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Everything posted by Rakete

  1. And everything will look like it's a game from the early 2000 years. Smaa is okay for this issue. Taa in scatterer looks better overall, but causes flickering, which knight said will be fixed in some release. Without any Antialiasing, thats a no go for me. Thats why i use at least smaa on quality mode. Not as good as taa, but until fix of the plumes the only way for me.
  2. Did a short roundtrip to solar orbit and back with the low-tech vessel "Centaur II", which is in the picture nicely docked to the "Cassiopeia Spacedock" in LKO to deliver some data. The scientists are working on stuff: Warp drives, Genesis projectiles, ... you know, normal science stuff these days.... Dr. David Mark-erman hates proto matter, but it works somehow... He doesn't know why, but it works... The new gathered data from solar orbit will increase the chances to get the device working. Meanwhile he tries to write a request to the KSC: Somebody should better look up if Moho has life.... You know... no microbes and stuff. Meanwhile at the KSC: The flight director draws some scematics out of his box with a strange new vesselproject called "Reliant". Unfortunately some coffee poured out and soaked into the paper... Who will tell it to David, that there will be "delays"... ?!?!?! (Movie references intended)
  3. Got this mining ops going... Farming some LqHe3 from the Mun: (Featuring Planetside, Near & Far Future Tech, Heat Control Mods)
  4. Will the jetwing be also in Buffalo 2? Saw it on the promo-images in the op and found it cute.... now i hesitate to download buffalo as buffalo 2 is right around the corner.
  5. The valid reason is the challenge for you to design a craft able to do it and to actually perform the mission.
  6. Every Kerbal deserves a return to home.
  7. To me currently no issue... stable for many hours, wihout need to restart. Okay, after 3-4 hours i restart the game to get rid of memory leaks.... but it rarely crashes. And to me the game doesn't get weird. Except from visual mods, and support mods (like trajectories or KER) only the big Nertea-suite, planetside, blueshift and some Kopernicus stuff.... it nicely fits to each other pretty stable, thanks to ksp community fixes. Don't know which Features Ksp2 might bring, that I would reaaaaally need in top of my modded features.
  8. I guess KSP 1 will have much longer life, than we all expect. Why? Cause KSP 2 at release simply can't be as feature rich as a heavily modded KSP1 install with all the possibilities, that e.g. Kopericus, the Near/FarFuture-Suite, and all the other fabulous mods bring to the table Aaaand: As far as I saw Ksp2: The graphics of a heavily modded ksp1 install is mostly as good as (in some parts even better) what Ksp2 will look at release. At least what I saw of KSP2 yet. For me: no need to switch to ksp2 before end of the early access phase. Maybe even later, if even at all. There is so much to do in KSP1, that I simply do not need the switch right at the start. For that, i'd be happy if the mods would still get some bugfix (not feature incrementing) support.
  9. Thanks for the information. What is wrong about the AP+ wheels?
  10. Have Eve Redux. How do I activate them? My Eve Redux is out-of-the-box mainly configured by spectra and scatterer, so how can I add the default config for cities? Airplane plus? Has it reached a stable release for 1.12.x ? My last info was, that balancing is still in progress, so I hesitated to download it and build crafts on it, which might not work anymore after all the balancing is done.
  11. Which mod is this for wings and blurry propeller? Have done propellerplanes only with stock parts. Also: Which mod is used for the city below? I am currently using spectra.
  12. Flying my new upcoming spacestation Crew Radec Kerman, Samantha Kerman, Rodney McKerman, Miles O'Kerman and Carson Kerman (Rodney's only friend) from the survival training ground in the desert to the KSC using my supersonic Typhoon Mk II Jet (some kind of Mini-Reallife-Concorde). Even @10km height it's a hot ride: Fast, faster... typhoon ! And yes... I have set the reentry heat to 50% to have a little more tolerance in designing nice spaceplanes and jets... I know, it's kinda cheaty - but otherwise nice pleasing designs are not as possible as now... Design before perfect keeping of all tolerance values (the Mk1 cockpit for example burns up really quickly... So quick, that it makes it really hard to use it in fast planes - and since KSP offers not a big variety of cockpits, I just don't want to leave it out.... For my playstyle i'd always prefer visually pleasing crafts to ugly ones, that have ugly ways to cope with heat etc.
  13. That's why i moved the whole folder out of steam and launch the ksp-exe directly. They can keep their launcher for good. Anyway, steam is just a software downloader and payment method for me (avoiding to have several accounts from different stores etc.), and not a gaming hub. I don't even start steam when I want to play steam games. As far as they have no drm, there is no need to load all the steam stuff into my ram and keep the cpu doing steam stuff. - just creating shortcuts tomthe games themselves. Even if i have enough power. I don't need it apart from downloading and updating, so it should not run. Same goes for the new useless launcher. Won't give any millisecond of computing power do useless code. Even if I had a big climate-supercomputer. Simply just no... code that is not running can not crash and cause trouble and doesn't consume extra watts by throtteling up cpu cores. Nope. I really dislike the tendency to clutter software up with more and more useless stuff. A launcher here, a helper there, a companion app on the phone over there.... it really annoys me. Especially here in KSP's example. How old is the game? It is feature complete, right?! Soooo why add a new unstable third party launcher after so many years. Any launcher is kinda useless. What do they do? They.... display a button to launch the real game-exe ?! Really useless. We need more launchers, that launch launchers, that launch launchers to launch a game... more ads... more security vulnerabilities due to being software that talk to external servers to deliver ads... reaaaally usefull for the customer. Especially in the case of thirdparty stuff over which the devs have absolutely no control. Sorry, but if KSP2 will be good, it will sell good. If it will be bad, it will sell bad. The constant advertising of products everywhere makes me tend to not buy stuff... forced ads annoy the customer. How is it done under Windows 10?
  14. Aaaaalright. We have a nice saying in my native language. Literally translated it would mean "I only understand trainstation." So i didn't get, what to do, to increase the fps in fact, the cpu is not the bottleneck of my gaming rig, I guess. The i7 9700K does its job quite well with some 32 gigs of ram, but the old 1060 6gig (was carried over due to expensiveness of the rtx series) struggles with e.g. the amount of lightingsources higher than 8. Scatterer and Spectra run surprisingly well, also bigger vessels - but I think ksp could do way more better with multithreading - especially with two complex vessels independently side by side. I did not upgrade to 1.12.4 and moved my 1.12.3 install to another folder and directly launch the ksp_x64.exe on windows. Don't need any tutorials anymore.
  15. Have a gtx 1060 6gb, but also am running loads of visual mods, so the tolerance margins to heavier loads on the graphics are limited - even for me.
  16. Can you explain this a but more, please? What does it do, how is it to be performed, does ist result is more performance/fps?
  17. Will it be possible in a future kopernicus release to increase the detailed-shadow-sphere around the camera? Or is this locked behind unity's stock shadow cascade mechanisms?
  18. Brought my new Spacedock in LKO (505km x 505km - because... why not ?!) into position: Cassiopeia-Spacedock is now fully operational, ready to be visited by SSTOs, Deep Space Exporers and other vessel. Snacks are in stock, Science toys also. Left arm: Docking arm for SSTOs (especially the Phoenix, Arrow, Lightning, Basilisk and Sphinx-Class-Spaceplanes) and my Caprica III-V, Scorpia I, Tauron II, Geminon I crew-transfer-standard-systems Foreground arm: "the dock"... Workshop for deepspace explorer-vessels to dock an be refitted and deliver their data Background arm: The Science arm, exquipped with experiments, laboratory and other stuff. Also jr-dockingports are there for my Picon II and Canceron I 2-kerbal-capsule-systems Central Core: ion-engines for slow but precise orbital corrections, big 6 MW Hermes Fission Reactor and cooling radiators.... for reasons cause it's possible. Don't need that much power, but.... it's a nuclear reactor! There is also a uranium centrifuge to partially refresh depleted uranium. also... for reasons
  19. Stock Waterfall Config (But only until release 0.5.2) in combination with the Waterfall Mod itself...
  20. Hello @R-T-B A question to about the Kopernicus Shadows. Upon zooming out Kopernicus switches to a more simplistic shadow creation (it's kinda a sphere around the camera. This results in some slightly unpleasant effects on big vessels, whose parts partially leave this detail-sphere. Can I increase the spheresize by a parameter, eg. double the camera distance upon the shadows switch to simple mode? I tried fiddeling with the shadowvalue (default 25000) in the config, but apparently it was not the value i was looking for. Can I increase the detail-sphere somehow without changing the distance of casted shadows? I think, I have enough computing power, to render the detailed shadows also when zooming out a bit more. Please don't missunderstand: No complaint, just a question if I can optimize my visuals a little bit more.
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