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Everything posted by zer0Kerbal

  1. okay - so you've sent forum messages, RL email messages and have posted in the relevant threads your intention to 'adopt' this mod. I am presuming you are wanting to continue or adopt this mod. you have waited a reasonable time for a reply. you have verified the license allows adoption. the moderators have seen this. CKAN administrators have seen this. So publish a release, post a new thread, link new thread in old thread. recognize author, source, license in all things; publish on spacedock/curseforge. push to ckan either through spacedock or manually. The PR to original is just courtesy. don't have to do it, and maybe shouldn't do it until @Papa_Joe comes back so can just do one - providing he wants to take it back. Did I miss anything @linuxgurugamer? @HebaruSan?
  2. don't get me wrong, pretty much anybody can learn to use blender/unity to create models/textures. enough utube vids out there showing how. The question is how good. same thing with coding. they only way to learn is do. Hopefully you try.
  3. you shouldn't need a mod - just a patch. this might work. I don't want to test it because, well, I am not running 1.9+ (yet)
  4. yes. now time to slog through the mods and update from 1.8.1 to 1.9.1; and then vacation until 1.10.1; when I say vacation I mean push out more adoptions.
  5. thank you. it is a model issue, and there is nothing I can do about it personally since the models were inherited and I am not a modeler. If somebody wants to fix it, I will gladly accept a PR on github to update them. Hopefully somebody will, like they did for DaMichel's SphericalTanks (which created a texture issue, as in needed new ones ) the doors are too narrow. hmmm.... the actual cargo bays are very close to being the correct size (size2) for a 2.5m stack. Well, there are drawbacks to accordion-folding doors. Again, I personally cannot do anything about the models since I enherited them, and my blender/unity skills are just barely being able to import things to look at the pretty pictures; even rotating the 3D models often exceeds my abilities. I am more than willing to accept PR's on github for updated models/textures/patches. What I can do, and am working on is including a 3.75m, 1.875m and 5.0m versions of these CargoBays, and have permission from the Original Author of SImpleCargoSolutions to adopt and modernize and curate that set of cargobays; which are also for rockets and not planes. Wish I could be of more help on this.
  6. @scottadges, you are most certainly welcome. I too was using staples and cyanoacrylate to keep it working. Finally just updated the entire thing, and pretty much adopted they entire Simplexxx series of mods. (SimpleConstruction!, Not So SImpleConstruction!, SimpleLife, but not SimpleNuclear (@matterbeam is still wanting to do that one - really cool idea)(PS - which is the reason I've adopted MoarKerbals) The version that comes with SimpleConstruction! is; and I do plan on keeping it up-to-date in the mod. Mostly it was just modernizing, well, everything. Since this mod is mostly just patches, just cleaned them up, added :HAS:NEEDS:FOR where appropriate, updated the Ex -> EL in the patches, changed the dockingPort patch to now affect all docking ports (no matter who makes them or what size); B9tankswitches for the ore tanks; changed the ScienceLab patch to affect all science labs; and a whole bunch of QoL improvements - like added a small amount of storage in ISRU's. Only planned change is to move the SurveySkill back into NSSC; and depreciate the controlPoint (including that was an accidental mistake ) Am open to any suggestions that adds value, without changing the design goal of SImpleXXX mods. Future plans are not to involved at this moment; just keeping it up to date (including the includded LaunchPad.dll)(which was included with permission and includes the licenses) and KSP version updates. accidentally included that because I too don't use the full Extraplanetary Launchpads and didn't understand it fully; heck, the description is totally wrong so until I read the manual I thought it was a way to mark which attach node on a sub-assembly/vessel would be attached when it was launched after building. Still it is very handy part since it adds a control point to any vessel - very much like the new pods being able to change control orientation or added an extra Okto2 to a rover so you can change control orientations. Hope that makes sense. +PART just referred to copying a part using Module Manager. +PART is the syntax used instead of @PART which is used to modify a part. I plan on replacing the +PART with a full part.cfg in the next release. Still using the strutCube as the base part. It is the microPad (the one which allows you to add to a vessel because it disappears when the new construction is finalized. - Think KonstructionPorts by USI). Design principle of SimpleConstruction! was simple, no new parts, and well, easy. I bent that a little with this, but only a little. No new models/textures, just another StrutCube with two sized nodes (hopefully people got the idea of that). The StutCube makes sense because, well, it is a frame/girder/scaffold/truss. I hope this answered your questions. Please do ask more, and any suggestions, I will listen.
  7. that is exactly what it is. my blender/unity skills are showing no Midi-chlorians; so I just took the stock shielded part and made it fit - and recycled the docking hardware from an old pico port I had lying around. If I knew more about blender (my skill set consists of dragging models around, and maybe, sometimes if I am lucky, being able to rotate them) I would just marry the two parts and export through unity. sorry 'bout that.
  8. you are welcome. two upgrades in the works. will release them about a week or two apart. Have to have time to let players shake out any (if) and all changes that might need to be made. I have no skill, certainly not in modeling. See my signature about hammers.
  9. Oh I know - I am currently suffering from a severely plugged release pipeline myself.
  10. and I just looked at it also. *chuckle*
  11. Thank you. +1 *sheepish grin* I blame it on copy degradation. Too much time spent in MoarKerbals. Should be - try it and find out. in all seriousness, I set it to 1.7.3 so that there was a version out there for 1.7.3 (which is the new 1.61; which was the new 1.4.5; which was the new 1.3.1 ...) My normal dev test install is currently 1.8.1 - and it runs fine; but still /YMMV/ excellent question. see above. Also working on the official 1.8.1 release - which will have *knocking on wood* new parts in this mod.
  12. @AlmightyR @ferox96 do you have 'tweakable everything' installed?
  13. welcome. will attempt to add additional sizes. don't think a Tall version is warranted, but a 7.5m and 15m version probably. will see what shakes down. Done. Thank you for this and the other thing. +2
  14. welcome! and given a little time (and help) will have some added features
  15. you can always PR the changes. and community should come to your aid - good group of modders we have, all except for that zed'K creature.
  16. There are many many players that have ESL - so good chance - there is also the localization thread. this is a small project - except for the sciencedef.cfg - and even that is smallerish. I speak something like 17 languages - only one is human... I only speak Anglish - and not even all that well. I speak machine language better.
  17. what would be great is export to .mu --- skipping unity altogether. for when you just want to jiggeramalit with a .mu wait a minute - I see it.
  18. I am working on bringing back several mods that would qualify - one is ProbiTronics. another is an ultra-top secret project (Area K1 type stuff). but I would look at ProbiTronics. AND NearFutureExploration.
  19. @tinygrox might - and all good. I also hear translate.google.com works (somewhat). :p
  20. Okay, I did - in the correct place. To Minumus or bust! © ™
  21. just started using it: would love it to reach out and touch translate.google.com to retrieve the standard language translations. I know, that is asking for the Mun!
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