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Everything posted by TLTay

  1. It's not named after Paige from the feature videos is it? The voice might fit.
  2. This has been a disappointment, OP. I don't really know what else can be said that hasn't been said somewhere already.
  3. I'm preparing myself for news of cancellation if sales and reviews are bad enough. I recommend you all do the same.
  4. Watched a couple videos, looks like even on the absolute beast of a computer they were playing on it was borderline unplayable with parts counts that are perfectly reasonable for average players to use in KSP1.
  5. Perhaps someone capable can make an ultra-low texture resolution mod to reduce RAM/VRAM usage?
  6. It's possible that a lot of wings and control surfaces got the ax in favor of procedural, so I doubt even a simple craft converter would be useful.
  7. I don't see why the developer can't just include a built-in benchmark like many other games have. Given the high spec requirements, it would end up getting added to a lot of YouTube hardware reviews and benchmark videos. Nearly free publicity over the course of the years.
  8. It exceeds the minimums, so yes, it should provide a playable 1080p experience at low or better. (Assuming CPU is ok)
  9. GHz is not the relevant factor, as a 1 GHz processor from 10 generations ago will perform wildly differently from a modern processor locked to the same speed. It's not like the torque rating in a car where the number actually means the same thing 10 years ago as it does today. You'll have to compare your processor with others via some kind of benchmark scores to tell where you stand.
  10. The big issue with the system requirements isn't even how high they are, it's that they were completely unexpectedly high. People who have been closely following the promotional material would not have guessed this high at all for the GPU by the looks of the game. Judging by the terrain and the visible flat planes on a rounded object, I would have personally guessed a 1050 or so to be the "minimum" target for a good experience. Nothing shown so far seems to warrant a 3080. Nothing. At. All. Not to mention the 3080 is the target... not for 4K, but for 1440p? Yowch. I've got a system that almost makes recommended specs, but man. I thought I'd be running ultra at buttery smooth framerates based on the promo stuff. For requiring hardware like this, you should be getting cyberpunk-grade visuals, not whatever they've been showing us. TLDR: People are mad because specs don't correlate with the visual quality at all.
  11. I've been reading both here and the reddit, and I've got to say that the hype is off the charts. As you can clearly see, the commenting metrics are indicating strong customer engagement. Our test subjects fitted with blood pressure and heart rate monitors are indicating heightened levels of excitement. Emotional language analysis of customer posts indicate optimal customer engagement. Customers are so excited by the product that many are planning to build or upgrade their PC to the tune of hundreds or even thousands of dollars. This will surely be great success.
  12. It didn't appear to come from the craft when it touched down. Looks like an effect added to the screen and not a 3d effect.
  13. That video was 0% in-game footage, fya. Some parts assets were transferred to people who made the video, but it was cgi and not game footage. You can't reference the announce video for proof of anything to be in the completed game.
  14. Everything promised in the roadmap is included in the cost and the finished product is yours to keep after development has finished. Anything that is currently unannounced or delivered after the promised features in the roadmap may be DLC and would be purchased separately as an add-on. Don't expect a KSP1-style free DLC situation.
  15. We don't have that info, but I do know that Scott Manley from YouTube made a video a few days ago in which he stated that he realized he needed a new PC "about a week ago." That would coincide with the rumors from discord showing content creators using KSP2 beta. A forum member who may have seen the whole video indicated it was being built targeting single-thread performance, which may indicate KSP/KSP2 as the cause of "needing" a new computer. Today, a reddit post from another content creator who was present at the "insiders" event indicated that they were also building a new computer. Does this mean it's demanding? Unfortunately, it's very possible. We will have to see.
  16. I've been pretty crusty about the clouds so far, but these are looking good. These look like a good fit for the chosen art direction without being overly cartoony. Only a bit over two weeks left... I only have to drag my decaying carcass to work and back 10 or so more times before the wait is over!
  17. Distant looks good. I will use this as an excuse to once again beg for a parallax-style ground implementation to hide the flatness up close.
  18. This is some quality work, no sarcasm. That looks fantastic. Some more bright light from the blast might be the only suggestion I can think of.
  19. These graphics are truly stellar. The terrain textures look very 3d to me! The footprints and rover tracks really add to the realism. The lighting and shadows are top notch stuff. I don't know if my GPU will be able to fit all the textures into VRAM. There's a lot of polygons in those terrain scatters, so I might have to turn the settings down, but BOY HOWDY is this gonna be a fun ride. Don't worry, they won't release it looking like this, right?
  20. He says "about a week ago I realized I needed a new PC." That's about when the youtubers allegedly got hold of KSP2 beta. I guess it's taxing? He built for single thread performance... same priorities as KSP1. I wonder how this bodes for KSP2 multithreading and physics compute. Forespoken is a terrible example of what it takes to put a pretty picture on the screen. There have been MUCH better looking games that ran well with far lesser systems requirements. The devs just used DLSS as a way to skip optimization and chuck a terrible product on the market for 90 bucks to grab as much cash as possible. System requirements =/= good graphics.
  21. Unrestrained opinion follows... skip if you're upset by forum posts. Every time I see one of the screenshots released recently, it feels like a bit of an insult. First it was spring 2020, then delayed, then another, now we're delayed nearly 3 years to get an early access release for 50 bucks of a half-complete game where the planets would be inappropriately barren in a circa 2004 mmo. Compare the nonthingness of the planets surfaces to the scenery of world of warcraft (2004) or morrowind (2002). Go on, have look. The textures here are better, but the emptyness is insulting. Don't tell me about rover gameplay and rock collisions. There's nothing worth roving to in those scenes. Why bother? Looks like KSP1 with marginally better textures. I just watched the eve probe tiktok... I hope that's potato-mode scenery on the surface for the integrated graphics customers. Zero hype generated by that. I'm more discouraged than anything else. When you expend a bunch of time and energy to get somewhere, you should be like: "WOW! This is freaking amazing!" Not: "Meh. This looks like the last repeating-texture undulating-mesh I just landed on, but with a slightly different color." The clouds are ok, and may be an art style choice. I'm hoping they hear this since the game won't be done for another probably 2 years. You'll hear about it on steam reviews too (from a number of people) if it releases looking like the recent screenshots. The "graphics don't matter" crew won't care if you make them better, but the "graphics matter" crew will. I've moved from the "definitely buying on day one" group to the "I'll watch some videos first" group, and if it looks like this on release, I'll sadly have to nope out until my first experience with KSP2 won't be a disappointment.
  22. Those coulds look like the raised area you get around a line of stitches. You can't unsee it now. Also, howdy, rustled jimmies frend! I was just thinking of that term for the first time in years earlier today, and here it is now on the forum. Is it making a comeback? -forever unrustled.
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