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Everything posted by zer0Kerbal

  1. did you see this? (I updated the patch to reflect this) and oops - yes, f means 'float' and don't include that.
  2. first thank you. second - github PR is usually best - for many reasons.
  3. https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/SimpleLogistics/tree/master/assets/lang fully converted to >12 languages. and that location has a explanation (and link) provided by @HebaruSan:
  4. many ways to get that: https://draculatheme.com/notepad-plus-plus/ is one.
  5. Greetings. I have asked for permission to update / continue / adopt / release this wonderful mod. I absolutely love this mod and really want others to enjoy is as well. Hopefully I hear back from @Sin_Phi with an answer; but in case I don't hear back I intend to respectfully proceed as soon as the end of March 2020, as permitted by the license of this mod. I will provide recognition of @Sin_Phi, the original author/maintainer; and I will gladly step aside should they ever want to continue these mod(s) yourself. Also am informing @HebaruSan about this adoption so CKAN will be smoothly updated. Thank you kindly in advance! More when known. Sin Phi Heavy Industries:
  6. ah, yes.... beware of rabbit holes... dark and deep... congrats on finding the light of day again (and the release)!
  7. isn't that just patches? I was going to include it all in one new release. no - its a full adoption it seems. wonder why @Kerbas_ad_astra didn't post a link in this thread. wonder if @Kerbas_ad_astra would mind me adopting the adopted? and merge it all into one big modern mess.
  8. Has this been adopted? If not, It is my intention to adopt. HomeGrownRockets: CC-BY-SA-3.0 unported
  9. if you go into the game - and right click on a parachute - it will only let you put in a range of numbers - from x to z; I don't recall what those are. 10 might be out of range (outside of the possible numbers it will accept)
  10. isn't it normally limited - ie only certain values - try a number in that, or was that in the normal?
  11. everything you ever wanted to know about parachutes but were to afraid to ask: TL;DR: more direct answer: float spreadAngle = 7f
  12. somehow that slipped by me. to many new members of the zed'K adoption agency today! do try this kindly - it *might* turn it on by default, if not, hopefully I can get it working next release (which is due sooner than later)
  13. experimental: Kindly tell me what you think. May or May not have to manually plug everything in. PS - the second patch might have just granted sentience to all lights with the tag of cck-lights! beware!
  14. This is just begging for me to adopt it - so I will ask @Sin_Phi if I may. @Tonka Crash any additional patches you have - would you PR them into my repo? The repo doesn't seem to have an IVA, is there one?
  15. thanks for reminding me - I have permission to adopt - and I need to get around to it for that mod. @Tonka Crashoooh.... shiney! might want to adopt it. don't tempt me.
  16. in the next release (which should be soon - hopefully this month) there will be patches for deployablescience (aka Serenity) RTG and SolarPanels. Same should work for spotlights. I have been kicking around adopting A.S.E.T. deployable lights (need KAS) and include a patch for SimpleLogistics. Either way - I think it is possible. the patches are already on GitHub. I think it might also be possible to add a line in the MODULE to have the plugged in by default. @leatherneck6017 PS - even better if you use the KAS battery pack ground base... PSS - oh great, now have talked my self into considering NSSL (Not So SImpleLogistics!)
  17. Version - Spit'n'Polish: CargoBays zer0Kerbal released this 08 Mar 2020 Version - Spit'n'Polish: CargoBays Introducing the 3.75m models! 1.5m, 3m, 6m lengths TechRequired = largeVolumeContainment thank you to BenjaminCronin for pointed out decorative right brace in changelogs. wite-out applied. Also dangling VERSION. superglued applied. url's updated and updated to 2.5m corrected several small typo's in the localization dictionary updated to new KERBALCHANGELOG formating (hopefully I got it right this time ) ghostparts.cfg introduced. original three parts have had their internal part names changed. this file should prevent any Kraken attacks. added automatic GitHub action: Validate AVC .version files and corresponding shield to Readme's. Thank you @DasSkelett, and @HebaruSan moved FSAnimateGeneric into patch Updated integrated TweakScale patches (if you don't have TweakScale installed, won't show up and won't hurt anything) corrected tweakscale scale module (reduced scales available) 2.5m parts : techRequired = largeVolumeContainment, specializedConstruction, largeVolumeContainment 3.75m parts: techRequired = metaMaterials, largeVolumeContainment, metaMaterials Kerbal Space Program 1.8.1
  18. DaMichel's Fuselage Version Superglue and Dusting zer0Kerbal released this 08 Mar 2020 Version -Superglue and Dusting cleaned part.cfg's of extraneous // comments added side nodes in a B9partswitch patch updated changelog to use updated KERBALCHANGELOG formatting. updated B9PartSwitch patches to use localization Kerbal Space Program 1.8.1 #3
  19. this new method also gives access to: p.experienceTrait.Effects[ ].Level p.experienceTrait.Effects[ ].LevelModifiers so this is the end result *fingers crossed* I will put it on It is now on Github as a special build for @Dirk to beta test. Includes new patch for Mechanics (and Engineers). Feedback requested, will not proceed without it. @Dirk kindly put in an issue request (feature request) in GitHub for this. *** Open beta for KSP 1.9.1 coming soon. Like now: https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/OhScrap/releases/tag/ SOURCE: GitHub License:
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