. I rebuilt the piece as you described, and mine works fine. All I can figure is some mod you have is configuring it in a way that's breaking what the game expects. Hopefully someone who can read craft files better than I will see something. It would help if we had a list of all the mods (and versions!) you have installed. But rest assured, you are not insane! Well, probably. I don't know you. Edit! I found the problem. But I don't know how it got there. ship = Structural Wing B III version = 1.3.1 description = Tier 6 - Structural Wing B with Elevon 2-3 type = None size = 4.34874868,0.187505722,5.21353579 PART { part = structuralWing2_4287026586 partName = Part pos = -0.522064984,10,3.26688981 attPos = 0,0,0 attPos0 = -0.522064984,1.01786065,-2.38418366E-07 rot = 0.705375791,0.0494486317,-0.049448505,0.705375791 attRot = 0,0,0,1 attRot0 = 2.98023224E-08,8.94069672E-08,-0.0699308291,0.997551918 mir = 1,1,1 symMethod = Mirror autostrutMode = Off rigidAttachment = False istg = 0 resPri = 0 dstg = 0 sidx = -1 sqor = -1 sepI = -1 attm = 1 modCost = 0 modMass = 0 modSize = 0,0,0 link = elevon2_4286964772 link = elevon3_4286949774 sym = structuralWing2_4286933050 srfN = srfAttach,Mark1Cockpit_4287189310 EVENTS { } ACTIONS { } PARTDATA { } MODULE { Delete the bold lines and see if it'll work. (did for me)
  3. @peteletroll <string name="exemptModuleType0">WingManipulator</string> <string name="exemptModuleType1">SingleGroupMan</string> <string name="exemptModuleType2">KerbalEVA</string> <string name="exemptModuleType3">MuMechToggle</string> <string name="exemptModuleType4">ModuleKerbetrotterHitch</string> <string name="exemptModuleType5">ModuleGrappleNode</string> <string name="exemptModuleType6">ModuleDockRotate</string> The top bold line I added to allow the Klaw to pivot again, the second was to fix the dock rotating problem. You need to add the bold lines to GameData\KerbalJointReinforcement\Plugin\PluginData\KerbalJointReinforcement\config.xml Adjust the underlined numbers as needed, make sure they're sequential.
  4. Some days I really really really really hate Javascript. Today is one of those days.
  5. It should, solar panels are rather fragile. The solar panel would disintegrate before anything too terrible would happen. Would just have to make sure it's retracted when docking. Personally, the inevitable clipping would be the biggest hassle, and you'd still have the blockage problem.
  6. I have precisely 0 interest in career mode. Don't mind Science, though. Honestly, contracts are super annoying at the beginning. There's always this:
  7. I'm betting sepratrons, two in each bay, since he said they weren't controllable and his staging bar shows 4 engines burning solid fuel.
  8. I did that once. It was right after this mission. I had to edit it in because I neglected to bring a screwdriver on the re-do of that mission. My reasoning was that even NASA wouldn't forget a screwdriver twice.
  9. I have a few concerns with the payload before we even get to lifting it into orbit: 1. I realize that the stock LF only tanks are limited, but stringing a bunch of those together may be better than lifting up a larger tank that's not even half full. 2. Get the solar panels away from those docking ports. If they're deployed while docking, you're gonna have a bad time, and if part clipping bothers you at all, it's not gonna look pretty when you have other pieces attached there. It's also going to be really easy for them to be blocked if you have stuff docked next door. 3. Do you have any interest in modding? A couple informational mods (Like KER) and some mods that let you either switch the stock large tanks to LF only or add large LF only tanks would really help if you're going nuclear. Pictures of the entire craft you're launching would help as well. You may not have to change much.
  10. Welcome! I don't personally know of anywhere that's using it in an educational setting, my daughter's still a bit too young for that. (8). But she does like to watch me play it, I've let her play it a few times with really simple rockets, and she's definitely really getting interested in space. In a few years I may check into the school doing something with the EDU version. Honestly I'm not even sure what the difference between the normal version and EDU version is, other than the DRM. The EDU subforum isn't very active, but hopefully you can find what you're after!
  11. Somewhat related, as this ship has a mining drone and does the converter on the ship: Finally got this thing up without some stupid blunder. Sent the core 4 to an extended stay in Minmus orbit to make sure the LS recycling equipment works and that there's enough to keep them from going insane. This guy's got enough resources to keep the crew of happy for a little less than a year. Theoretically fully regenerative for life support, but I didn't do any math on that, so we'll see. Sitting full it's got about 6 km/s of dV. Propelled by 8 independent engine assemblies, each consisting of a MX-1 Garnet Fission Reactor, 4 Stock Large Radiator Panels, Medium TCS, tank with 2200 units of Lithium, and a LF-1 Charon Magnetoplasmadynamic Thruster pushing out a whopping 47.3 KN of thrust. They're assembled around a central tank with 35,200 units of Lithium. ISRU on board capable of replenishing the lithium from ore dug up by the mining drone. Ahead of the massive solar battery truss/ 2-axis solar panel system is the life support/escape system with 4 Deep Freeze escape pods. The pods are designed to eject from the ship, carry just enough battery to orient themselves, deploy the panels/antennas, and turn the occupant into a kerbsicle to await rescue. Centrifuge is the jaw-dropping deployable one by @Angel-125(who also made that insane solar truss) Pretty sure I have more DSEV stuff on here, but I honestly can't remember which parts are with which mod most of the time. Lastly, up front is an array of 8 useless science experiments in US wedges, like the LS tanks, greenhouse, command pod, and massive relay antenna. I just realized this is the first time I've left LKO in quite awhile, and the first time in this save. While Bill, Bob, Jeb, and Val are out suffering in Minmus orbit, I can start working on the full shuttle recovery again!
  12. I was just wondering where this thread went. Know what happens when you stage fairings early and the pieces get reflected back to you? You lose your entire solar array and half your thermal control system, that's what.
  13. These ones I'm taking right now as I had a shuttle mission going when I saw this. Overshot the KSC a bit.. Quite a few more pictures in the WDYDIKT thread. Also, since all my issues with Dock Rotate seem to have been squared away, I'll be continuing this soon:
  14. My dad's probably got about 8000 albums at last count. Big mix of 33 1/3, 45, and 78s. When I was a kid, we'd go garage saling every weekend in the summer. Almost every trip involved at least one stop that went something like this: *Box full of albums anywhere from 20 to 200, listed at $0.50 - $2 each* Dad: "I'll give you $5 for the whole box." Them: "Ok." My mom once picked up a 45 jukebox that had 100 45s in it for him for $100. He sold one of the 45s, IIRC it was The White Album, for $125. Dunno if he's still got the jukebox. I've never been big on vinyl, but they do seem to be making a slow comeback.
  15. So just interested, don't own the game yet? Are you waiting for sale? It just went through a sale cycle, so it might be a little bit before it's on sale again. If you're into rocketry/space at all, the game's way worth it even at full price. Welcome!
  16. When rotating your craft around in orbit, don't use RCS. Unless the thrusters are perfectly balanced around your ever-changing CoM, it will change your orbit. Not a big deal when you're orbiting a planet or moon, but in interplanetary space, it can mean hundreds of thousands of kilometers at your target. So if you set up your Jool intercept, then rotate with RCS to line up your solar panels... you might end up missing the Jool system completely, or diving straight in. Always pack your reaction wheels!
  17. Ah yes, I remember now, I had to do that for the Klaw because KJR killed its pivot ability. I will give that a shot! Edit: That appears to have done it!
  18. It's not great on a desktop either. The whole site changed whenever I scrolled and I couldn't really even tell what was going on.
  19. I've been working on a lithium propelled regenerative LS / ISRU interplanetary craft. Got it up into orbit... Unfortunately had some separation issues with discarding the lifter, and the ship was damaged. Instead of simply reverting, I decided to rendevous with Akron station, which some of you are probably familiar with at this point. I don't have any screenshots of this part, but since my new ship is hilariously not set up for docking, I parked it a couple hundred meters away from the station, and all 4 crew EVAed over to the station. Afterwards, I needed to dispose of the craft, so naturally I just burned it sub-orbital and watched the show. The ship broke up, but the camera stayed with the largest chunk: Had I known THIS was going to happen, I would have just left the crew on board! Nosed down into the ground at nearly 200 m/s. All that happened was the docking port on the end blew up, and it flipped over to rest here.
  20. I've.... actually only been to three of those! So, Minmus? I guess? Super eerie there.
  21. Thanks @DMagic Explains why I couldn't find it, I was searching in the releases subforum.
  22. Is there a thread for the revamp I'm not seeing, or is dev on the revamp suspended? Also curious if it's possible to include support for Deep Freeze's glykerol in the revamp.
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