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Everything posted by DerkyJerkyWreaksHavoc

  1. I was attempting on another romantic voyage to laythe with jeb and val (the romantic voyage was for them to kiss) and we made it safely... yay! but then mission control came with terrible news... they sent an attachment to us of bad news, and let me tell you... IT... WAS... BAD... Val started crying and Jedediah had to calm her down. soon he was crying too. Valentina and jebediah were so in love that when one cried, the other cried too. THE END! But a great landing is one where you can use the vessel again. ok ill stop
  2. Y'all better remeber that this is my artwork and its copyrighted (no its not). lol me and my copyrights
  3. There should be a vote for "Yes, but the Kraken's not gonna let it happen".
  4. I feel like the KSP community should make a dank meme on the metallic hydrogen topics. if you ask me, these topics are spontaneous and there are WAY too many. The Kraken is crying with encoded tears...
  5. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO . I guess sometime you just gotta be a man and take the news. i feel bad for both the fans of KSP and the developers who have to post these news. But you know what devs, take as much time as you WANT to make this game perfect! its better to have an outstanding game coming out in 2022 than a trashy game coming out on 2021. Don't worry devs, we are rooting for you! @Nate Simpson is this spring 2022? Summer 2022? Autumn 2022? or winter 2022? For all of y'all who need some tissues here have some: Also here is a video from ShadowZone about the KSP2 2022 delay:
  6. Today i questioned myself on why my forums couldn't have 2204 pages? Im jealous... Actually... I BECAME THE NEWEST POSITIVE FORUM MOVEMENT MEMBER!!!* sorry for capital letters and bold. i got excited. *Mind you, im not even a moderator...
  7. @antipro yes. RCS follows the same cross feed rules as Liquid Fuel. Hope this answered your question.
  8. being a console player for KSP sucks at times im sorry if i don't have a close eye as you...
  9. who knew coronavirus could do so much... just kidding
  10. This thread is strictly for KSP2 weather not KSP1 if that's what your asking. I bet you the framerates on the cpu's will be better than the consoles. i just said it for realistic affects and so people can talk about it here.
  11. This is a topic to discuss things about weather in KSP2. For example, we know there will be clouds but will there be rain, thunderstorms, wind, Hurricanes, etc. Any questions or things you want to mention about weather can go here. Reminder: as always, please be respectful to other members, refrain from badmouthing other people, and spread kindness. That's all.
  12. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM... I do not Knooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow Asked by Dr. Kerbal and Solved By Dr. Kerbal? Must've been a mental question...
  13. I questioned myself on how the heck did this topic get 2203 pages? that's what i did in KSP today.
  14. what i mean by "little update" is not its size but rather comparing it to having an entire monstrous existence in the center of the Kerbal Galaxy. the only thing i know was added as a planetary object in KSP by update was i think Eeloo but a black hole will almost definetely not appear in an update. its probably gonna either be a black hole or no black hole for KSP2. Also, Working Black hole physics into an update is very difficult, complex, time consuming, and its way better to include it in the release instead of being lazy and waiting for an update. Maybe Interstellar gas clouds could appear in an update but not black holes. I also hope there can be Neutron Stars. Oooohhh those will be super interesting...
  15. Highly doubt it will come in an update nor a DLC. it either is gonna come out on KSP2 or not. a black hole affects the game WAY, WAY too much to be put in a little update. Just be careful where you aim the trajectory. Cause once you enter a black hole's event horizon, its almost impossible to fight its gravitational pull. only ships that can travel faster than the speed of light can fight this pull and even if they did, they would probably get ripped apart due to G forces from the intense slingshot but in KSP your Kerbal's can withstand 600 G forces while drinking apple juice and smiling at the same time so I'm not too worried. Well, true but this is to GATHER SUPPORT (a.k.a kinda a peaceful rally/ peaceful protest to get this into the game meaning that this is a topic of action not of discussion but you can still discuss things with other forum members in this topic if you want to. If you are talking about Space X's Starship, i think they are doing a phenomenal job with the way they are handling Starship development with COVID-19 around. However, i find it hard for there to be an orbital flight in 2020 unless SN9 or SN10 is the orbital flight. Also, they really need to pick up the pace with the Super Heavy booster. And i just realized that you mean't starship as the previous forum on black holes so im sorry if i got carried away with the Starship development.... Really??? Wow! im suprised cause i've only found One topic for it... but i trust your word.
  16. Hey that's another great idea! I should probably change the name of this Forum to match that. Anyways, Mc waffles whats your favorite nebula? Hint: mine is... uhhhh... right now i dont really have a favorite cause THEY ALL look nice!
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