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Everything posted by 610yesnolovely

  1. Progress so far: Rewards scaling based on planet scale Goal heights, speeds, distances likewise based on scales Descriptions, titles, etc have things like "at least 12.00km (Stratosphere Low)" where the values scale depending on the planet scaling Contracts are generated from a table, so I can balance/add/remove easily Partially localized There's still only two semi-working contracts, the others currently won't work, so don't try to use head of GitHub right now. However I'd think it won't take too long to get all the milestone contracts from GAP ported. They will likely have slightly different targets, but should be enough for a pre-release that's interesting. I also had a think and learned a bit more about Contract Configurator, hopefully I can work out how to do distance contracts (waypoints), and dual engine SSTO designs (resource consumption limited by speed and/or altitude). Payloads might be trickier, but CC allows code extensions.
  2. Contract Pack: K-Planes By: 610yeslovely The K-Planes contract pack adds various contracts to encourage and reward building of planes from very early stages, through X-plane style rocket planes, to SSTO (single-stage to orbit) planes. Origins This mod is inspired by and indeed uses some assets, configuration from the original GAP mod, which is also a MIT license. The original author of GAP inigma gave blanket permission to use anything and everything from GAP on the KSP Forums. Purpose This pack is planet pack agnostic and tech tree agnostic, but the description assumes either Stock, semi-Stock (2.5x or 2.7x scale like JNSQ or KSRSS), or Earth-scale planets (RSS/RO/RP-1). The pack can also be used alongside GAP or deriviatives and does not need them for any shared assets, though some of the early contracts are almost the same as the milestones from GAP (because they were copied and made planet agnostic). Initially you will find contracts to build your first powered aircraft, then several contracts which increase the speed, height and/or distance that plane can travel. Bonus points are usually awarded for landing back at the KSC Runway, but you can land anywhere that is safe. After these the real K-Plane contracts arrive: building rocket powered air-launched X-1 style aircraft, acheiving Mach 1, 2, 3, getting to the stratosphere (18km to 50km for Earth scale) for sub-orbital flights. Later contracts are more speculative and involve reaching Mach 4, Mach 5, to space (80km), and orbital. Some contracts require SSTO (single-stage to orbit) and some let you use boosters, but still require wings (think Space Shuttle), and some involve leaving satellites or cargo in space. Far future contracts might include taking certain tonnage to other moons or planets and returning the craft and landing back at Kerbin/Earth. Installation I highly recommend installing mods using CKAN as it will correctly add required dependencies, however for those who like a more tedious life you can manually install them and possibly get less of my attention if there are issues. Required Dependencies: ModuleManager Contract Configurator, which has releases for the latest 1.12.x compatible RO fork, see the forums Contract Configuration KSP Forums) Recommended Part Dependencies: Firespitter for very early airplane parts KSPWheels and Kerbal Foundries for better landing gear (and rover wheels). AirplanePlus for airplane parts Eskandare Aerospace for even more airplane parts KAX for more airplane parts QuizTech Aero Pack for advanced airplane parts C.E.D.A. Aeronautics for moar airplane parts (you cannot have too many right?) B9 Aerospace Parts for advanced airplane, space plane parts B9 Procedural Wings for procedural wings of any size and shape Mk2 Expansion for advanced airplane, space plane parts Mk3 Expansion for larger space plane parts OPT Spaceplane Continued for high tech space plane parts Recommended Helper Dependencies: AtmosphereAutopilot for a very good aircraft autopilot and SAS replacement NavUtils for runway landing navigation Waypoint Manager for managing waypoints Contracts Window for viewing contracts outside of Mission Control CapCom for accepting contracts outside of Mission Control Recommended IVA Dependencies, to fly inside the plane: RasterPropMonitor (or RPM) allows IVA to be interactive. MOARdV's Avionics System (or MAS) the successor to RPM. Reviva which is one of my other mods, allows much easier installing/switch IVA mods. How Scaling Works Speeds Speeds are measured in m/s and are always the same for any planet. Roughly speaking Mach numbers are multiples of 343 m/s, though the actual Mach number will vary depending on pressure, temperature and altitude. However, since speed records are usually constrained by altitude, which do scale, non-stock scale planets will be harder due to the altitude requirements. Correctly limiting to an actual Mach number is pretty complicated, in the future this may change. Altitudes Altitudes are scaled by the planets FlyingHigh, SpaceLow and SpaceHigh altitudes as follows: TroposphereLow : ~15% from sea level to FlyingHigh. TroposphereHigh : ~30% from sea level to FlyingHigh. StratosphereLow : ~40% from sea level to FlyingHigh. StratosphereHigh : ~70% from sea level to FlyingHigh. MesosphereLow : always equals FlyingHigh. MesosphereHigh : ~20% from FlyingHigh to SpaceLow. ThermosphereLow : ~40% from FlyingHigh to SpaceLow. SpaceLow : is where space starts in KSP. SpaceLEO : is roughly how high ISS travels, or about 12% from SpaceLow to SpaceHigh. SpaceMEO : always equals SpaceHigh, which in KSP seems to mean MKO / MEO (Mid-Kerbin or Mid-Earth Orbit). The computations are algorithms which will work for any planet scale, but here are examples for common scales. For Stock (1x): TroposphereLow: 3 km TroposphereHigh: 5 km StratosphereLow: 7 km StratosphereHigh: 13 km MesosphereLow, FlyingHigh : 18 km MesosphereHigh: 30 km ThermosphereLow: 40 km SpaceLow : 70 km SpaceLEO : 90 km SpaceMEO : 250 km For KSRSS, JSNQ (2.7x), the atmosphere is usually very similar to stock scale, though SpaceLow is usually 10km higher. Therefore only slightly harder for Modern / Future contracts. TroposphereLow: 3 km TroposphereHigh: 5 km StratosphereLow: 7 km StratosphereHigh: 13 km MesosphereLow, FlyingHigh : 18 km MesosphereHigh: 30 km ThermosphereLow: 40 km SpaceLow : 80 km For RSS (Earth), the atmosphere is much thicker, so much higher altitudes are needed. Hard mode! TroposphereLow: 5 km TroposphereHigh: 10 km StratosphereLow: 20 km StratosphereHigh: 45 km MesosphereLow, FlyingHigh : 50 km MesosphereHigh: 70 m ThermosphereLow: 85 km SpaceLow : 140 km Distances Distance contracts are scaled by the planets circumference, again using algorithms that work for any scale. Below are examples for common scales. For Stock (1x): Shop Hop : 50 km Domestic : 100 km Continental : 250 km Intercontinental : 750 km Polar : ~1,885 km Equatorial : ~3,770 km For KSRSS, JSNQ (2.7x), over twice as far, not that much harder. Shop Hop : 130 km Domestic : 250 km Continental : 700 km Intercontinental : 2,000 km Polar : ~5,000 km Equatorial : ~10,0000 km For RSS (Earth), distances are ten times stock scale, so this is Hard Mode! Shop Hop : 530 km Domestic : 1,000 km Continental : 2,700 km Intercontinental : 8,000 km Polar : ~20,000 km Equatorial : ~40,000 km Changes 0.3.0 Release - Start and Early contracts second pass (17th Dec 2022) Fixed distance contracts, now seem to work better. Added Polar, Circum-Polar and Round The World distances. Some testing, but still not recommended for general gameplay. 0.2.0 Release - Start and most Early contracts (17th Dec 2022) Most of the GAP milestone contracts now present. Progression should work, and everything should scale to homeworld scale. Only slightly tested, so probably still not recommended for general gameplay. 0.1.0 Release - Start contracts (1st Dec 2022) Not really functional, but general idea started. License All content is MIT licensed. KASA logo derived from NASA svg downloaded from Wikipedia KACA logo dervied from NACA svg downloaded from Wikipedia Source Source is available on GitHub. KSP Forum is the home page for discussions.
  3. Using this mod, and I love it. Noticed a slightly weird thing in that the window position moves down and right each time you click something like "Achievements" or "Log" or open or close it.The default starting position for me was somewhere in the bottom right, so after closing Space Age via the icon I thought I had disappeared for ever. The solution was putting it at the top right and moving it back every so often :-) I took a look at the code, possibly the issue is in UndisplayData(): https://github.com/GarwelGarwel/SpaceAge/blob/af500c541acc95418a46a7afe6f3d27664f59804/SpaceAgeScenario.cs#L799 windowPosition = new Rect(v.x / Screen.width + 0.5f, v.y / Screen.height + 0.5f, windowWidth, 50); I think adding 0.5 isn't required and causes this behaviour?
  4. ... and you fixed it in 20 other mods. Respect and also betcha glad you automated your build/release.
  5. Another great mod that for some reason I didn't know about. Thanks for all the hard work on this, looks like I can really make Kerbals life trickier in spaaaace. I'll be using this with Space Age, TAC-LS, CLS, Skyhawk Science, KCT, KSRSS, History of Spaceflight, and a bunch of other mods for a stock slightly harder/realistic (but not too much). The idea there is to prefer probes before crew, but sending Kerbals to their doom experience and get more science is an end goal.
  6. Download reborn branch zip https://gitlab.com/ksrss/KSRSS/-/archive/reborn/KSRSS-reborn.zip Install all the dependencies (I use CKAN) listed here https://gitlab.com/ksrss/KSRSS/-/blob/reborn/README.md Install Parallax 2.0 - and Parallax Stock Textures, Parallax Stock Scatter Textures (again I used CKAN) Delete "GameData/Parallax_StockTextures/_Configs" Delete "GameData/Parallax_StockTextures/_Scatters/Configs" Above should be correct, but it requires a bit of fiddling. It works great for me, looks as good as I remember KSRSS 64K. Just be aware, needs a decent machine to run on (I use my work machine a 32 core CPU, 64GB and a 24GB 3090ti), and even then loading will be much longer, pauses before game finishes loading (5secs) and occasional long pauses due to demand loading huge textures.
  7. Pretty much as I understand it. BallisticFox started out doing Gas Giant expansion for KSRSS, then moved onto resurrecting it, before finally moving over to join working together on Gitlab. So GitLab is the official source, GitHub an old fork of pre-Reborn. I believe that's the story. The "reborn" branch on GitLab is a pre-release preview of what's coming next including the work that BallisticFox did, and yes, includes newer Parallax 2.0 support. I'm currently using this, and it's amazing. It can take a bit of fiddling to get installed right, particularly if you want to use Parallax 2. My suggestion is use the official one and CKAN and Parallax 1.x if you just want things to work and don't feel like using Git, command lines and trawling through forum posts.
  8. @PART[CapellaExperiment1,CapellaExperiment2,CapellaExperiment3]:NEEDS[CNAR]:FINAL { // Other bits... // Without these many Contract Configuration contract packs will not work. %vesselType = Probe %CrewCapacity = 0 } After much gnashing of teeth I found that the above extras are needed. Without them most contracts would not work if the Capella nose cone is the only command - the ship type was set to Debris (you can set it manually to Probe tho even without this). I updated the original post, but to save anyone any frustration...
  9. I pretty much (in non-RO/RSS/RP-1) use these: Must Have: Career Evolution, History of Spaceflight Pocket Edition (recommend with BDB), GAP (Stock/JSNQ), KerbsideRemasteredXXX (Stock/JNSQ). Others I use and do work: Anomaly Surveyor (Stock only), Field Research, CommNetRelays, CleverSats, KerbinSpaceStation, Tourism Plus, InterplanetaryMountainer (Stock only), GrandTours (Stock only).
  10. Yes you are right, I read the WAC Corporal pages on various sites and the nose cone should decouple to release the parachute. That would make it become slightly less ballistic. Actually, reading more through more references the nose does disconnect, it remains connected via a chord. FYI: For those wanting to fiddle the WAC Corporal parts are quarter scaled 0.625m (size0), half 0.3125m (size00, Taerobee, some BDB parts) or 0.156125m (size000? Capella/CNAR) - in reality the WAC was 0.30m (well 12 inches) diameter, but KSP scaling typically is about half sized and balanced best for 2.5/2.7x Kerbin, JNSQ or KSRSS.
  11. I was looking at the various different failure mods and this definitely looks the easiest to understand and most "fun". Occasionally I like to read the source of mods to really see what it's doing (nerd), and spotted: Typo in the "Easy" setting have "80%" chance of explosive failure. I think that is a typo and should be "0.08" (8%) comparing to the other difficulty levels? Possibly one could argue that it _is_ easier if on failure your rocket just explodes and you can shrug and revert to launch without worrying about how to prevent such things... the Game Difficulty Settings page has all the percentages as either 0 or 1 - just start a new game, hit the "Settings" button and try Easy/Medium/Hard. (Tested without any other mods on a fresh 1.12.4). I think because the values are loaded into the "Percentage" rather than "Perc" versions (due to some bug fix ages ago). Sent a pull request (tested and "Works On My Machine"): https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ksp-KerbalLaunchFailure/pull/18 Workaround: Until this is fixed, when starting a career, after selecting "Easy" or whatever in the main settings, make sure you check the Kerbal Launch Failure settings, they will probably default to the wrong values.
  12. I also supplied a "Where Can I Go?" config for KSRSS Reborn which is now included, that's a mod that shows you all the delta-V for everywhere in game in a table, in the editor. I find it a great first pass "this design might get there". (Basically the delta-V map, but the computer does the maths for you). I'd still recommend final checks of actual Delta-V map and KRASH simulations :-) Above is generic stock, the KSRSS config will show "KSRSS Reborn detected at XXX scale (...)" and tell you if it's showing default (2.7x) or stock (1/9th) scale. That's all automatically detected, it's just letting you know it got that bit right. The actual data is sort of complicated to encode, and is a very rough guide (usually it's conservative), but if you think you spot an issue post here and I'll try to fix it.
  13. But wait theres a little more, bonus MM patch to create a Communotron 8-S and 4-S: these are half and quarter sized surface attach antenna. Obviously one could TweakScale these, but just in case. They are pretty useless except for sub-orbital Kerbin/Earth range science tranmission for sounding rockets. I use the 4-S on the WAC Corporal as an alternative to transmit science and not have parachute recovery of the WAC Corporal which can be dicy (the thing can hit 600km/s after 60km apogee with the parachute semi-deployed, not recommended). Gives the player some choices and things to experiment with. Read up on the real rocket and they had all sorts of failures, particularly with parachutes and recovery.
  14. I've made a set of ModuleManager patches only, that draws together all the previously suggested rebalances, added some extra fuel and thrust, and then added some duplicated parts from the Taerobee mod: I wanted as close a stockalike version of the WAC Corporal buildable in the start node, and in KSRSS Reborn I can get one to around 60km and return the science. There's even some stock variants to colour it yellow. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WAC_Corporal for the real history and read the part descriptions. You can also obviously stick one on a Titov and make a RTV-G-4 Bumper. Included below with absolutely no license or waranties, anyone/mod authors feel free to leverage the code. Copy these into two "WhateverYouWannaCallIt.cfg" files somewhere in your GameData, I have a personal patch folder, you probably should too. First up, an MM patch with just the forum fixes with links, thanks to those people, who I assume they have no license restrictions, but I've kept those separate. This can be used on its own, or not at all. This first patch does *not* require the Taerobee mod. Next up is the WAC Corporal, read the description the the CapellaExperiment1/2/3 for a sensible build. This patch below only works if you also have the Taerobee mod linked earlier installed. Again can be used either/or with previous snippets. Note: This patch does a few things that you may wish to change: Moves the Capella Experiments into the Pod category as they are odd beasties which are nose cones, probe control and an experiment all-in-one, but usually when starting a rocket I look for a root probe/cm part in there, so I think that makes more sense. Feel free to delete the "@category = Pod" lines if you don't like this. Makes the Capella Experiments (Temperature, Barometer, Goo) and all the other parts all available in the start node. You have to swap the nose cone to do the other science, and you have to either recovery that science or try to stick on an antenna, so usually you're going to need three launches or more (unless you build a weird rocket and cheat). Feel free to delete the "@TechRequired = start" to stop this, though perhaps only one the Goo (and one other) experiment. Balancing early game without knowing tech trees is tricky. Uses FINAL as it assumes this is a local user patch, if it was for reals in a mod those should be more sensible. This will also undo any Tech Trees which place the CapellaEngine and CapellaExperiments somewhere else. I've been using Skyhawk Science System recently and this works fine with that. And now... here's one I made earlier. Pretty much just CNAR and Taerobee. I'd recommend Modular Launch Pads (which is what I usually use) which has a nice small rail launcher.
  15. Again a great deal of work and thought into the details. Great to see you back working on the mod. From what I understand, for using this, the workflow for parts like procedural wings, RCS or anything with a lot of config sliders are probably built best by selecting an existing craft with them already set up and building those parts. So that mean that it might be best to build a sort of "dummy" craft with parts you need in the VAB - eg. a line of structural girders with various RCS, wings or whatever you need, set them up in the editor, save it as "PartsToBuild" and then load that in some workshop to print, and then deselect the structural girders? Also, no pressure, but have you considered releasing a "Beta" (with lots of No Support if the Kraken eats your install) at some point for those eager to try it out?
  16. Back a few pages, I tried just such an "all the visual mods on extreme" on my work PC (which I can use for play too fortunately). It has a 3090TI and basically maxed out at 20Gb of RAM (but only 4% of CPU), and pegged the GPU at 100%, but "only" 14Gb of it's 24Gb of video ram. The liquid coolers and fans were working overtime, but it ran at roughly 60FPS (with no other mods). I'll try that again when @blackrackreleases the new super volumetric clouds in EVE. I may have to dig out my portable aircon and point it at the machine tho.
  17. I also opted for somewhat similar, though I'm liking the addition of History of Spaceflight: Pocket Edition for contracts, KCT, and had a go at Kerbalism. Though I think I'm going to drop that and replace with Kerbal Health, TAC-LS, and EVA Repairs (though I wonder if Test Flight might be better? Shrug). Too many contract packs I like that don't work with Kerbalism. I was also encouraged to also use Engine Ignitor, but havn't yet got round to that. As to aircraft contracts, it's a shame that GAP, Kerbinside Remastered etc are not planet pack agnostic - mostly tied to Kerbin. I'm not aware of any contract packs that work with planes. There's also no NavUtils support, but that's slightly easier to fix by using VesselMover and Custom Runways. Might be something I fiddle with as I tend to build planes. Would be nice to have GAP KSRSS, Kerbsinside (Earthside) and/or something like RP-1's X Plane contracts. I'd definitely add TUFX, and recommend BallisticFox's profiles. I didn't touch anything with EVE, Scatterer or anything else, other than fixes/suggestions from here: https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-BDB-Wiki/issues/72
  18. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/wiki/Recommended-Extra-Mods - I wonder if you're hitting the issue that makes SCANSat sort of not quite recommended in RP-1: I've never tried this to see what it does or if it helps.
  19. Noted. Not sure when I'll get a chance to look at this, but given that I'm a big user of BDB, and highly likely to need the MEM for landing, I have some motivation to take a look :-D
  20. Gosh this is a very cool mod that I pretty much only found out about because of recent posts. What a very cool idea. I will be using this! I'm particularly interested that there's a way to gain to configure funds/sci/rep by score, which might be a great way to add motivation to achieve things (rather than futzing about). From what I can see there's no tracking, scoring of contracts, I'm assuming because that's something you can already see/work out from Mission Control?
  21. I posted some MM fixes for these warnings a few pages back, plus some other fixes/improvements for other things. I think also that some BDB changes/updates have been added to GitHub head revision. Might be worth staying up to date if you're feeling adventurous.
  22. Last picture is giving me Milllennium Falcon vibes. Luke Kywalker: Look at him. He's headed for that small moon. Han Kolo: I think I can get him before he gets there. He's almost in range. I love the MAS IVA.
  23. Looking at the picture and code, the up/down arrow textures might be missing next to "Number of satellites". Check: GameData/ResonantOrbitCalculator/PluginData/Images exists and contains "up.png" and "down.png" textures. If not, perhaps reinstall with CKAN or even get them from GitHub https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ResonantOrbitCalculator/tree/master/GameData/ResonantOrbitCalculator/PluginData/Images Or perhaps they were not loaded if they do exist. I had a quick look at the error log, lots of exceptions and errors for other things. Might be caused by those exceptions stopping the arrows from being loaded?
  24. I also use KRASH to simulate (with lowest costs setting) builds before I "really" fly them, but HyperEdit and also VesselMover for various reasons, and F12 cheats all the time. Even while playing, don't want bugs and krakens taking away the "fun". As for station keeping, things I learned (from memory, I still have to work it out each time): - MechJeb Manoeuvre Planner has a "Resonant Orbit" helper where you can change your orbit to any N / M phase orbit to get the right orbits. I think 2/3 does a diving change and 4/3 does a climbing. - MechJeb Manouevre Planner's "Transfer" has a "Fractional Target Period Offset" which is handy if you want to add in multiple launches (or fix) things, setting this to 0.333 puts you 1/3 orbit ahead, and -0.333 a 1/3 behind but in the same orbit. Sometimes I'll add in a sat and put it into a much higher orbit and use this to insert it at the right place. I also love this companion mod, which can even set up manoeuvre nodes and execute them with MechJeb. I'm pretty sure you may know this, but some readers may not.
  25. Yeah that is unexpected, and possibly a bug, but less worse than it both using all the fuel up and putting your ship in an unstable orbit or smashing it into the ground. I certainly get confused by all the many acronyms. Usually end up trying a few things and reverting in frustration until I work out that it's actual rocket science, and that is actually quite tricksy. Also... if you get really stuck... ALT+F12 and cheat the orbit (which also allows cheating in other values). I'm of the opinion that KSP is meant to be fun, and if you're 99% of the way there (or some bug gets ya), ALT+F12 is basically like you're in Space Command and some smart dude has a solution to fix the problem "Yeah, we can just use some solar pressure on the panels to jig the dilithium capacitors to a negative flux, and yeah... that'll fix that."
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