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Flush Foot

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Everything posted by Flush Foot

  1. Cannot attach one to the top? Or 'to the bottom' as we could in KSP 1? Except that it's lead to / aligned with other bugs (about to be reported) the way I stuck an inflatable shield "in-line" on my craft was with an Engine Plate... Decoupler > Engine Plate > Inflatable shield > another Decoupler. [though ~40% of my craft's part-count is struts]
  2. When decoupled normally or via glitched re-connections upon reloading a save (as when two parts of the same vessel have later re-docked), struts are not always separating as expected. I therefore ask that struts be given a 'detach/disconnect' option when right-clicking a node / locating "the right one" in the Part Manager menu. [EAS-4 Strut appears in the part-list, but with no actions]
  3. You can toggle the KSP navball mode (KSP 1 and 2) between Orbital and Surface, and also ‘Target’ if you have a target selected. Then, in Target mode, if your relative velocity is above 1 m/s you can have SAS auto-target prograde/retrograde relative to the target, otherwise you can just ‘spin around’ until you find those markers.
  4. Yeah… I cannot rename ships from their own interfaces, map-view, tracking station… especially ‘problematic’ with stations becoming “Combined-12” or some such… I also miss being able to change the map-screen icons (probe, lander, base, station, etc.)
  5. I second this !! I also struggle to remember ‘which is which’
  6. You found coal? I can’t even do ISRU Fuel-depots around Minmus yet and this guy found coal!
  7. Friday night I was doing my Ike-ascent as part of this week's #weeklychallenge [Jeb-level, not Watney], which is the only real reason I had my GPU recording my session (I'm not really a content creator, don't have that gift / experience to make doing that easy, so 'why make more work for myself?')... In any case, I noticed something weird with the phantom force in the earlier part of the ascent (immune to warp 'locking it down' until I cleared about 10 km ASL), then also found / believe I was able to direct the phantom force via SAS prograde/radial-out/etc. markers to give me a 'free' encounter with my interplanetary SWERV-pusher. Unlisted video, details are/should be there, but it is still a bit long... [Still] KSP 2: 0.1.1.x [patch 1] Windows 10 Home, 22H2 (19045.2728) AMD Ryzen 9 5900X ASUS TUF 3080 10G
  8. Or at the very least “This crewed/probe vessel is about to be destroyed. Please confirm Y/N.”
  9. Do parts have G-Force limits? Where can we find these? Someone on Reddit had their Science-Jr fail on re-entry and I’m not 100% sure if it’s caused by reheating, radial part failing/smashing into the Jr, or ‘compressive’ G-forces… hmm… on re-watching their clip, I do think it was heating (even if I’d not expect the Jr to be getting heated, at least not directly)
  10. KSP 2: 0.1.1.x [patch 1] Windows 10 Home, 22H2 (19045.2728) AMD Ryzen 9 5900X ASUS TUF 3080 10G Expected behaviour: vessel in space around atmosphereless body should not 'randomly' have orbits changing without thrust being applied. Observed behaviour: Orbit is changing on its own, as if a small thruster (or "Kraken drive") is applying net-forces to the craft. Steps to replicate: Place multi-craft vessel in low orbit around The Mun, detach probe/lander portion of main vehicle: Decent chance this vessel winds up in a 'free' sub-orbital trajectory Even if not, either immediately or upon landing and regaining altitude, your orbital parameters [or those of the 'mothership'] are likely to be fluctuating uncommanded. Fixes/workarounds: none that I know of (except 'stay in time-warp as much as possible') Mods: none Other notes: as hinted above, though not in my video, as soon as I undocked the lander in LMO, it was on a suborbital trajectory. I believe I also noticed the mothership having changed / actively-changing Ap/Pe, but I was more focused on not crashing the lander. Unlisted video on YouTube showing phantom forces at work in low Munar orbit
  11. I can confirm the same from my playthroughs… starting the engine or ‘moving’ the node around triggers the duration to update, but I agree it should update “live”
  12. If I launch a vessel with multiple sub-probes/relay satellites, I’d like to rename them to Relay 01, Relay 02, Relay 03 etc., or an LKO station has its name from VAB/launch, until something docks to it, then it has a generic name + (combined). I see/use the ‘pencil’ icon to enter a renaming mode, give it a name, hit Enter/pencil again, and it usually renamed itself for a while, or sometimes you’ll find you’ve just renamed the KSC instead, despite having Focus on your probe/station. Leaving Tracking Station and/or moving to control a vessel usually causes all vessels to revert to their previous names. I observed this behaviour in Launch version and Patch One (0.1.0.x and 0.1.1.x). Win 10 5900X, 48 GB DDR4 ASUS TUF 3080 10GB GDDR6X
  13. I believe lights and probe-cores use electric, and Ion engines definitely use electric, but I agree… Reaction wheels seem not to though.
  14. Stock KSP1 showed signal strengths to various relay-satellites/stations, as well as ‘signal strength’ of every hop from you to KSC along their chosen path (not always the best IMHO, but so be it)… For now, I don’t think CommNet is even enabled (behind the Mun or Minmus, or at Duna with the smallest antenna, no loss of signal), but you will lose control on undocking/decoupling probes, until you save/quicksave and then reload (you’ll have green icon + full control)
  15. Huh… I wonder if that RCS block is also what caused my Apollo-style lander to put itself into an absurdly sub-orbital trajectory when undocked from my return vehicle in a stable LKO
  16. No longer a next-orbit button?? They had one before Patch One?
  17. I can create a ship with a fairing, set it to 3x or 4x clamshell, launch, fail/spot an issue, and revert to VAB, but then I notice the fairing deployment has reverted to 2x clamshell. Also, I launched an Apollo-style mission, 3-crew control-pod + 2-crew lander-can, with 3 crew only in that main pod and none in the lander, but when reverting to VAB Val got added to the lander-can, so now there were 4 crew being launched with 3 Kerbin-return rated seats (and despite dragging her/the Munar lander back to a stable LKO, the undocking imparted strange forces to her craft, resulting in her having a wildly elliptical, suborbital trajectory despite having no Methalox and minimal RCS available to her… Adding: Updated to v0.1.1 on Thursday Windows 10 5900X and 48 GB DDR4 TUF 3080 10 GB GDDR6X Expected: a fairing/part mode-selection in VAB pre-launch persists upon reversion/“reloading” Reproduce: create a fairing, choose 3x or 4x Clamshell instead of 2x (never tried shroud, but likely similar), launch, maybe check mode here but likely okay, then revert: now 2x again in VAB and if launched again without changing
  18. Unlike KSP 1, the VAB has no door/view to the outside, so it’s harder to orient craft correctly (at least for me)… ex: Sometimes it is helpful to pre-incline a rocket/probe slightly in the pro-grade (E/90°) direction to help it find its’ way to orbit, but without knowing which way is which, you have to guess, then reload VAB if guessing wrong (and this has its’ own problems which I’ll post about separately). Adding: Updated to v0.1.1 on Thursday
  19. I wonder if our bugs are related… Your vessels docking… were they launched together or separately?
  20. 25 second clip showing craft in very high orbit (Ap 75Mm, Pe 71.7Mm) with time to Ap increasing for no clear reason. Carrier-probe launched 3 relay satellites in series and each experienced this phenomenon. Later in my session, detaching (first) and later undocking an Apollo-style Munar-lander resulted in the lander experiencing phantom forces/uncommanded orbital changes. V0.1.1, by the way. Launched through Steam. 5900X, RTX 3080, 48 GB @ 3200 MHz
  21. I have had that happen (sort of) but it usually resolved itself if I zoomed in enough on my orbital path/craft as the An/Dn just seemed to be ‘suppressed‘ in their effort to avoid overlapping markers
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