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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. I will be offline until Saturday evening - annoyingly, missing the release of Breaking Ground - but here's a new chapter to tide everyone over until then.
  2. There have been several updates in the Daily Kerbal section of the forum which specifically focused on things that the QA team have built with the new robotics, which could mean they’re taking testing more seriously. I’m going to cross my fingers and hope that SQUAD are attempting to make up for the previous expansion being a buggy, untested mess on release. I’d reckon they don’t want their new DLC requiring 5 patches to reach something resembling stability, like MH did.
  3. Thanks...the Purple should be flying to its next destination tomorrow, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to write up Chapter 4 tomorrow as well.
  4. There’s a rotor part, and all of the robotic parts have the option to be unpowered. There’s a full list of parts here:
  5. Argh, I’m going to be at least a hundred kilometres from my PC when the DLC drops. And I’ll have only one day to play with it before the half-term holiday ends But that’s a personal problem. I’m super hyped for the release anyway
  6. Ah, well. Shame, Heisenberg blimps would have been fun to play with...but there's quite a few blimp parts in Hooligan Labs that I can use instead (as much as I hate the textures in that pack ).
  7. Sorry for double-posting... I found this video on page 36: @Angel-125 - What happened to this? It looks like this could be a particularly practical way of getting an airship to another planet.
  8. @Kerbal Madness I assume SQUAD will bring the new DLC to console in time. The thing is, they don’t actually make the console game. They contract it out to another company instead, which adds quite a bit to the time it takes to get a new release or DLC to console players. They also need to iron out any bugs in the initial PC release, and there’s a lengthy certification process that needs to happen with every release for consoles - for a good reason, Microsoft and Sony don’t want a game updating and bricking machines. So, TL;DR: New stuff on PC will almost certainly come to console, but there’s several factors that affect how fast it happens
  9. @Stewcumber Maybe you could use it to explore Kerbin or Laythe.
  10. We’ve got the start of a possible killer Star Trek episode here
  11. I always tend to add asterisks and then forget about writing footnotes . The joke’s that Space Hike is roughly synonymous with Star Trek.
  12. I did something that had been long overdue: Yes, I sent a little probe to Duna, only a year and a half after I bought the game . This isn't in my main save, because in there I have a 'Prime Directive' that prevents me from timewarping too far into the future, but I have now learnt the Triad of KSP: Orbital rendezvous, landing and interplanetary transfers.
  13. This will be extremely useful, especially because when you have a lot of craft docked to a space station action groups tend to overlap. This way, I can disable the action groups of docked craft to avoid firing an engine when I’m deploying solar panels, for example.
  14. @Hotel26 - are you planning to get the new DLC coming on May 30? If you are, I can’t wait to see what kind of stuff you can make with the robotics.
  15. Chapter 3 is here, and the Deep Purple's crew go for a little drive...
  16. We're almost there.... I call that same area of ocean 'Booster Bay'.
  17. @Sagarmatha96 1.7.0 is the same as 1.7. There’s probably a bug in MiniAVC (the dll that gives you that notification). The mod works fine in the latest version of KSP. And, the HLAirships folder goes directly into GameData, while Heisenberg and its dependencies should be inside a folder called WildBlueIndustries which should be in GameData too.
  18. I was just wondering if KIS using some modified form of the stock system would work, but I'm perfectly fine if the stock system and KIS can coexist.
  19. I think it would be nice if KIS could adapt the stock inventory system to its needs, but if it can't then it still makes sense to assume the stock inventory slots as specialised cargo space and the KIS inventory as the Kerbal's pockets, so to speak.
  20. Half term holiday starts on Friday! It's only one week, but it's still a well-deserved school holiday.
  21. It already works fine in 1.7, I don’t think the author will have to do anything to make it compatible.
  22. The screenshots for the next chapter are done...one and three quarter hours of flight over the ocean. Next chapter will be tomorrow.
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