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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. @damonvv Just a little warning for you and @Omega482: this KSP Loading says that some of the stock KSC statics are having their textures improved, and since your mods use stock textures, 1.8 might break them. The fix should be pretty easy though.
  2. Ah, so they’re going to roll it over to the nose section and then mate the two together. Makes sense.
  3. Well, the Breaking Ground DLC has turboshaft engines and propeller/helicopter blades, so you're in luck there
  4. This is a little number I call the 'Launch Clamp Kraken'. Context: I was mucking around with Vessel Mover and decided to see what would happen if I spawned a vessel with launch clamps. To make a long story short, I managed to create launch clamps that were free of the ground, but when I switched back to the space centre I found that it had been launched into deep space.
  5. Looks like they've attached the main body of Mk1 to a crane, ready to lift: I was expecting them to lift the nose section over to the main body, not the other way round, but I guess they want it to be as visible as possible during Elon's presentation so putting it out in the yard makes sense too.
  6. For testing purposes, my mooring mast was nailed to the ground with launch clamps, but the concrete base in KIS could feasibly be used for the same purpose, since it's possible to attach that to the ground also.
  7. OK, this isn't really SpaceX news or anything, but there's currently a guy sitting atop Starship's top bulkhead. I wonder if he's eating his lunch up there...it is 12:50pm in Texas after all...
  8. @Angel-125 Turns out, mooring airships the traditional way is possible! All you need is a telescopic joint from KAS, a decently tall mast, and an engineer willing to stand on top of said mast
  9. Check how you installed it. HooliganLabs needs to go straight in GameData, but Heisenberg goes within WildBlueIndustries.
  10. It may not have been updated in a long time, but it still works in 1.7.3 I assure you
  11. Do you plan to use the stock shiny metal shader or Textures Unlimited when you update Starship to the latest version?
  12. They'll probably be similar to the forward canards on the previous (triple fixed landing gear) design.
  13. Ah! I see, you’ve got the captain’s ready room and briefing room...very Star Trek!
  14. You're planning cold gas thrusters and landing gear? Is that to reduce the number of dependencies needed?
  15. What do you mean? If the fins have legs attached, that would mean that they would have to bear the load of the craft sitting on the ground, so they would need to be more strengthened that how this looks:
  16. It'll be interesting to see what the landing legs look like now. The finlegs do give quite a wide base, which increases the angle required for the ship to tip over, as I demonstrate with this diagram: (Note that I approximated the COM location and total fin diameter). If the legs are now simply struts sticking out from the main body, that'll make the ship more liable to tipping.
  17. @ThatGuyWithALongUsername Iiiinteresting. Looks like the fin design has changed somewhat...I wonder if the fins still double as landing gear.
  18. The elevator is just an animation, it won’t move any parts attached to it.
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