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Everything posted by TLTay

  1. The most amazing thing to me after all of this KSP2 development is just how right HarveseR and team (Squad) got it with such a low budget and limited (initial) game making knowledge. BRAVO! I salute you! I've been reading from key developers how they've been iterating on the nav UI for... years maybe? Please just pick a dozen options and give the option to customize UI in the options menu. It'll be ok. The focus and time is better spent elsewhere. No need to reinvent the wheel.
  2. Thats actually around 500 percent more performance, but doesn't necessarily translate into 500 percent more fps.
  3. Test it out, watch some animations, and probably park it in my account nearly untouched until development matures more... like several games I've bought in the last year, sadly. I haven't played sandbox since... wow... when did science mode/career get added? Just not interested in playing with no constraints for whatever reason.
  4. This was true of Squad, the developers of the original KSP. The intellectual property was sold, and now "Take Two" (one of the biggest and well-funded game studios in the world) owns and is working on KSP2.
  5. You forgot the /s, mate. Someone might think you're serious before bursting out laughing.
  6. This is my concern as well, but they are at least fairly upfront about it lacking those features. My primary concern at this point is avoiding cancellation. I'm not thrilled at all with the state of development, but I've waited 2.5 years and there is not likely to be an alternative on the horizon. Since I was going to spend 50 bucks on it anyway, I'll be buying on day one to keep it alive... At least I can see if it'll run well on my current system. Probably won't play much in day one state.
  7. How are you giving us tech progression and science before colony parts, way before interstellar parts, and even further before resource harvesting parts? Won't the progression need to be revamped with each new release of parts and functionality?
  8. I'm betting it's almost certainly this. Why work on really challenging and exhausting physics problems when you can go work on some copy/paste survival or shooter game.
  9. I like it. I hope they keep it. The less they iterate on something that functionally already exists at an acceptable level, the quicker the game will be released.
  10. My point is, we've seen ALL they had to show on it or they'd have put new stuff in the delay announcement video instead of... paint. Fans have a valid reason to be upset after being basically told "no" to EA for literally years of delays, that the game would come out when it was done. Then we were given a launch window in a Nate video, then they tease us with Jeb plushy ticktoks... just to tell us: "LOL LMAO guys, it's full price for EA and none of the stuff we promised will be in there yet, but soon! We're just not sure we can say when." Look, if you want to go down to the dealership for a %10 off sale to buy a new car with no doors, windows, or seats just for them to be installed later... enjoy! I'll let the youtubers buy it (or get it free from the marketing budget) and when it's done enough to call it game, I'll think about it. This would've just been very bad news if the price was 20 bucks, but at 50 it's pretty insulting.
  11. I get it, money matters. I don't want to spend hours (and nearly full new game price) playing a buggy, feature barren Kerbal game just to aid development. I gleefully did that with Kerbal 1 because the team needed both the money and help. They couldn't even put a preview of any of the roadmap items in the video (big red flag) and have mentioned nearly nil about major parts of the game. Instead we get a video featuring procedural wings fins and... paint!?!? Are you serious, you already showed us this in previous videos! It's a giant red flag that there ISN'T ANYTHING ELSE TO SHOW. Look, I love Kerbal IP. I legit do. But if they put this "game" to EA as a karckenified hollow shell and it gets rejected by reviewers, that could really damage its chances of survival over time.
  12. When I bought KSP1, it was 7 dollars. The product was completely unique, being developed by a small team of new devs who needed the cash to stay afloat, and kept us updated always. This well-funded and staffed (by experienced pros) game company wants 50 bucks for a glorified benchmark with basically none of the promised features. They broke the news of what is essentially a HUGE delay with a video telling fans "we need your input." No you don't. You need our money. They don't need input, they need to buy time because it's nowhere near done, otherwise these features would be in the first "release" of early access. Let's not discuss multiplayer (devs are still completely silent on this). We need to (and the parent company needs to) be prepared for the very real possibility that the reason we've heard squat about it (and why it's last on the dev list) is because they probably won't be able to deliver an acceptable MP product. I'm not giving the benefit of the doubt anymore, this game is half baked. No, less than 50% baked, and we're still 4 months out from even that. Very decent chance of a total cancellation coming, sadly.
  13. I didn't save it. It was extremely pixelated and you had to zoom waaayyy out to even kind of make out what might have been the words.
  14. At the far end of the roadmap on Steam (it is vertical there instead of horizontal on the forum page) there is a pixelated title. I rearranged the lines by slidin entire sections until they matched and it appears to say "new update" or "now loading." Anyone confirm?
  15. Roadmap is under the "announcements" forum, not in the KSP2 section.
  16. Best delay announcement ever! Thanks star citizen theorey! Now the devs get time to be pressured by the parent company to bring the game to 1.0 by cutting corners and content so DLC and console sales can commence finish the game with the help of fans. Now they don't need an advertising budget since youtubers will keep it in the shuffle for free with every update. My guess is that multiple star systems become one additional system plus fluff (lining others up as DLC), key functionality gets held back for DLC, colonies are placeholders to be expanded by DLC, and multiplayer gets cancelled altogether just before 1.0. My dudes... it's not even half done. Why the optimism? We were repeatedly told there would be no early access and the game would release when complete. It's not even releasing with game progression... or the key features that make it KSP2. I know we've been waiting a long time, but this is just disappointing. I guess those who said it was vaporware that was nowhere near complete based on the videos weren't far off.
  17. There's basically zero chance that it's not going to happen. They have to make a randomizer and customizer anyway. How do you think identity-focused people would view not being able to make a round kerbal face with a beard or a square kerbal face with a ponytail? They'd take to twitter immediately and bring a throng of screen-typing approved accounts along with them to make their views known and the company would be forced to apologize profusely and rewrite about two minutes of code. They know this, hence they will have this feature at some point. Only question is: will you accept it if this feature is not available on early access release if it's to be added later? Multiplayer appears to be last in the development pipeline, so you may not get it right away.
  18. I honestly miss when they were all identical. That was a long time ago. Just interchangeable "little green men."
  19. Is it the current year? Is this a company that filled an entire game expo segment with discussion of identity matters in employment? There's essentially zero doubt there will be male shaped kerbal heads with female-typical hair and vise versa. They practically can't not do it because someone would immediately point out that the kerbal randomizer was discriminitory against xyz. I'm just upset the game will be "releasing" only (maybe) halfway done...
  20. Hoping the functionality allows for air, hover, and pod racing too.
  21. Oh hey, I was browsing the take two jobs site like usual to see if I could gather some tidbits of data on my favorite game, when suddenly I did a double take.... "As a Content Designer for KSP2 you will work on fully functional and authentic vehicle parts that allow players to build and command rovers, planes, race cars, and of course rockets." Beg pardon? Did you say RACE CARS? Is this mentioning KSP2 or a spinoff? A physics-based build-a-kart game could do some serious damage vs the Italian plumber's line of games... https://careers.take2games.com/job/4595276
  22. Had a chance to watch. It all appears to be from previous vids. Nothing really stands out as new.
  23. Can't see the pics, but....This is supposedly feature video and release date week.
  24. They made the tiktok account for the launch marketing, no doubt. Now they're trying to "low key" let people know to expect a release date soon. I'm guessing it is revealed in the hidden code at the end of the next dev video.
  25. I guess they've decided on a release date, which kicked into motion the marketing machine with the new tiktok page. Good. It'll be good to have a specific day nailed down to hopefully hit and not get bumped back.
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