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Davi SDF

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Everything posted by Davi SDF

  1. I am using it in 1.12 without any problems (of course, there are some missing textures). I don't know any mod that adds stock-like drills and parts like this one, sorry. : (
  2. Stockalike Mining Expansion (also made by SuicidalInsanity) does have at least an inline drill, and if i am not mistaken, an inline mk2 ISRU
  3. I think that depending on the reactor, he would be fine with just a hazmat suit. Although i would love to see the computer itself, cause if it trully is that powerfull, than it surely breaks outside his own legal property. Might as well give him Aperture Science Laboratories too!
  4. It really varies a lot, sometimes in one save is "Sarnus", in another save is "Vocket" or maybe "Manned Missile"
  5. Have you tried clicking on the additional option "Simulate (fuel production here)"?
  6. Do you have Planetside Exploration Technologies installed? If you have, they have hand rails that look really good!
  7. I am sorry if i might be bothering, but Scylla's heat production (with system heat installed) is of 85kw, is this intentional? Or is it ten times too low?
  8. So THAT is how KSP's reaction wheels work!
  9. A plain and simple dictatorship. A kerbal has disapointed me? I'll give him a promotion! We'll make him our brand new Orion Drive inspector!
  10. Such incredible progress! Trully and awesome work!
  11. I am not the mod creator, but it is likely something that needs to be implemented, however, there is compatibility with Kerbal Atachment System (KAS) and Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) and they are basically better versions of stock inventory system.
  12. That is a Big-S standart engine! Incredible work! So excited for your updates!
  13. Awesome Spaceplane! I love the interior! Such a nice desing!
  14. There are two engines in NFLV that are based on real triprop engines, and they actually become triprop with the Cryo Engines patch.
  15. NOW WE ARE TALKING! You can get even more ridiculous, and make a Nuclear Salt Water SSTO, i did and, O H M Y K R A K E N, it's good
  16. Nice! I don't really have anything more to say right now, so i wish you all the best!
  17. Although they can be quite cruel with their own species, sometimes they are the cutest things ever, as we can see in one of Eeloo's EVA Reports.
  18. Fourth and HOLY SATURN V, those look awesome!
  19. If i am not wrong, Kerbal Atomics is the mod that modifies the NERV, Cryogenic Engines shouldn't mess with it
  20. I think it's the kerbal version of a dress
  21. While that could be the reactor, you would still need a whole lot of compressors and blades to make this "simple" thing work, although im not Nertea so i could be wrong
  22. Autorotation Apollo? Think b i g g e r . We need recoverable autorotation Saturn V with Nerva upper stage Also a joke, cmon
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