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Everything posted by zer0Kerbal

  1. https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/SpaceShuttleSystem
  2. I've tried to convert (as time allows, and as the update passes allow) my mods to use MODEL instead of mesh; not much can be done about stock, unless someone were to create a stockmesh2model.cfg....
  3. Pay to restore reliability #33 Track Flight Time instead of flights #18 that sounds like @allista's Hanger not recognizing ScrapYard/OhScrap. Something to ask @allista about - might be able to be addressed in either Hanger or as a mod wrapper in ScrapYard/OhScrap.
  4. @jefferyharrellthe idea is sound, and completely doable, just won't make it into this version. However, something for users to sink their teeth into: Was sleep brainstorming and this emerged Generational improvements via tech tree #31 Comment at link or in discussion here:
  5. @jefferyharrellit is technically possible, and even probable, is well beyond my current abilities with KSP programming. Just look at background processing --- might even be able to use that ; for now I look at it as a case of Schrödinger's cat, the vessel/probe/satellite is both broken and dead and+or just fine at the same time. One doesn't know until they look inside the box...
  6. *chuckle* @severedsolo already built into the settings - and also working on being able to set a separate volume for them in the same place. (out of for today) what I am mulling over is an optional requirement of needing stock repair kits... well beyond my current programing ability... what is needed is a settings gui that slides out from the current panel when you right click on the stock button.... I always try to make things like sound and color and extra's optional.
  7. @Lisiasthe Kraken Bane! (and your meds are right behind you, next to your cane-sword!)
  8. Greetings!

    • ChopShop

    I am asking for your permission to update / continue / adopt / release ChopShop.

    I absolutely love this mod and really want others to enjoy it as well.

    Hopefully I hear back from you with an answer, but in case I don't hear back from you I intend to respectfully proceed as soon as the end of Sep 2021, as permitted by the license of this mod.

    I will provide recognition of original authors/maintainers; and I will gladly step aside should you ever want to continue this mod yourself.

    Couple of requests:

    • In the interest of continuity and for the players, I am asking to be added to the Curseforge 'Authors', as well as the SpaceDock 'Authors' so I can update / release using the same listings. Using the same listings will benefit the players and avoid confusion.

    • A posting on the related Forum thread would be swell along with a public posting in the mod's thread tagging and telling @HebaruSan / @DasSkelettabout this adoption so CKAN will be smoothly updated. I will create a new forum thread once I am ready to release.

      Thank you kindly in advance!

    Chop Shop gplV3



    CurseForge-Listed-blue.svg?labelColor=6441A4&style=plastic&logo=curseforge <-- link

    SpaceDock <--link

    Github <-- link

    Thank you kindly in advance!


    Authors: Dr. Jet Dr. Jet @Dr. Jet

  9. Greetings! ChopShop I am asking for your permission to update / continue / adopt / release ChopShop. I absolutely love this mod and really want others to enjoy it as well. Hopefully I hear back from you with an answer, but in case I don't hear back from you I intend to respectfully proceed as soon as the end of Sep 2021, as permitted by the license of this mod. I will provide recognition of original authors/maintainers; and I will gladly step aside should you ever want to continue this mod yourself. Couple of requests: In the interest of continuity and for the players, I am asking to be added to the Curseforge 'Authors', as well as the SpaceDock 'Authors' so I can update / release using the same listings. Using the same listings will benefit the players and avoid confusion. A posting on the related Forum thread would be swell along with a public posting in the mod's thread tagging and telling @HebaruSan / @DasSkelettabout this adoption so CKAN will be smoothly updated. I will create a new forum thread once I am ready to release. Thank you kindly in advance! Chop Shop Thank you kindly in advance! Authors: Dr. Jet @Dr. Jet
  10. CC0 - will be included in next prerelease CC BY-NC - the NC precludes it - just to be on the safe side. Like it though. if could find one that isn't NC. thinking the same. The way the code is set up I can add numerous sounds - and one can select which one they want to hear; probably going to have a 'randomize' or maybe a incremental - but also future could be a difference sound for every type of failure.... currently have 4 sounds (now five)... will keep the clips to about 6 seconds each.
  11. @Zelda thank you. +1 issue here. is today's project. I will attempt to replicate error, but only with OHS+SYD+RemoteTech installed. issue has been resolved in the latest release. would you kindly upload the ksp.log to https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/OhScrap/issues (create issue and drag and drop) or here (as a link)?
  12. in the future - possibly can add an option to require repair kits (either consume or presence) @Beetlecat @jlcarneiro @physius excellent thoughts. Been mulling them over and is something I'd consider. Please drop by github and start a discussion and/or feature request. so actually blow up the part (destroy) or just an FX? @Nnimrod is something I'd consider. Please drop by github and start a discussion and/or feature request. @Probusfollowing up on TestFlight ? next readme is being worked on as I type, @jefferyharrell @dylsh @eightiesboi kindly find me an open source, royalty free, (so WTFPL, CC0, CC BY, or totally free) sound you'd like. several options would be nice. The code is almost completely done for this. https://orangefreesounds.com/old-car-horn-sound/ is an example many more here. must have a license. https://bigsoundbank.com/search?q=Klaxon &CatID=&type=&mode=&frequence=&resolution=&duree=-10&tri=t https://bigsoundbank.com/search?q=Alarm&CatID=&type=&mode=&frequence=&resolution=&duree=-10&tri=t https://freesound.org/people/Kinoton/sounds/350508/ https://freesound.org/people/Kinoton/packs/23808/ in progress: Oh Scrap! - track progress here; issues and requests here; and discuss here.
  13. https://spacedock.info/mod/2163/Interkosmos http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?showtopic=166619 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?showtopic=149298
  14. either I spend time on documentation or I spend time fixing / updating / releasing. there is no and. I gladly take time to help; what would be great and a great show of respect is some reciprocity; take what is learned and improve the documentation. yep
  15. Solar Science is one, then there is always DMagic's, along with Well's mods. MOLE also adds.
  16. foundations (in beta) might be an answer. download from Curseforge.
  17. welding mod is the answer, unfortunately is isn't working in 1.12.x; @Lisias might be able to shed some light on it.
  18. until such time as KSP2 is in the wild, at least as a beta/demo - not going to worry about it. I personally have over ??? mods to update and release, and unless I burn out or go camping ... and stay motivated, will keep pushing updates, improvements and so on.
  19. anything players can do to help other players with mods is most welcome. I have started enabling wiki's on my Github repo's and enabling public editing of those wiki's So yes - help document the mod(s) you love, and help translate those same mods if you speak languages other than us-eng. yep. the only thing holding up Komplexity's full release is the wiki and documentation. (for example) agree. and well said @goldenpsp +1
  20. welcome. kindly tell me what you discover. @Mystick
  21. Thanks @JadeOfMaar! Soon SimpleCargoSolutions will also be re-released. originally from @artwhaley's Axial Aerospace.
  22. it's in my considerations for adoptions queue.
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