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Everything posted by DylanSemrau

  1. I'll be putting a beta version of this up on Github soontm, hope y'all enjoy!
  2. Managed to get a little done tonight. Here's the first texture variant, along with a view of the probe core (cuz I really like it :p) the texture variant is still WIP
  3. I'm not currently in much need of contributions, with the one exception being RSS/RO configs. So if you already know how to do that feel free to PM me! I'll look into it, probably won't happen until later though.
  4. This mod adds the V2 Rocket to the game, along with the WAC Corporal upper stage used in the US. This is meant to be an early game rocket with a small variety of science parts to jump start your space program! Download: Github SpaceDock Images Screenshot by @Zorg If you have any interest in making RSS/RO configs please PM me. Join the Discord Server to follow development on this mod and my others! This mod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
  5. This is actually the original proposal for the Delta 3 haha I'm so funny good joke this is just a dumb mashup
  6. Okay so a couple of things to unpack! First, are you using the stock vector engine, or the variant that comes with reDIRECT? If it’s the stock vector then you want the one from reDIRECT, and then you’ll change the ET to hydrolox. Second, are you flying in a stock scale system or in something like 2.5x rescale? Most mods, and even stock parts, are balanced for a kerbin that is 2.5x larger than what’s present in stock. This should make your trajectory much more realistic. If you’re already using rescale then idk why it’s like that. Third, I honestly can’t tell you why you don’t have the controls that you should, I don’t have that issue personally. Fourth, the SRBs in reDIRECT only come with the separation motors in the nose. Adding separatrons on the aft skirt are needed to get it to work a little bit better. And finally, you should be able to lock the motors on the arm joints and use auto strut to help with that. Also avoid physics warp during launch. iirc there isn’t really a perfect solution but this stuff should help.
  7. So I did a thing... and it actually works really well! You can get pretty sizable payloads to LKO, although if you want to go farther you'll need another stage.
  8. 1). Every part will be compatible with tweakscale by default so you’d be able to change the size if you’d like (although the performance will suffer slightly) 2). I actually started out at that size but decided it would be worth it to go with the proper scale due to issues with part size and the required performance of the parts not quite matching up very nicely, along with it not being proper scale when next to something like the tundra falcon 9 3). If I were to scale it down I’d have to change the number of sides on the parts back to 24 which would require remodeling the entire thing, and as you can imagine I don’t want to do that 4). There will be adaptors so you can use these parts with larger and smaller parts edit: so no I don’t personally think it would be worth it.
  9. And here's the interstage! It'll be used for both the second and third stages.
  10. Ok I'm in. Here's my flaggy boi
  11. We aren't a secret organization now... who gave you that idea and where can I find them
  12. Second stage mount is about done, and I'm working on getting the third stage mount in game and functional. Also note that the BE-3U still hasn't been scaled properly so it doesn't quite fit right yet.
  13. Stage 3 Mount is done. Since the stage 2 mount will just use like 90% of this mount's texture and model I'll probably get that done tomorrow.
  14. Congrats on release! This thing is an unbelievable amount of fun to use
  15. Whenever I finish it. Keep in mind this is my very first mod so it's been taking me a little bit as I've had to learn everything. Although I don't have a release, I do share a dev version of my parts on github when I finish them. You can find that here. Also if you're curious about my progress you can check out the roadmap linked in the op.
  16. Update: New Glenn's getting a size increase in game! Instead of being 3.125m it will be 4.375m, this is the proper scale for a 7m wide rocket, I avoided this size earlier since no one else had used it, but it seems necessary for it to scale correctly with other mods (EX. Tundra Exploration's Falcons). I'm pretty happy with all the new models, they're much better looking and far more detailed, so I think I'm ready to move on to texturing and all that stuff. Something new to notice is the third stage tank and engine mount, along with a few adapters so you can use these parts with other mods! For the next little bit I'll be focusing on the parts in the image, and once they're finished I'll move on to the first stage parts. You can check up on my progress with the Roadmap.
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