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Everything posted by Caerfinon

  1. I'M KING OF THE WORLD! The ship is really great. I've rigged it for Bon Voyage travel and I took a little trip down to Kola Island Naval Air Station (I may never go to space again )
  2. It's like Christmas in September!
  3. It's like Christmas Morning today. @ColdJ has released an awesome new ship mod. I can't wait to try it out!
  4. Not all mods get frequent updates. Typically if a mod is good for ksp 1.8 or better it is ok to use. there are exceptions to this general rule.
  5. It lets you document in 2d visuals of how a craft is built. I'm not aware of a mod that has a 2d perspective of building in the vab/sph.
  6. As written it will only be for stock Kerbin as it depends on the placement of KK statics and specific waypoints. It could be adapted to other homeworld environments by altering the location information, but I am not planning to undertake this.
  7. If you want some examples to look at these are some I use a lot from Kerbal X. Platypus KC-10A-Seabird Maik-McSeaplane The trick to good seaplane landings is coming in at a with your nose pitched up and a speed less than 60m/s with a vertical speed between -1 m/s to -5 m/s
  8. Apparently the next release of Parallax will have a fix. Fingers crossed.
  9. The work so far Added KK statics for college signs at the Kambridge site Tidied up errors in chapter 3 mission
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