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Everything posted by zer0Kerbal

  1. Have you tried the adopted version? then there is @linuxgurugamer's there is also
  2. I'm extended the current Beta-II until hear back from @flart; then will probably be a beta-III.
  3. I do, in fact just posted the 2000th mod there - most of my mods are there. I also use it to put alpha, beta, and pre-releases into the wild. I also put all my releases there first for two weeks - to see if something slipped through the cracks.
  4. I have just asked @greystork and @Comwarrior for permission to adopt this mod. . @greystork @greystork ... @Comwarrior@Comwarrior here is the adoption letter / notice. Thank you! Behemoth Aerospace Engineering (a.k.a. BAE) Thank you kindly in advance! Author: link to greystork Maintainer: link to Comwarrior I will post a new thread when it is time; and will post news when there is news.
  5. I have just asked @greystork and @Comwarrior for permission to adopt this mod. now to test the superstition about saying names three times.... @greystork @greystork ... @Comwarrior@Comwarrior here is the adoption letter / notice. Thank you! Behemoth Aerospace Engineering (a.k.a. BAE) Thank you kindly in advance! Author: link to greystork Maintainer: link to Comwarrior I will post a new thread when it is time; and will post news when there is news.
  6. I have asked@agises for permission, hopefully @agises @agises (say his name three times...) grants permission. Greetings! notes I am asking for your permission to update / continue / adopt / release the above named wonderful mod. I absolutely love this mod and really want others to enjoy it as well. Hopefully I hear back from you with an answer, but in case I don't hear back from you I intend to respectfully proceed as soon as the middle of Oct 2021, as permitted by the individual licenses of this mod. I will provide recognition of original authors/maintainers; and I will gladly step aside should you ever want to continue this mod yourself.? Couple of requests: In the interest of continuity and for the players, I am asking to be added to the SpaceDock 'Authors' so I can update / release using the same listing. Using the same listing will benefit the players and avoid confusion. A posting on the related Forum thread would be swell along with a public posting in the mod's thread tagging and telling @HebaruSanand @DasSkelettabout this adoption so CKAN will be smoothly updated. notes (aka ksp_notes) Thank you kindly in advance! Authors: link
  7. I've been thinking of adopting this. @agises scratch that, I will start the adoption process later today.
  8. Thank you. I've been thinking of adopting the first one.
  9. still on deck: Track progress here; issues here; discuss here. Parts have been moved into their own mod; many reasons for this. More soon. Look for 'MoarKerbalsParts'
  10. All the above - and others... mostly my local NAS.... but I use all the above. Yes, I am a tad bit on the unusual side.
  11. I have split the parts out of MoarKerbals into a separate mod named "MoarKerbalsParts" (I know so original). The parts should be ready to go - and should work with previous versions of MoarKerbals because all the internal part names have been changed. Just thought you would like to know - and will have a link soon™ Github here: Download here:
  12. that is my thoughts - but all depends on the localization folder - where those mods can 'adjust' things.
  13. ah, nevermind - will cross that bridge when I cross that bridge. thanks for the reply though!
  14. @HebaruSanhow can I release this both as a standalone, and as a 'core'?
  15. now on deck: Track progress here; issues here; discuss here. @theJesuit
  16. you and one other, IIRC, had asked about OhScrap/ScrapYard+testflight; I suggested trying on a dev install and find out; then tell me.
  17. superglue docked docking ports while in flight #24 @Robin Patenallthank you for the kind words, and the feedback is much appreciated! +1 yalov @flart did work! @flart, what do you think? so Konstruction mode?
  18. @flart love that red safety cover! would love to have some assistance updating the RemoteTechModWrapper in OhScrap - issue here.
  19. @severedsolo yes, that would be lovely! doesn't have to be, however, some settings would be best set without having to pause the game, and go to the settings. That settings page is going to be split into two if not three sections because it has so many options. Biomatic has this and it is a wonderfully handy feature. I expect to push a pre-release today or at the latest tomorrow - just a little code polish and some more localization. plus there are now more failure modules, and looking to add even more, including a kOS failure - which will be tricky (at least for me). implement failures on unloaded vessels #35
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