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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. Well... I posted the original video on the wrong thread... So I'm fixing the mess! Mig 105 Hypersonic Soviet Space Interceptor. It looks pretty cool.
  2. So... RealLife™ stoled me from KSP for some time, and once I managed to get back I wasn't on the mood for "serious" gaming (like this). But, still, something slightly more challenging that simply trolling tourists ! So wondering about what to do, I remembered that my SkyLab Program would need to kick some serious payloads into the skies eventually and wondered how would be the most ludicrous (and fun) way to put a 80 ton cargo on the highest Kerbin Orbit I could by reusing some already existent craft on KSP. And so Dynawing MAX was born! I took the stock Dynawing, made some adjustments and strapped some serious boosters on her. And then lightened that candle to see what happens... Hint: this report only depicts the last successful iteration of the project - Kraken knows there's not enough storage on Kerbin if I would do a full report on every failure! Oh, boy... This thing looks menacing... 59M high, ~1090tons and 11MN of thrust! And she barely cleared the launchpad!! And rolling it into the correct heading was a huge pain in the hot end. Jesus Christ, she fought back on this. Leaving the Lower Atmosphere and staging out the SRBs, and she was still having an argument with me about the heading... Eventually we came to terms: I decide the heading, she decides the roll attitude... And there the main booster goes... Surprisingly, we reached Main Engine Cut Off on a pretty decent attitude and altitude. After circularization, we have a good orbit, 0.000 eccentricity! Now I was wondering... How high I can push this envelope? After intensive calculations and careful considerations - i.e., a lot of Quick Saves followed by Reloading - it was decided that the payload would be deployed on a 900Km orbit. And there we are. 900Km Orbit, preparing to deploy the dummy cargo! Cargo deployed, moving away from it... Now, it's journey home time. But... I spent the last days hunting and fixing small problems and glitches I detected while playing, and ended up running out of time to finish this mission! I will conclude this Soon™! Craft and (yet) more pictures on my site.
  3. So it stays there? Lacrimosa dies illa Qua resurget ex favilla Judicandus homo reus Lacrimosa dies illa Qua resurget ex favilla Judicandus homo reus Huic ergo parce Deus Pie Jesu, Jesu Domine Dona eis requiem Dona eis requiem Amen
  4. I just remembered you today. I still like to use an old MacOS Mojave for gaming, as most of my favorite games are 32 bits (yeah, I know - but I'm used to this old crap, and for everything else, I have a Steam Deck so...), and the best KSP to run on this old MacCrap is... KSP 1.4.3. From KSP 1.4.4, they introduced a thing called PQS cache to optimize the PQS by using the GPU, and this eats VRAM, something that this rig doesn't have in abundance and the net result is that the PQS cache benefits doesn't outweigh the cost on this rig. So KSP 1.4.3 it is. And I'm used to run this thing on this rig for years. I literally know when something weird is going to happen (not rarely, knowing exactly what will happen) just by the pattern of the stuttering what, in the end, helps a bit while trying to figure out what gone wrong. And the net result of this is that I have a KSP 1.4.3 installment that is the same for 2 or 3 years already - no updates, the same add'ons, the same savegame, running on the same MacMini under the same MacOS - and without any "security updates" since I don't even remember when. Well... These days, something different started to happen. Mojave have a very nasty misfeature: if you ran out of VRAM, things start to get weird while switching spaces on Mission Control, pieces of the screen are not drawn or drawn wrongly, you name it - and then we get a Kernel Panic. This happens when I really abuse the number of Browser tabs opened at the same time. I had also detected that playing videos with sound increases the chances of a Kernal Panic to happen even before the video glitches, and my current working theory is that as the programs start to eat swapfile, Mission Controls start to get sluggish as you switch Spaces because it tries to update all the miniatures on the Windows on different spaces, and with something injecting sound into the Event Queue 44.1K times per second, the Event Queue grows faster than is consumed due Mission Control monopolizing the CPU for itself. Great, it makes sense - but what the hell does that have to do with the subject under our noses currently? Well... I had detected a new misbehaviour on KSP 1.4.3 that wasn't happening before! On the very same freaking installment, if I left KSP running unattended for hours, once I come back to it the rig starts to behave like I described above but with both symptoms at the same time, leading to a Kernel Panic inside Darwin! Even KSP itself starts to fail to draw some widgets, clearly suggesting a VRAM exhaustion problem on a machine that was left unattended for hours. I'm considering that perhaps Unity is leaking VRAM on MacOS? But if I'm right, why this wasn't happening some months before when I had played with this KSP installment the last time? I usually left the game in pause for hours when working on my professional rig, instead of closing KSP and opening it again every time. So I'm pretty sure I'm not doing something different these days. But, yet, I have this Kernel Panic happening these days on use cases where it didn't happened months ago. It's the same KSP, the same machine, the same MacOS (without any new patches, for sure). Even the installed Add'Ons are the same. I'm trying to figure out some more deterministic test case to reproduce the issue reliably - right now, there're still to many loose ends to be sure about the real trigger of the problem. Anyway, I though you may be interested on it.
  5. So had to do TVs in the past. There was a reason we had a 2 minute interval each 20 minutes, and not a 5 minute interval each 10 minutes: people would give them the one finger salute and go watch another channel. Expect to see similar happenings on YouTube. AI is getting good to the point that soon we will be able to capture the video stream using AI and it will strip off the commercial from the stream before saving it on the harddisk. It's an arm's race - in which everybody will loose, because in the end YouTube failing to make enough money means that we will lose it. Current, not existing. In the past the FTC had intervened and even broke apart companies to prevent monopolies to thrive. I wonder if the recent harsh hardening of the YT's rules would not be related to it: since they concluded they are doomed, they want to milk the cow the most before losing, disregarding if the cow will survive healthy enough to be profitable to the new owner...
  6. I wish to all Kerbalkind a Christmas Day full of http 200 responses, with that pesky 502 Gateway timeouts left in the past!
  7. And this is precisely the point: YouTube was intended to provide us a better user experiente, it was their whole selling point - to be different from TVs. yes, we had about 2 minutes of commercials each 20 minutes of show on a 1 hour program - so 60 / 20 = 3 intervals, summing about 6 minutes - a bit more for 90 minutes show. On YouTube I'm getting at least 2 30 secs ads to watch a 5 minute video! I'm arbitrarily interrupted at any point of a video for ads, without any previous warning - severely hindering my attention! It's like someone yelling "I'm selling donuts!" in a library on random times, it's just enervating and annoying. YouTube, today, is one of the worst user experience I ever had. The only thing that still adds some value to me is that some very interesting videos are only available there. For while. I couldn't agree more!
  8. The Contract Configuration that added Harmony as dependency is not this one. There's no mention for Harmony on the repo: https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Ajrossignol%2FContractConfigurator Harmony&type=code
  9. Looks like when I use Eva Follower with a whole team of Tourists...
  10. Another one of that videos that I NEED TO PUBLISH HERE, but didn't found a better place. To The Moon - From Dream To Reality What could be more Kerbal? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4S77hsVN26U
  11. I got some 502 for a couple minutes half an hour ago, and from that point Forum is working fine to me. Oh, krap. I don't even know if this is an improvement or not... ==== POST EDIT ==== Anyway... Follows my monitoring reports for the past 7 days. Dec 18 and 19 I was updating the rig that hosts the monitoring, being the reason for a flat line on one of the graphics. The "worst response time" chart shows a slightly improvement related to 7 days ago, but then I got a huge spike at 18:00Z today. Yet more interesting, there was another spike at 20:00Z on Dec 15. Essentially a week ago - perhaps a pattern? In the last two days, I see an apparent worsening on the 50x events - completely denying my claims of apparent improvement. However, the CF subnet I'm monitoring is different from the one I use at home. Interesting enough, I'm noticing that every day we have 3 hours without events, and that apparently they are 6 hours apart from each other - 1 good hour, 5 screwed ones, repeat. It's a huge improvement from Dec 15, no doubt, and apparently in pace with Dec 16 and 17 - only the distribution over the hours changed. I don't like coincidences. Good hours each 6 hours, terrible response times each 6 days... Looks some automated processes ended up syncing while directly or indirectly causing the borkage? It's interestingly the same M.O. : some 502, then some 503, then profit... With a few 504 now and then... Anyway... Interesting enough, Forum looks good to me right now. === POST POST EDIT === I let this one pass through, my apologies. There's another possible interpretation for a 503 Service Unavailable : It still means that there's no one left available to service the request, HOWEVER, it's also raised when you have workers around, but they are all busy with something else, and so there's no one left available to service you the same - having no one left available for servicing you may mean both there's no one around, as the ones around are all busy and can't talk to you now. So, and due the regularity things are happening on my reports (possibly meaning quotas being exhausted), it may be just a too much reduced budget to pay for hosting the Forum. They need to scale up things a bit, but the host is not going to do that for free - obviously. On my DayJob© (and this also implies our partners) a 503 means that we had shutdown the services because... HELL, we never put our servers at full capacity, this would be suicidal. We do that extra mile to guarantee that no request would be left behind, because there's someone paying for that request and letting it down will mean that someone paid for something that wasn't delivered. There's always about 20% of idleness on the servers because we use this 20% as a trigger that we are overloading and someone need to scale things up (what always involves footing more money, sometimes lots of money). But Forum works on a different paradigm - people using it are not the ones paying for it, and so we have a completely different dynamic, and the alternate meaning for a 503 makes sense. The double posting I had experienced (by doing reload with sending again the form when getting a 502) strongly suggests that the quota being exhausted is not from the BackEnd/Database, but instead something related to outbound traffic. AWS, for example, don't charge for incoming data, but charges for outcoming traffic. If whatever Forum is using as host does the same, we have (another) very good explanation for the symptoms I'm describing. Given the (at least) temporary relief I'm experiencing, I think that someone decided to bite the bullet and footed some more money on the server farm. But once Forum started to behave a bit better, more people come back to it (we had nearly 3K guests yesterday, where the average on the last months were between 1.200 to 1.800) and the problem started to happen again by obvious reasons.
  12. There~s more ads on YouTube right now than on "alternative sources" for similar content nowadays. Heck. Even... Hum... "Not Exactly Family Neither Forum Friendly Video Streaming Sites" have less ads than YouTube nowadays - and, believe it or not, less scam and bet ads too. Got figure it out...
  13. Surprisingly, yes!! Wondering if @Fizzlebop Smith is around?
  14. This is something that should probably be asked to the kOS team, but I can say everything is done "by the book" on AL. If kOS can introspect PartModules for KSPFields and KSPActions, it should work as it is. If not, tell me what I need to do and I will do it. Cheers!
  15. I don't remember right now if I had already published this, but better safer than sorry - this is too good to let it pass! Launching from ships with hydrofoils . Perfection!
  16. But still, is a bug that happens due a different response from the server. If there's a response, it's because the server received the request. On my specific case, I had sent the request with the post; got a 502; then retried; then came a page with two identical posts. This means that the first post was received by Forum, it was the response that got lost in the process. If Forum received the first post, it was alive and well and, so, whatever happened on the response, it probably wasn't "his fault", but whatever is responsible to deliverer that response to me!!
  17. It's about 2 of 3 days in which I barely got any 502 errors, and I got none in the last 24 hours. Someone else can confirm this? (I still get some on my monitoring tools, but even them are showing some improvement, with the "clean window" getting wider)
  18. What information? There is none. Therefor the narrative is one of incompetence and mismanagement. Considering the end state.. pretty sure that would still be the case when all the cards are down. IMHO, it's exactly their point! A good narrative hides crucial information to be released gradually, over the plot, to maximize the desired goal: to promote a character, to demote another or, or whatever. Agatha Christie is famous for hiding information from the plots, somethings using them as Deus Ex Machina in the end to tie the book. Denying information, believe it or not, is also a source of information because it allows you to infer why such information would be important to hide,
  19. Don't bother. Nate needs to buy it himself for the book make any effect on him; the best you can do is to manage to get this book into his attention and hope that eventually he will remember it later, when it would be the right time. Changes needs to come from inside. This made me remember another one of my "presepadas" . Long story made short, I once jumped out of the frying pan into the fire - resigned from a job that wasn't paying me well to another one that will, but ended up getting screwed due unrelated reasons (I think I had already talking about some years ago). In the end, knowing that getting fired would be the best outcome at that point (due severances), I ended up thinking it would be a good idea to lend two books to my Manager: How to work for an idiot, John Hoover The servant, James C Hunter. Let me tell you, I got my severances. Some years later, this dude tried to reach me for recruiting. Apparently he finally decided to read the books - but at that time, I had switched industries already. But the dude climbed the ladder, it would not be a bad move if I would still working on that field. Anyway. There are some books that you need to buy yourself, otherwise they will probably not work as intended. (And I just ordered this one for me, by the way. Thanks for the tip).
  20. It was this double posting that made me consider the hypothesis I explored on this post. The double posting, at least when I got it, was due doing a Page Reload with a 502 error page with retransmission of the post request. If by doing it, you get two identical posts once Forum is normalized, it means that the first attempt had, indeed, posted normally and it was the response that got lost. If the post was successfully processed, then Forum was working normally and then the problem should had been in the infrastructure where Forum "lives", that would be losing the response before it reaches CloudFlare. Then I'm monitored Forum in two different Continents just to see if anything changes, and I realized that different CF subnets would be working or borking independently. Heck, if on a given instant a subnet borks but another one works, it's because Forum itself is working fine otherwise both subnets would be borking at the same time. This ruled out Forum from the equation, and the rest was merely creating hypothesis and applying the Occam's Razor on them to see what remains. In time, since yesterdays' late night I'm not getting such pesky errors anymore (knocking the wood). === POST EDIT === Nope, 2 hours later and they are back. === POST POST EDIT=== No 502 anymore 15 hours after this post, 13 after my last POST EDIT.
  21. I can't understand the equations, but the few plain English parts I could said and Emphasis are mine. In both sentences, the waves are clearly said to be able to break from the horizon, clearly contradicting what you had said in your post. Granted, apparently they can reenter too - and if instead of "can", the paper somehow says mathematically "they will", then I'm only partially correct on my presumption. In a way or another, even if such gravitational waves would not be allowed to permanently escape the Cosmological Horizon, at least the English spoken part of the paper says clearly that they can (even if for a "brief" moment), and even if they wold not be allowed to poke the Horizon nowadays naturally, I'm still talking about a Level III Civilization that hypothetically could had find a way to do it artificially -and so modulating Gravitational Waves still would be better than Light and Radio (not to mention Golden Records - I'm looking on you, V'Ger!!!) to send one way messages to the Infinite (and beyound). In order that I quote myself (again):
  22. Existem duas formas de "colar" dois "assemblies" (o nome técnico da estrutura de dados que representa uma nave na memória): Radialmente Vc "gruda" uma parte no lado da outra Nem todas as partes permitem isso Axialmente (Empilhando) É o que vc quer fazer, vc "gruda" uma bolinha verde na outra. Nem todas as partes permitem isso. Em todos os casos, o assembly secundário (aquele que é meio transparente) é colado no principal através do root node (a primeira parte da estrutura). O caso em que você descreveu acontece quando o root do secundário está no meio da estrutura. Por exemplo: Pegue uma Cápida Mk1 e começe uma nova nave Pendura um tanque de combustivel embaixo dela Pendure um tanque de combustivel menor em cima dela. Chamemos essa nave de "Nave com Root no Meio" Nessa configuração, a root deste assembly tá bem no meio da estrutura de dados. Se você salvar essa nave, abrir outra e dar Load/Merge na "Nave com Root no Meio", você deve encontrar esse problema. A solução é usar o botão de "ReRoot". Tem um tutorial aqui:https://pinter.org/archives/13171 E aqui o detalhe do botão (é o 4º da Esquerda pra Direita) em formato de "Z": Você clica no botão em formato de 'Z', e então você clica (por exemplo) no tanque pequeno no subassembly da nave "Root no Meio" que agora tá transparente no Editor. KSP vai rearranjar as partes da nave de forma que o tanque pequeno no bico da Cápsula passa a ser o novo root, e então devem aparecer as bolinhas verdes para você pendurar o subassembly onde você quiser.
  23. Surprised? I don't know... Worst yet when it really is!!! ===== Now appears to be a good time to duck under my desk...
  24. So... What I should understand from this statement: Source: https://inspirehep.net/literature/503497#:~:text=Primordial gravitational waves are amplified during eras,density per unit logarithmic frequency%2C denoted Omega.
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