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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: See previous submissions for list | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900 12 Core | GPU: GeForce RTX 206 Super | RAM: 32 GB RAM In the text of the mission "Escaping Kerbin", you are tasked with exiting Kerbin's SOI and heading out to orbit Kerbol. However, the objectives state only to exit Kerbin's SOI and make no mention of Kerbol at all. This is confusing as, by the time this secondary mission comes up, you have, at a minimum, already sent 2 craft to the Mun. You have already left Kerbin's SOI and entered the SOI of the Mun at least twice by this point. The mission objectives should be updated to state you need to orbit Kerbol.
  2. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: See previous submissions | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900 12 Core | GPU: GeForce RTX 2060 Super | RAM: 32 GB RAM As part of the Exploration mode, I went to the Mun Arch and planted a flag right in front of it (first image). When going to the tracking station, even with the Flag filter enabled, the planted flag does not show up (second image). Planted Flag: Tracking Station:
  3. I did, in fact, have a heat shield that was supposed to protect my Mun lander upon re-entry to Kerbin. And yet it overheated and blew up before any other parts on the lander (including the unprotected radial Science Jr.). No matter the speed, angle, or depth of descent, the capsule overheated and blew up. That's not just harder than KSP1; that's completely unforgiving. The heat system is broken. I had to turn it down to 20% to survive the same re-entry method I use in KSP1. Even aerobraking is hit-or-miss with overheating.
  4. I think that it lies in actuality somewhere in the middle of these. On the one hand, you have a mechanic that allows you to gather points of some kind (KSP calls them Science points, but other games call them other things, like resource points or some-such), and then use those points to upgrade your technology. Not a whole lot different than the Karma system in Shadowrun, or Experience in, well, every RPG out there. You gather these points by dropping some gadget on a craft, go somewhere, click a button, and voila! Science points. Different gadgets are supposed to do different things; thermometers are supposed to collect the temperature, pressure gauges collect pressure readings, and so on. So you have actual gameplay here. However, on the other hand, I think the implementation creates the illusion that this is happening without it actually happening. Instead of collecting an actual temperature reading that can be stored and used for weather pattern determination to assist in landing (as an example), you simply get points for clicking the gadget. It's completely hand-waved that the reading was actually done with this one gadget, which is then strung out across all gadgets effectively doing the same thing - drop gadget on craft, go to location, click gadget, profit. The actual gameplay has been obscured because the implementation of the vision someone had has been dumbed down. Whether that's by design or a necessary evil is unknown. Is there a solution here? Probably. I've got several different ideas on how this could be done differently, but I doubt any of them are better than what we have. Or that they could be implemented. Take my above example about weather pattern determination. Sure, it sounds great to run experiments like temperature and pressure and launching weather balloons to capture wind speeds and such, and then use that data to predict weather patterns so you can say "it will be better to land here instead of there because the wind won't push us around like a rag doll". But can it actually be done? Can that system (again, as an example) be coded and implemented in a way that is fun, doable, and doesn't break the game? Again, lots of ideas, none of which are better than the original. Personally, I'm torn on the Science points gathering thing. I'd rather see the tech tree unlocked by actually doing something. Like, for example, in order to get Mun landing node, you have to have: 1 unmanned launch into LKO 1 unmanned launch into HKO 1 manned launch into LKO 1 manned launch into HKO 1 unmanned launch into the Mun's SOI 1 manned launch into the Mun's SOI Until you do all of that, you can't get the technology to land on the Mun (again, this is an example). You shouldn't be able to take the stuff in the first node and land on a celestial body because you haven't earned the experience to do so. This is all my 2 cents, of course. Your mileage may vary!
  5. One could argue that CommNET is a core gameplay feature in a space game. In KSP1, you couldn't control probes or capsules without a pilot unless you had a direct link back to either a capsule with a pilot OR the KSC. I don't see that as edge case; I see that as core functionality.
  6. Well, you do technically own the technology in the first node on Tier I. So, congratulations, you now own this technology.
  7. I think having to go to sleep, or having to go to work, might be related to this bug.
  8. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Jormin Kerman, standing on the precipice of greatness in front of the Mun arch: This is the first time I have ever seen the Mun arch. Over 1000 hours in KSP1, I've never seen it until today. I sincerely hope that KSP2 continues to have tracking of discoverables so we can actually find them without having to be lucky to do so.
  9. So I was playing this morning, and I ended up testing a typical Mun return with an aerobrake capture. From Mun orbit to a return with a Pe of ~45km, aerobraking until my Ap was low enough to just land. I started with the heat setting at 100%. I'll state that this is a typical return trajectory from Mun in KSP1, and this works without anything bad happening. The results: 100% heat: Capsule exploded 90% heat: Capsule exploded 80% heat: Capsule exploded 70% heat: Capsule exploded 60% heat: Capsule exploded...but started to take longer than it did before 50% heat: Capsule exploded 40% heat: Capsule exploded 30% heat: Capsule nearly exploded, but it survived 20% heat: Capsule survived The heating system is way overpowered and needs to be tweaked by the devs. I get that we are supposed to have to deal with heat upon re-entry, but this is way worse than what it is in KSP1. By the time I hit 20%, I simply decided to shut the heat effect off. If I have to turn it all the way down for it to work the way it should, why have it at all? We waited 10 months for this? I am not glad the devs went this brutal. Re-entry should be hard, but when you consider you are supposed to go sub-orbital before you even get heat shields AND you know that the capsule will overheat and explode even with a heat shield? If you really want new players to walk away from the game, this is a great first step to getting that to happen.
  10. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: See previous submissions | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900 12 Core | GPU: GeForce RTX 2060 Super | RAM: 32 GB When looking at Mission Briefs, you can click the Gotcha and/or Continue button to get the scrolling text to just finish and display, and then you have to click the button again to get to the next text blurb. However, if you try to do this when the button says Over And Out, the text blurb does not finish, and the Mission Brief closes, forcing you to go through and re-read the Mission Brief. The video shows this happening. Included Attachments: Desktop2023_12.21-08_03_33_01.mp4 .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  11. Not sure if this is related - or even a bug - but when you remove all components of a stage, the empty stage panel sticks around. If there is nothing in a stage, shouldn't that go away?
  12. In KSP1, I could return from the Mun with a Kerbin Pe of ~30km. That's directly from Mun orbit to a Kerbin Pe of 30km, and while I would see heat effects, I wouldn't lose parts. Today I tried the same thing, and not only did my radial tanks blow up, but the lander can - which had a heat shield on it - overheated and blew up. I think the heat effects system is overcharged, so to speak. I'm going to re-try doing this with ~90% of the heat effects, and then tune it from there until it matches KSP1.
  13. Camera issues have been discussed ad nauseum for quite a while here. I agree with everything you stated, and I believe the devs are looking at improving the camera function. I do know that #4 is reported as a bug and is actively being worked on. I liked the part count/weight limit from KSP1. The only thing that I didn't like about that, as someone else pointed out, is that if I could get under the weight limit, I could put 50 mammoths on a ship but not 51 antenna (as an example). I generally deploy parachutes at ~600 m/s during descent, and I've never had an issue with them not opening. I think what @Superfluous J had going on there was a bug. I wonder if there is any chance he can reproduce this? I'm 4 launches in (10k, sub-orbital, orbital, orbit the Mun), and I've got 85% of Tier 1 unlocked. Granted, I didn't go science-hog crazy on some of the launches, but I can absolutely see where running through the optimal path to get science could deal with the entire tier in 3-4 total launches. I'm sure someone will come up with a challenge surrounding this. I think we should go about snuffing out all of the Kerbals the game gives us at the start to see what happens. For Science!
  14. Powered up the game for about 30 minutes this morning as I knew I had the mission to reach Munar orbit. Sent up a small probe with some antenna and solar panels because I know I'll need to have some form of communications relay at some point. And I didn't want to send Kerbals up just yet because that would mean I'd have to bring them home to collect the science they gain. And considering the next primary mission is to land on the Mun, it just made sense to use a non-sentient object. Anyhow, I've unlocked most of Tier I with but a few launches now. Pictures! I cannot overstate how excited I was to simply get to the Mun this morning. Like, I've done this a bajillion times in KSP1, and am currently working on a KSRSS Moon landing as we speak. But for some reason this just felt...I'm at a loss for the appropriate word here. I'm excited and nervous and awestruck and giddy all at the same time. Over something I've done countless times before. Man, did 0.2 hit the nail on the head! Great job, @Intercept Games with this release!
  15. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: MapView Focus and Targeting; Flight Plan; K2D2; Interplanetary Calculator; SpaceWarp; BepIn Ex | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900 12 Core | GPU: GeForce RTX 2060 Super | RAM: 32 GB In the VAB, I created a small probe core (OKTO, Solar Panels, Antenna) and wrapped that in a Cockleshell fairing. When the fairing was originally placed/built, it had the agency colors on it. However, when I added a fuel tank below it (FL-T400), the fairing turned solid grey, which is the base color for my agency (the blue you see in the video is the accent color). I did attempt to reapply color to both the part and the entire assembly, but the fairing stays grey. Included Attachments: Desktop2023_12.20-07_58_01_01.mp4 LunaI.json
  16. Only 11 primary missions? Are there plans to add more? I'm not talking about colonies or interstellar here; I'm talking about core gameplay in the Kerbolar system.
  17. Are you using reaction wheels or control surfaces? The Swivel doesn't have gimbal, so without some easy of actually controlling the craft, you can't, well, control it.
  18. Epic player here. I played for ~2 hours, but didn't contribute to the player counts because: 1. I don't use the launcher; AND 2. I am not playing on Steam.
  19. On the left side of the screen, above the navball. When you can do science, a little light comes on. Click that.
  20. I tried the "engine as your heat shield" trick from KSP1, and lost Tim C. Kerman on his initial voyage into the dark recesses of LKO. RIP, Tim; we barely knew ye.
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