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Everything posted by OrbitalManeuvers

  1. Hello, and thank you for working on this mod. I'm still figuring some things out, but here's a thing that happens on my system: [LOG 09:24:42.512] CheckEncounter: both intercept UTs are infinite [LOG 09:24:42.513] dT is NaN! tA: NaN, E: NaN, M: NaN, T: NaN at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0 at Orbit.GetDTforTrueAnomaly (System.Double tA, System.Double wrapAfterSeconds) [0x00000] in <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0 at PatchedConics._CalculatePatch (Orbit p, Orbit nextPatch, System.Double startEpoch, PatchedConics+SolverParameters pars, CelestialBody targetBody) [0x00000] in <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0 at Trajectories.Trajectory.CreateOrbitFromState (Trajectories.Trajectory+VesselState state) [0x00000] in <f3d07aa3ca24425db4dec3b56b8c6642>:0 at Trajectories.Trajectory+<AddPatch>d__48.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <f3d07aa3ca24425db4dec3b56b8c6642>:0 at Trajectories.Trajectory+<ComputeTrajectoryIncrement>d__39.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <f3d07aa3ca24425db4dec3b56b8c6642>:0 at Trajectories.Trajectory.ComputeTrajectory () [0x00000] in <f3d07aa3ca24425db4dec3b56b8c6642>:0 at Trajectories.Trajectory.Update () [0x00000] in <f3d07aa3ca24425db4dec3b56b8c6642>:0 at Trajectories.Trajectories.Update () [0x00000] in <f3d07aa3ca24425db4dec3b56b8c6642>:0 [LOG 09:24:42.513] dT is NaN! tA: NaN, E: NaN, M: NaN, T: NaN Once this error starts it won't stop spamming the log until you disable Trajectories, or I guess exit the flight scene. I don't have steps to reproduce this, unfortunately. I've only seen it on flights that were in orbit, and are attempting to land back on earth. I have log exceptions displayed on screen, so I'm able to see when the error begins, but I can't tie it to any specific event - this was a simple ballistic reentry, so the craft wasn't doing anything but falling. My full log is here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZCEJn4qxLmabZRpADpDwtQxTpn8nOf96?usp=sharing Thanks for any advice!
  2. The ramrod sat dispenser (and its engine and decoupler) ... *chef's kiss* These parts are incredibly useful (re-useful?) in KSP.
  3. oooh ok - I kinda figured this because toggling stuff does nothing. I love JNSQ a lot. It's honestly the most stable planet pack out there on my system. But this is Dragonfly and it needs to be on Titan Quick behind-the-scenes shot of my 8km/s introduction to Titan's atmosphere. I noticed that when I separated from the cruise stage it reset my mission clock I had like 8 years showing on there until just before this. Grrrr. Things got toasty but everything survived.
  4. And this time it's Titan (from Reborn)... Rodger - idk what to do with the air intake clickies on the PAW. What am I missing? Also, yay me for using this mod for like 2 years and a) not knowing the above and b) just recently figuring out that rotating the propellers will get you a perfectly clean separation from the aeroshell. There is a position in which none of the blades touch the shell, but that's not the default position they snap to when added to the craft. My aeroshell separations used to be a bit iffy, but now they're squeaky clean. GO TITAN(s).
  5. I think you might be missing the path "AemerFactory" in both the source zip on github, and the zip from SpaceDock. The parts won't load unless they live in a folder called "GameData\AemerFactory\Vega" and both your zips have "GameData\Vega"
  6. The PPE-ish part on the left is just built from NF parts mostly, with a reactor and NF engine. Lander is all ACK, Orion is all ACK. Station is Planetside + BDB, and the resupply craft is Tundra. I think
  7. It's part of ACK. use "HLS" in the parts filter. I'm synched with the github, btw.
  8. Fair question, but honestly I'm not sure how I'd know? If execution exits the current method immediately, I wouldn't really know what I'm missing. I am able to select presets. I am not able to persist any settings, though. The reason I see this every startup is because I have to go into scatterer settings each start and set them back to how I want them. But idk if that's potentially involved?
  9. Hiya. I've had this issue since 0.772 (at least), and since it's still in 0.8 so I thought I'd ask about it. Steps to repro: just open scatterer settings from space center using blue ball icon. [EXC 08:17:05.535] ArgumentException: Getting control 3's position in a group with only 3 controls when doing repaint Call stack has these guys in it: scatterer.MainOptionsGUI.DrawQualityPresets () (at <684aa87c0d2345f8a9e4739403f4afff>:0) scatterer.MainOptionsGUI.DrawOptionsMenu () (at <684aa87c0d2345f8a9e4739403f4afff>:0) scatterer.GUIhandler.DrawScattererWindow (System.Int32 windowId) (at <684aa87c0d2345f8a9e4739403f4afff>:0) Full log here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1B0Lj1t8ukVlmknyqNuppxIMy2H5KVeRt?usp=sharing and error is right at the bottom - I opened settings, got the error, then flushed the log and uploaded it. Thanks for any info!
  10. Sorry, random drive-by off-topic comment: you should get rid of MiniAVC. It no longer works and can cause nasty startup issues.
  11. Hi - some info for you on this one. A similar defect existed in a new BDB part, and was fixed by this commit: https://github.com/CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau/commit/a08bc54c35ef3d485b45ae47f0856b2f638ff453 I've tried the same fix on your part, and it fixes it here as well.
  12. I've done a comparison between JNSQ, KSRSS 0.7, and KSRSS Reborn. I did this because as you'll see in the pictures, KSRSS Reborn has a difference that seems odd (i.e. problematic for me), and I'm wondering if this is expected performance. What you'll see below are 3 pictures of a flight that is duplicated on each planet pack as closely as possible. The .craft file is literally the same file between all 3 installs. JNSQ is launching from the KSC (so ~5 degrees), KSRSS 0.7 is launching from Kourou, and the Reborn launch was from Florida. So there's an inclination difference, but I don't think that explains anything seen below. I've kept the UI fully visible so you can see how close the situation is between all 3 shots. But as you can see, Reborn has significant atmospheric heating (and it's been going for a while at the point of the picture), yet the flight situation is almost identical to the other flights that do not have this effect happening - and in my opinion, should not have this effect happening. This is a very standard PVG ascent that has worked for years on both KSRSS and JNSQ. Because I super-nerded out over this, I also measured the atmospheric pressure at altitudes in increments of 5000m. The curve of all 3 planet packs, in practice, is nearly identical, and small differences are probably just measurement inaccuracies. So, I can't explain why this is happening, but I kinda hate it. I realize it's a very KSP-ish thing to cook your payload on ascent but a) I don't do that, and b) it shouldn't be happening with this profile, and indeed, doesn't happen in other environments. The images are in the following spoiler. Any thoughts?
  13. Hiya. A while back you added support for Independent Throttle to the Octopus engine (thank you again!). I've noticed a small difference in behavior when compared to stock, so I thought I'd mention it in case it's something simple. When Independent Throttle is enabled via mouse click, it behaves correctly. But when activated via action group it does not display the throttle slider. Happy to provide more info/logs/mod list if necessary.
  14. This disables AA in the VAB where neither scatterer nor tufx are active. TUFX sets the AA just fine in flight mode, you don't need to disable the stock AA.
  15. hmm ok, just seems dangerous because the presence of a folder in GameData is all it takes to trigger other configs that reference that mod, even if the folder is empty.
  16. There's one, yes. It's in a folder called SampleCraft inside the mod itself. So you'll need to copy the .craft file from there into one of your existing saves. It was created with a bunch of mods installed that you might not have, but those are only module errors at craft load, and the craft itself should still load fine.
  17. You guys are the funnest crowd to trigger, so here's an aardvark working on deploying a starlink network around Duna.
  18. May I humbly suggest a couple UX improvements to this screen? 1. The prepended text "Profile:" adds no value here. They are all profiles, it's a given. The prompt says "Select a new profile" so it's pretty clear what they are. 2. This list would be far more usable if the profiles were sorted so I could develop an ounce of muscle memory about where certain ones sit, instead of literally having to scan the whole list every time. I understand the centering might be a UI library thing, but when you have to skip the initial text of a list that is center-aligned it's a chore. Thanks for all the great work on this mod!
  19. You have both a JNSQ folder and a KSRSS folder. You also have two of these and it's picking the wrong one: ModuleManager.4.1.3.dll ModuleManager.4.2.2.dll [LOG 12:29:21.762] [ModuleManager] version at E:\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ModuleManager.4.1.3.dll won the election against Version E:\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ModuleManager.4.2.2.dll This can't be anything good, and if there are any cfg files in there, they're getting read: src Hopefully something here helps!
  20. Perfect, this will help if/when the author or someone more knowledgeable about this mod than me comes along. You don't have any obvious install errors, or at least none of the ones I know how to spot!
  21. Did you also install ClickThroughBlocker? Also, the thing about posting a snippet of your log is that it excludes a ton of useful information in the rest of the log. It's usually much better to just post your entire log somewhere and leave a link to the shared file. The top portion has lots of install info - like whether or not you installed clickthroughblocker
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